shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. The Clown

    The Clown shittiest being on this side of the galaxy

    like fuck i'm going anywhere near her. she's 200% less annoying than my universe's catpeople and 500% more dangerous-looking

    i'd sooner fling myself into a school of space carp
    its okay, i wouldnt bet on the clown either

    *the clown attempts to slap the cat with one of his clown horns*
  2. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Ford laughs. "Neither would I," he says, grinning.
  3. The Clown

    The Clown shittiest being on this side of the galaxy

    there's no denying it, she'd kick my ass, if i had one

    ive never been able to afford a synthetic ass after the robutticist stole mine, since i keep spending all my cash on drugs and banana crates

    so i had the crew surgeon give me a flesh buttflap instead
    • Like x 2
  4. Problematic Cat

    Problematic Cat Is problematic. | 18+


    -Purrs loudly and then flops, rolling around. He seems to have enjoyed that, what a little weirdo.-
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  5. The Clown

    The Clown shittiest being on this side of the galaxy

    *the clown begins to repeatedly slap the cat with the horn, harder than it did before*
  6. Problematic Cat

    Problematic Cat Is problematic. | 18+

    -Trills and then hops up, arching his back and doing the cork-screw curly-q thing with his tail. Loud purring.-
  7. The Clown

    The Clown shittiest being on this side of the galaxy

    okay so the cat is into that i guess

    time for plan b

    *the clown reaches into its custom giggles von honkerton backpack and pulls out a spray bottle of space cleaner*
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  8. mechanicalOversight

    mechanicalOversight mO: voil8rs wil b PROSTITUTSED

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  9. The Clown

    The Clown shittiest being on this side of the galaxy

    *the clown spritzes demmel with space cleaner*

    honk :o)
  10. Seagull

    Seagull bird

    hey dudes. it's me again. your pal Seagull. actually. I don't know who most of you guys are. or if we could be considered "pals". and one of you is sort of. off-putting. yes you. with the honks

    *the seagull, in a moment of deep hypocrisy, screeches with moderate volume*

    oh shit whoops. I swear I'm working on that. anyway. any of you got a snack that you could pretend you were super upset about losing. also. has anyone seen the big blue mechanical thing. I miss him

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  11. crocellsApostate

    crocellsApostate bard of makes you hard

    maybe i VWOULD accidentally drop something prime and delicious, if you hadnt treated me like shit the LAST time i did.
  12. Focal of Horizon Island

    Focal of Horizon Island Smile for the Camera! (Counselor Decepticon) | 18+

    There are a lot of blue "mechanical things". You will have to be more specific than that. Uh. Sir.
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  13. mechanicalOversight

    mechanicalOversight mO: voil8rs wil b PROSTITUTSED

    PBBBTTTTHHH yuk D: D: D:
  14. Seagull

    Seagull bird

    man I thought we were past this. I thought that we were friends. also. my memory is not super great. because I'm a bird. so I can't remember the rude thing that I said. but in the interest of maintaining my "personal growth". I apologize
    what's a "sir". I'm a bird

    *the seagull pecks forlornly at the ground, which does not go clang*

    he was musical. and very nice. and very big. and he didn't have any snacks. he went clang. and he has a red-looking sister. who did not have any snacks. and also did not go clang. I'm not good at identifying mechanical things
    • Like x 4
  15. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    It means Stentato. They made... much noise the last time they were here together. Whether it could be called "music" depends on how strictly one defines the word.

    [She wasn't part of the screeching last time, what are you talking about?]
    • Like x 3
  16. Focal of Horizon Island

    Focal of Horizon Island Smile for the Camera! (Counselor Decepticon) | 18+

    Ah! I fear @Stentato of Devisiun is currently on shift in engineering and thus cannot be available in this space at the time being! I- ah- can take your message if you would like, Si- Mister Bird?
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  17. Seagull

    Seagull bird

    we were going to go to a "parties". and I was going to become. a "member of society". with my newfound musical career and resulting "personal growth". luckily I'm very independent. and continued my "personal growth" unassisted. but. that was my best day ever. and I miss him

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  18. Seagull

    Seagull bird

    please. call me Seagull

    *the seagull ponders what it would like to say and patters around in an anxious circle. it does not have the social skills for this kind of advanced interaction.*

    man. uh. um. tell him

    *the seagull pecks at the ground, despairing at the lack of clanging*

    please tell him. that we still need to go to a "parties". and also that. I miss him
    • Like x 4
  19. The Clown

    The Clown shittiest being on this side of the galaxy

    *the clown begins to hurriedly stumble away from demmel, running about as fast as one can while wearing giant squeaky clown shoes*

    *the clown drops a suspiciously butt-shaped sandwich on the ground*
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2016
  20. Focal of Horizon Island

    Focal of Horizon Island Smile for the Camera! (Counselor Decepticon) | 18+

    *dutifully notes it down on his datapad like a good little Assistant*
    Very well, I will, Mister Seagull, Sir!
    *he gives the bird a very bright and enthusiastic smile*
    • Like x 2
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