shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    A custodian is someone who watches over and protects their charge while said charge learns how the world works, and yes, Averagius probably should have one.
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  2. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    I thought that was Primus.
    • Like x 2
  3. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Mm... is one's progenitor generally their caretaker as well? Primus might have created them, that doesn't mean he's decided to be responsible for them.
  4. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    Hey! I thought we were over this! I promised to be responsible! ( ≧Д≦)
    • Like x 2
  5. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Ah. My mistake, then.
  6. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    I've been told a lot about how I ought to be responsible for what I create!
    ...'Sides, the little'un'd be sad if I didn't, right?
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  7. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Probably, if they've already bonded with you.
  8. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    ...I guess they have?
    -looks at @Averagius Of The Rave somewhat doubtfully-
  9. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    • Like x 1
  10. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    ...How'd you know?
  11. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    The kid isn't really into lying, in case you haven't noticed.
  12. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    Yeah, but, it's not like they ever said...
  13. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    They said they wanna make you proud and stick with you, right? And they love you?
  14. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    I guess!
  15. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    And you believe them, right?
  16. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    Well, yeah? Obviously!
  17. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    There you go!

    They're a good kid.
  18. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -pats her annoyingly on the head- Thanks! (*^▽^*)
    • Like x 1
  19. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Hey, okay, baseline rule, ask for permission before touching!

    -She swats at his arm.-
  20. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    I always forget that one
    m(_ _;;m
    • Like x 2
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