shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Rude. [She closes her vents and takes her pile of books under a desk. And then drags another desk over as a barricade, because why not.]
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  2. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -Loud, offended hissing-
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  3. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "I don't believe you are a fully accredited university," Ford says firmly. "Produce your documentation. I am the head of the department of Interdimensional Physics at Panarcanium Polytechnic University, La Cyr, on Pennarion, and I will be able to tell if you're faking. No respectable university library would ever refuse access to a visiting scholar."
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  4. Slick

    Slick edge edge and edgy.

    *Unamused Slick is unamused.*
  5. Itch


    *She grinds her elbow in for good measure.*


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  7. Slick

    Slick edge edge and edgy.

    *Oh, that just fucked up your hair, AND your day.*

    yknowv, youre a real piece of vwork, lady.
  8. Itch


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  9. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    *sleepy yawn* which state is @COLLEG in..?

    remind me to never transfer there...
    [juice stretches their arms. even with their arms fully extended, the hoodie is still oversized, and the sleeves droop a little at the ends.]
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  10. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "As long as you're happy," says Ford. "Valiska's pregnant, we both fell in love with Sev, and we rescued some thylacines. I'd be really happy with life, the universe and everything if it weren't for the fact that people keep trying to take over our planet. And hey, I don't know what SPN is, but I'm probably older than it is."
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  11. Dorian Pavus

    Dorian Pavus Sparkler | 18+

    And I will have you know--
    Well, it seems I fell into this place again through a bad dream. Hm, interesting. Still, I wonder if this is a place in the fade?
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  12. COLLEG


  13. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur're not the college i go to though?..
    [they shift about uneasily in orlandeau's lap]
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  14. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    [The library seems to have given up on trying to ruin her books. Score.

    ...on the other hand, that means actually vocalizing. Words on her visor won't be visible to anyone outside the desk-bunker!]

    "A dream between dreams, a world between worlds, a liminal space of questionable reality-- does this match knowledge of 'the Fade'?"
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  15. COLLEG


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  16. Dorian Pavus

    Dorian Pavus Sparkler | 18+

    I have heard it described as such? This is far prettier than the Fade normally is, but it is a space of dreams and pure lyrium. It is split from reality via the veil and is where demons and spirits call home.
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  17. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    "'Demon' vague, cannot confirm without further definition. Have seen at least one spirit, though."

    [Someone else would answer eventually, right? Letting him in on public knowledge isn't something she needs payment for.]
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  18. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    ... well, Bill does hang out here and Ford does claim that that asshole created this place.
  19. Dorian Pavus

    Dorian Pavus Sparkler | 18+

    Demons, yes. Embodiments of things like Pride, Envy, Desire, ect. I've seen a few things that I might label as demons here, but they seem generally harmless comparably.

    Well, no one created the Fade not in a technical sense. I suppose one could create a bubble in the Fade, hm... Or it could be another side pocket, though the rules are very similar. Besides the not-dying thing, you can die in the Fade.
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  20. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    "'Demon' still unclarified by newcomer. 'Demon' as classified by Stanford and 'demon' as classified by new may be different, false cognates exist and auto-translate here imperfect. Personally would call yellow triangle a spirit, perhaps Shadeforged even, but not a demon."

    [She shrugs, even though it's barely visible in her fort. Automatic signalling is a hard habit to break!]
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