shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Pree Aesma

    Pree Aesma Weeping Aesma rules Want

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  2. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    ... why does everyone think "no, don't do the thing" means "yes, do the thing"?

    It's starting to become a problem.
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  3. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    4r3n'7 7h3y 4l50 y0u, 4nd 3qu4lly 3n717l3d 70 cl1m8 70 7h3 h31gh75 y0u h4v3??
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  4. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Because hard-and-fast rules are brittle and break easily! =]]] =P

    ...more seriously, there are a lot of contrary people in here. Myself included, if only because I refuse to agree to a rule I don't know or agree with the reasoning of.
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  5. saxifragousBrocard

    saxifragousBrocard -0 Suffering.

    -0 Frankly, ma'am, it is entirely too late for that.

    -0 Speaking of ruins, I do believe I'm going to be dragged along to explore some soon.
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  6. Pree Aesma

    Pree Aesma Weeping Aesma rules Want

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  7. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    Well, the reasoning for "please do not fight your own ass in the ruins" is that the ruins are irreplaceable relics of ancient Gem history and that while locked in combat with yourself, you might damage them, causing that history to disappear forever.
    • Like x 1
  8. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Ah. Understandable! Did not intend to... does one fight one's own aft? That sounds stupid and wasteful.

    Anyway. Preservation of relics admirable goal! Replicas impossible? A copy is never as good as the original, but backups are... useful.
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  9. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    I assume it is supposed to be a metaphor.

    And whether replicas are possible depends on the specific relic. We have no time to make them, anyway, since Homeworld is trying to take over Earth again and there are still corrupted Gems to bubble.
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  10. This Was A Triumph

    This Was A Triumph huge success

    You need to think with portals.
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  11. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Ah, apologies-- was not aware of battle. No image-capture technology? Will not be perfect, but... at least something might remain, if the original is destroyed.

    I'm a linguist, not a physicist.
  12. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    Yes, we have image-capture technology. But I don't think we have time to make thorough use of it, and I don't think my fellow Crystal Gems have any interest in helping me with this anyway.
  13. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    =[ A shame.

    Good luck, then, with battle and preservation both. Would attempt to assist if only for the sake of historical preservation, but 1) not actually in charge of the TEAM and 2) unsure if Pearl+'s Earth exists in own universe.
    ...come to think of it, Pearl+'s Earth may be the focus of entertainment module(s) in home universe? So hard to tell what's fiction and what's only exaggeration with alien media...
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  14. saxifragousBrocard

    saxifragousBrocard -0 Suffering.

    -0 The obvious solution is an internal battle.

    -0 I will bring the tissues if others will bring playlists of overwrought music for maudlin adolescents.
    • Like x 3
  15. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    d035 17 571ll c0un7 1f 7h3 m4udl1n 4d0l35c3n75 4r3 0v3r 73n, 83c4u53 7h3r3'5 7h15 0n3 guy 0n my cr3w wh0 m4k35 1ncr3d18l3 pl4yl1575 0n h4737r4ck5.
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  16. shealawind

    shealawind peace, despite it all

    *vines unfurl back into the ground, although a few curl around her feet and start putting out blooms*

    Um... prrrrobably not? What's a witch?
    Thank you for saying hi, though.
  17. Mahree Amrrow

    Mahree Amrrow Senior Straterrorgist

    internal battles Are my jam
  18. saxifragousBrocard

    saxifragousBrocard -0 Suffering.

    -0 All that matters is that one be a maudlin adolescent on the inside.

    -0 Ingesting white ocular line is not, however, recommended.
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  19. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    1 5h0uld 53nd h1m 4 5n4ppy r3m1nd3r 0f 7h47 0nc3 1'm 0u7 0f h3r3.
  20. Torisen Black Lord

    Torisen Black Lord Wolf-Friend and Highlord

    Drat it all. I did not beat Burr to darning that sock of mine. He even came prepared with an apple to force on me.
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