shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Gabberwock

    Gabberwock talkative dragon lusus of good dental hygiene

    [The Gabberwock frumiously cantervatives]
  2. 60% dog hair by volume

    60% dog hair by volume Four greyish, and one huge white huskie [18+]

    (Huskiemom walks over and woofs at the dragon lusus. Hello!)
  3. Teal Grub

    Teal Grub not actually a grub anymore

    *If the grub hears this exclamation, it makes no acknowledgement as it finds out that a big head and tiny insectoid legs are not particularly compatible with freedom scuttles.*
    • Like x 2
  4. Gabberwock

    Gabberwock talkative dragon lusus of good dental hygiene

    [The Gabberwock proffesserts its rendress conversal to the caniferous kinnow regardian]
  5. Gabberwock

    Gabberwock talkative dragon lusus of good dental hygiene

    *Matronodious scordinification*
  6. Gabberwock

    Gabberwock talkative dragon lusus of good dental hygiene

    @Teal Grub (telepathically:)
    "Twas Cullig, and the swonky swoals
    Did pelve and drumble in the cade.​
    Most quimsy were the faebulls
    And the mest rachs outshrade
    Abide the Gabberwock, my grub
    The Jaws that chite, claws that c'ress​
    Abide the Hiisshiis troll, and glub
    The aquaeflishent Condesce."
    • Like x 3
  7. Teal Grub

    Teal Grub not actually a grub anymore

    *The grub stops, flipping onto its back as it attempts to process.

    Grub.exe has stopped responding.*
    • Like x 5
  8. Gabberwock

    Gabberwock talkative dragon lusus of good dental hygiene

    *gentle snoker snuzzles*
  9. centaursTesticle

    centaursTesticle The STRONGEST b100b100d

    D --> Why is the lusus speaking in incomprehensible slam poetry
  10. Teal Grub

    Teal Grub not actually a grub anymore


    *The grub is fine with this, its natural instincts guiding it towards symbiosis. It butts its head against that of the lusus.*
    • Like x 3
  11. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    -Iridium takes notes.-
    • Like x 3
  12. 60% dog hair by volume

    60% dog hair by volume Four greyish, and one huge white huskie [18+]

    [The miracle of adoption! Huskiemoms knows all too well. It's been a few sweeps since her own little girl Oneira, and then her other girls Abwind, Mangan, Granit, and Südost.]
    [The Huskie choir yips and woofs and howls in celebration.]
    • Like x 3
  13. crocellsApostate

    crocellsApostate bard of makes you hard

    oh, shut up, vwill you?
  14. Torisen Black Lord

    Torisen Black Lord Wolf-Friend and Highlord

    -howls along with the huskies happily-
    • Like x 2
  15. Gabberwock

    Gabberwock talkative dragon lusus of good dental hygiene

    [Percensing hostilification, The Gabberwock cremakes incinderflating wreaktions

    The adolvescent troll may deisin to abdefecate or be troasted]
    • Like x 3
  16. Torisen Black Lord

    Torisen Black Lord Wolf-Friend and Highlord

    -howling intensifies
    • Like x 1
  17. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -the mi pack explodes in all driections. Several mis are running up peoples legs. tiny tiny claws-
  18. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

  19. 60% dog hair by volume

    60% dog hair by volume Four greyish, and one huge white huskie [18+]

    [Fuzzy big person almost howls like the huskies! Their ears perk up, and they cluster around Torisen, woofing excitedly.]
  20. Torisen Black Lord

    Torisen Black Lord Wolf-Friend and Highlord

    -he laughs cheerfully and pets the huskies well. good dogs. best friends.-
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