shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    My daughter is not hitting on you, you smug, self-satisfied creep.

    For someone committed to platonic relationships you sure don't seem to recognise platonic hatred.
  2. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider be fair, "punch your face with my face" seems to indicate some level of... ah... non-platonic interest, even if it is only a passing impulse.
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  3. aquiliferBowdlerized

    aquiliferBowdlerized OH DEMONESS WHAT THE HELL

    [] If it doesn't. then me and a lot of my kaliginous galhood hoocups were very konfused,
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  4. Kankri Vantas

    Kankri Vantas Un9fficial plat9nic mediat9r 9f justice

    They specifically replied t9 me with the 96vi9us expressi9n 9f pitch intent, despite n9t having c9nsulted me 9r 96tained my c9nsent f9r a pu6lic display 9f affecti9n. I'm sure that if @crocellsApostate had replied t9 me with a message al9ng a similar vein, and I had rejected him, y9u w9uld 6e 9n my side. As y9u sh9uld, 6ecause I have a right t9 my pers9nal quadrantic 69undaries. Th9se 69undaries are drawn very wide 6ecause I wish n9t t9 engage 9r 6e f9rci6ly engaged with r9mantic intent.

    My reply t9 @aurumIlluminatrix was n9t intended as an attack, simply a reminder that I am celi6ate and am n9t c9mf9rta6le with entertaining c9nspicuent crushes. If after 6eing p9litely inf9rmed that I am n9t l99king to 6e inv9lved with any kind 9f r9mantic affecti9n, they c9ntinue t9 reference it, then I will restate my p9siti9n m9re firmly.

    9h, 9f c9urse. I w9uld never miss an 9pp9rtunity t9 pr9vide a metaph9rical stream t9 quench 9ne wh9 thirsts f9r kn9wledge. I especially feel that this is an imp9rtant cr9ss-cultural exchange, as I w9uld 6e very interested t9 kn9w h9w y9ur native language functi9ns and h9w it ev9lves t9 supp9rt devel9ping disc9urse.
    Ign9ring y9ur ad tr9llian, I 6elieve that 'punch y9ur face with my face' is a thinly veiled 9sculati9n reference. If AI c9mes f9rward and clarifies that I misunderst99d their intent, I will ap9l9gize for the misc9ncepti9n. H9wever, as the matter rests currently, their message was quite clearly intended in a n9n-plat9nic way. Please d9 n9t attempt t9 derail 9ur discussi9n if y9u d9 n9t have anything c9nstructive t9 c9ntri6ute.
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  5. aquiliferBowdlerized

    aquiliferBowdlerized OH DEMONESS WHAT THE HELL

    [] And. uh. red konkupeskent. too. probably,
    [] And pale.
    [] Ashen?
    [] ...
    [] It's a prelude to smookhin', But cisses kan still be platonik!!!!!!
  6. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    "I feel this way" is an expression, yes, exactly. Achromat Nichrome has not yet attempted to act on that expression-- personally construed as an invitation, which may be either accepted or declined; therefore confused by what seemed to be aggressive wording, which I am willing to admit may be a processor glitch on my part. To borrow a phrase used earlier, my threat-flagging malfunctions continue to be "a thing" as well.

    Heard and agreed.

    Apologies for misparsing, then.

    Would be quite interested in sharing, actually, if Kankri has the inclination and time to listen! [Her visor brightens, and she resizes herself to Kankri's height.] Primary area of focused study is not actually my first language, but... that study is mainly focused on reconstructing the language and is as yet unfinished! In any case, would be more than glad to explain the basics of Licentan-- would Kankri prefer to begin with written glyphs, vocalizations, or grammatical structure? Or, more widely speaking, the known history of the language and how it theoretically evolved from PV and the other ancestral languages up the metaphorical chain?
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  7. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    -Mituna looks decidedly suspicious.-

    c4ll m3 4 k1llj0y, 8u7 1 d0n'7 much l1k3 7h3 50und 0f 7h47. y0u c4n'7 73ll m3 4ny 57r41gh73r??
  8. Call me Sev

    Call me Sev Yes, I am in fact wearing a cape (Knight of Space)

    If I say I'm personally offended by the hack-job your race has made of psionic interface technology and am all for getting our people together to design something better, does that help any?
    • Like x 2
  9. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    "She's younger than she looks and she has repeatedly stated that she is disinterested in such matters," Valiska says, scowling; it doesn't help that she can't imagine anyone actually wanting to see what's under that sweater.

    "No, you're not wrong to be concerned, I would be concerned. I can tell you that my intent is to prevent the shed of as much innocent blood as is possible, and that if I survive and you survive what's coming to us no matter what we do or don't do, I'll do my best to make sure you get it regardless of whether you're able to help us or not."
  10. Lillian S----

    Lillian S---- Disgraced Southern Belle | 18+

    I'm sorry, good sir, but I'm not quite sure the lady in question did, in fact, mean that. That sounds like quite an awful position for auscultation - you can't exactly listen to the movements of the brain. (That is, if you did indeed say "auscultation" - I'm afraid all of your accents are very strange to me.) And a stethoscope is much more efficient than immediate auscultation, besides.
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  11. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    45 50m30n3 w17h d0z3n5 0f r3dund4n7, pun171v3 5u8r0u71n35 1n pl4c3 wh053 0nly purp053 15 70 z4p m3 w17h my 0wn p51 50 1 c4n'7 fuck 0ff 1n70 7h3 m00nr153, y35. d0 y0u h4v3 4ny 1d34 wh47 1 c0uld d0 w17h 7h3 fl4g5h1p 1f 5h3 d1dn'7 h4v3 m3 5l0wly fry1ng my53lf cr15py?? 83c4u53 1 5ur3 d0n'7.

    1f y0u f1gur3 4 d15083d13n7 5l4v3 f0r qu4l1f13d 3n0ugh 70 h3lp w17h much 0f 4ny7h1ng, 1'll 83 7h3 l457 d384748ly-p3r50n 70 570p y0u. 0r 4r3 y0u l00k1ng f0r 4 gu1n34 p1g?? 83c4u53 fuck, 1'll d0 7h47 700.

    1- 0k4y, 1 c4n'7 m4k3 my53lf 7ru57 7h47, 8u7 7h4nk y0u f0r 7ry1ng. 17 ju57 50und5 700 g00d.
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  12. Call me Sev

    Call me Sev Yes, I am in fact wearing a cape (Knight of Space)

    I'm going to need feedback eventually - and if we're in touch with you in our in-story universe at the point I'm ready for guinea pigs, I will definitely keep that in mind. *smiles* The tech end is really not my skillset - that's Riki, and Brick - but I'm going to be helping with the medical side of the project.
  13. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    -He snorts.-

    0h, d0c, 1'm 345y- 5h3'5 g07 m3 713d 70 h3r, wh1ch-

    -Mituna's face turns thoughtful.-

    ...m4y 4c7u4lly k1ll my u53fuln355 45 4 gu1n34 p1g, d3p3nd1ng 0n wh47 y0ur pl4n5 4r3 1n r3g4rd5 70 h3r 4nd h0w h3r l1f3y 5h17 3nd5 up 5h4k1ng 0u7, 1f 1'm f0r-r34lz 713d 70 h3r l1f3f0rc3 1n5734d 0f ju57 dr4gg3d 0u7 0v3r 4 7yr14n'5 5p4n. gu355 w3'll f1nd 0u7, 1f y0u d0n'7 g37 y0ur53lv35 h0rr18ly murd3r3d!!

    -The smile on his face is a little forced. He knows he doesn't like the idea of Meenah dying -and his dislike for the notion makes him sick- but dislike for the idea of his own death? That's new. -
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  14. mechanicalOversight

    mechanicalOversight mO: voil8rs wil b PROSTITUTSED

    ahaha, wow, helmin talk!! im suer glad i picked now 2 drop buy......

    ler GASP!!!! izzat SKIPPY i c ovr there????

    -Demmel only gives @saxifragousBrocard a few seconds to prepare before launching himself psionicly at his back. He is not over-cautious about where his sleek robolegs are flailing.-
  15. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    -He levies an amused look at Ilbodo.-

    5k1ppy, huh??
  16. Call me Sev

    Call me Sev Yes, I am in fact wearing a cape (Knight of Space)


    That's something to factor in, then.
    • Like x 1
  17. saxifragousBrocard

    saxifragousBrocard -0 Suffering.

    -0 No...!

    -Ilbodo is not prepared, for either the impact of a surprisingly heavy oliveblood or the metal knee slamming into his gills. He takes a knee, wheezing things like, "every godsdamned time," and "for Lords' sakes why do you do this to me," and "you shrimpy psionic devil I hate you."-

    -He glares at him with watery eyes.-
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  18. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    317h3r w4y, 7h3 74k34w4y h3r3 15 7h47 y0u w0n'7 h4v3 70 w0rry 480u7 m3 k1ck1ng 17.

    -He gives Sev not one but two thumbs ups to show how extra super chill he is with this development, though the smile now looks more like a grimace. No one else will take it seriously if he doesn't, right? Right??-

    -Mituna starts snickering. Nothing like a pissy teenager to shake someone out of their momentary funk. -
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  19. mechanicalOversight

    mechanicalOversight mO: voil8rs wil b PROSTITUTSED

    -Demmel tumbles to the ground on his ass and immediately pops back up to flutter his hands at Ilbodo.-

    SORRY!! sorry skippy sorry sorry oh em gee.... oh em geeeeeeee..........

    -Despite wearing the expression of a scolded puppy, Demmel is a sympathetic giggler.-
  20. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    533, 5k1ppy?? 7h3y 7h1nk 17'5 funny!!

    -After a few more moments of snickering he quiets down.-

    @saxifragousBrocard h0w'd y0u g37 54ddl3d w17h 4 n1ckn4m3 l1k3 7h47??
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