shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    How dare you. You monster.
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  2. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    *there will be no reprieve from this pouting until the foot is removed from cronus' face*
  3. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *laughing* Well, I saw you with the devil, so hah!
  4. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Well, nothing wrong with platonic. It's just weird that you like me so much without wanting anything in return.
  5. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    Who is this handsome devil I was with? Was it Flux? How dare you air my secret affairs with 'the devil'. Perhaps I saw you with 'the devil', times infinity, I win. Infinity plus one, even.
    In return, you like me. So it's a fair trade, I think.
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  6. caesarsAbattoir

    caesarsAbattoir its tough to be a god

    whyd you stop. keep going, this is HILARIOUS.
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  7. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *bursts out laughing* ... that's not impossible.

    Well. I also saw you kissing Santa Claus!
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  8. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    It doesn't work like that.

    -She frowns.-
  9. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    I have no idea who Santa Claus is either. I am choosing to be more offended than I ever have been in my life.

    [Still talking like he's bored or discussing the weather, though now he's smirking.]
    It does though. I promise.

    [He hugs her tighter.]
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  10. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    No, but, people who are hanging out with me are doing me a favor, so I have to do favors in return.
  11. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    Your existence is a gift which I savor every waking moment. So you are doing me favors in that way.
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  12. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    I said stop pouting at me you little-...person...of short stature...

    I'll fucking-, I can't do that to Juice...

    I'll break-, I can't do that to them either

    I'll knock-..................


    I'll knock it off..............

    [As he says this, he removes his foot from Cronus' face, lazily signalling "I surrender" with his hands. To conceal the fact that he is now blushing, he quickly lights another cigarette, spins around, and stalks off to elsewhere in the rave]
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  13. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    He gives you gifts if you've been good. And coal if you've been naughty.

    And he is supposed to be faithful to Mrs. Claus but he sucks at that.
  14. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    -She does not look convinced.-
  15. crocellsApostate

    crocellsApostate bard of makes you hard

    (evwerything hurts and i still havwe a boner.)
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  16. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    ...Is this a fetish?
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  17. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    [still reluctant to even be touching him, juice helps him stand up, barely even looking at him]

    @Jamethiel Knorth ...when you're, um...done...that would be the guy i was talking about
  18. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Nope. A holiday icon.
  19. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    You celebrate fetishists? What an interesting culture you have.
    • Like x 2
  20. The Clown

    The Clown shittiest being on this side of the galaxy

    it can be
    • Like x 1
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