shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Alexander Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton jUST YOU WAIT

    ...Thank you. *sips quietly*
  2. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

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  3. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

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  4. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    "A bit tetchy this evening, Mama Ana?"

    She doesn't get up from the couch, which is one of those that's easy to crash into but almost impossible to get up out of. And everything aches.
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  5. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    You could say that, habibati. It is always frustrating when a foe slips by your sights. What good is my eye if the omnic hordes can invade even here! Not even a word from our lovely Swede on the matter either.

    -hands Angela a cup of tea-

    Would you like some tea?
  6. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    "You know me. Your tea keeps me alive." She takes it and sips at it with a smile.

    "These aren't Omnics, though, Mama Ana. They're something else from far away."
  7. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    Now you see that is just what they would like you to believe. Soon though. Soon their rampage will begin. What is a poor one-eyed woman to do...

    -carefully sets down tray and falls to knees DRAMATICALLY-
  8. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    "I don't think all robots are evil," she says, sipping tea again and ignoring the dramatic gesture. "The Omnic Corporation was."
  9. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    Urgh. Have they gotten to you too, Angela? A spy in our midst brainwashing our poor sweet doctor, only seventeen...Just like the song.

    -grabs a cup and sips at it as she sits down, half-lotus style-
  10. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    "I'm not seventeen anymore," Angela says, crossing her ankles and stretching back. "And nobody ever gets to me. Except you and Fareeha.." She grins.
  11. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    -grins back at angela, and obviously struggling not to giggle about this-

    My little Fareeha? At her age? Well now.
  12. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    "She has an unfair advantage that she relentlessly exploits," Angela replies.
  13. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    Oh? Whatever could that be? Has my doctor abandoned me for my daughter's missing teeth!

    First omnics and now this. Such tragedy...
  14. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    "It turns out," she says, "that she knows I love her. Imagine that."
  15. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    Clearly I must up our self-deprecatory humor and behavior lessons then. That simply won't do.

    Except that it will. I feel you might be better at wrangling her than I was. Or at the least you are there in the thick of things with her?
  16. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    "There are things a girl won't listen to her mother about," she agrees. "I wonder … how that would have gone for me? I'm not sure Mutti would agree with the life I've led. War. Violence. Irresponsible decisions with attractive people.

    "She would have loved Fareeha, though. How could one not?"
  17. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    A woman of my delicate sensibilities can only wonder what kind of irresponsible decisions those were.

    Though to be serious for one moment, I can't say anymore than you can. I never met the woman, myself. Were she anything like my mother it'd certainly be a deal of disapproval. Oh, you should have settled down at home Ana or been something safe like a doctor if you really had to save the world. Which is difficult to think of, yes. It is important that you work towards what matters to you though.

    And of course she would have loved Fareeha. She is my daughter, after all!
    • Like x 1
  18. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    Angela snorts. "Delicate sensibilities. Interesting way of putting it. I'm sure your depredations exceed mine! If only that you have had longer. You were no shrinking violet when I met you, if you recall.

    "Without the Omnic Crisis, though … I might have turned into a sensible Doctor. What a thought!"
  19. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    Me? How can you accuse me of such things. My poor mother is turning in the grave to hear it.

    Anyway. I probably would still be in the line of work that I am. To think we might have never met. You a doctor in some typical hospital. I on whatever front the army sent me.
  20. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    "Your mother doubtless knew, mothers tend to. Running around with soldiers like a hussy.

    "But I'm glad we met, even if you're a wicked conniver. Wouldn't have you any other way."
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