shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    "I think I kinna do." -noofs- "Yer not useless, dumbaft."
    • Like x 1
  2. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    -sighs and makes the rounds with a trolley of steaming liquids-
    "Der schtoff in cubes iz tee fer klenks, der odder schtoff iz chust tee."
  3. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    Oh? What kind of tea?
  4. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    I kinda am, though. Not the most useless but a little useless.
    -wraps sawbones in a gentle hug-
  5. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    Black, der only proper kind, ov cawze.
  6. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    Ooh, may I try some? What sort do you recommend?
  7. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    -puts a paw over face obnoxiously- "Not useless at all. Nurse says so an nurse is always right."
  8. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    -laughs, hands him some.- "Hy iz hardly an hexpert, hy chust drinks der kind vot iz black und hot hyu know."
  9. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Ford smiles sympathetically. "More times than I care to think about."
    • Like x 4
  10. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    -tired grin- Okay. If the nurse says so it must be right.
  11. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    Ah, a strong tea. Great, I'd love some.
    • Like x 1
  12. Crotulasprite

    Crotulasprite l3t m3 out, l3t m3 out. th1s 1s not 4 d4nc3!

    3vw3ry mom3nt of my 3x1st3nc3.
    • Like x 2
  13. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    I'm gonna punch you as soon as you can get properly mad about it!!!!!
    • Like x 5
  14. centaursTesticle

    centaursTesticle The STRONGEST b100b100d

    D --> You say the tea is STRONG
    D --> @Cosmina Kastellan I too, would like some tea in this case
    • Like x 2
  15. Aaron

    Aaron Hey there ; )

    I'll have what he's having ; )
  16. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    -flops on top of her- "She sez so."
    • Like x 1
  17. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    Fair enough!

    [He takes the tea, wings fluttering a little, and takes a sip. It is... much more bitter than the other tea he tried! But that's okay! It's not bad tea, but... he'll probably try something else next time.]

    Thank you! c:
  18. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    -hands out tea-
    Here ya go. Milk, sugar?
  19. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    Hy gotz milk an sugar if hyu like dot?
  20. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    I... don't know? I've only had one other cup of tea before, and I'm not sure what the lovely lady put in it besides mint! Do you think it would help?
    • Like x 1
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