shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "That...sounds like a difficult situation. And, I never thought about it before, but I guess H.P. Lovecraft was kind of racist." Ford frowns. "Although I'm fairly sure he was suffering the effects of having had a glimpses of a few dimensions human beings should have nothing to do with, as well. I've seen some things I'm fairly sure he saw, too. I don't care to repeat the experience."
  2. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Continuously or cumulatively? I've certainly spent more than three months cumulatively within five feet of a close friend.
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  3. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    Not a mouse mi, a mi! -purrs louder when pet. while it is soft and warm as many living things are, a magic used can feel that it is not as firmly anchored in reality as most things.-
  4. That's an important distinction to make too. Brehons would need to know it to judge.
  5. Huh. A mi it is then. You're a curious little thing. Feeling a bit like seal that's not truly just a seal. That sort of distinct offness.

    -picks up the mi-
  6. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "I was just thinking that would make relationships kind of hard," Ford says. "I've been with Valiska for twenty-five years. Even when we used to travel a lot, I'd still say that I spent at least two months per year within five feet of her just sleeping."
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  7. Sala Walker

    Sala Walker NR, NS, Does not have tentacles

    people work just fine when they get connected to my place

    just not the same way

    if you stuck the sage of fire in an mri shed look catatonic but that doesnt slow her down much so murder seems like a stretch

    btw that one wasnt my fault

    i actually wasnt talking eldritch racist i was talking ordinary vanilla racist

    but some of that too

    most of the time hes not even afraid of what the critters might do hes just horrified that his idea of what the world is might not be the center of the universe

    its hilarious

    some of both

    if you want to call it damage the damage heals over time

    thats part of why i move around a lot
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  8. That's not the question I asked. The legality of it and the rules involved are my concern. Poets and their leanan sidhe I simply provided as a clear example of fae and human relations. Are you an honorable whatever you are, or no?
  9. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Cloudcrusher and I met in the middle of a war, and we were apart more often than not because of that. Still, we managed three months of contact probably within the first decade.

    Interesting! So whatever it is about you that causes souls to be affected is... Hmm, bioaccumulative, for lack of a better term? And it can be flushed out if more is not acquired? Is it something that can gather in places you spend a lot of time?

    I'm sorry for all the questions, it's just strange to me to think of a soul as something that can't be touched or seen, or affected by medicine, for that matter.
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  10. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "So was I," says Ford. "It's just been over thirty years since I read Lovecraft last. I didn't get to take my library with me when I found myself on the other side of that portal, and even if I had, I didn't have much time to sit and read. It just occurred to me that you're right."
  11. Sala Walker

    Sala Walker NR, NS, Does not have tentacles

    luckily that is not a problem i have

    i trail psychic antimatter everywhere

    cant turn it off except by not existing

    i move around a lot so i dont hit anybody hard enough to have permanent effects

    if somebody was gonna maybe get stuck in a room with me for a long time id warn em and find a new plan if they werent pleased about it but it hasnt come up

    i think thats a reasonable way to keep being me

    there arent a lot of places i spend a lot of time

    but the same thing happens with dragons in a dimension parallel to mine

    when they set up shop somewhere everybody in a growing radius around them gets hit

    theres most of a continent covered in a permanent overlapping aura

    thats where most of naris people are
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  12. Mara

    Mara The Evil One

    • Like x 1
  13. Read?

    -what the fuck is reading. ???? ???? is the most perplexed of james-

    There we are. Those aren't quite rules as I was thinking of them. Not as drawn out and exact, and there's no poet reciting the thing. I also have no idea what this "antimatter" you speak of is. Still, it does sound like you have an awareness of the situation and provide one. Good enough for me, I'd say.

    I'm starting to feel like I jumped into something stupidly without thinking about it again...
  14. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "If that's intended to be me, don't even think about it. I will sutra you right back into whatever qliphotic abyss you slimed out of," Ford says firmly.
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  15. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    "There is absolutely nothing wrong with your ass," Valiska says. "And I'm sure that if Sev were here he'd agree with me."
  16. ???

    -this talk of asses is flying over jame's head. as much as reading. whatever that is-
  17. Sala Walker

    Sala Walker NR, NS, Does not have tentacles

    if you do can you wait until i get popcorn
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  18. Itch


    leavwe my GIRLFRIEND alone.
  19. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    Valiska produces a large cauldron full of hot buttered popcorn, amused that the Rave is the only place she can create edible food.

    "And I repeat: the giant green tentacled penis is not your girlfriend." Valiska makes a face. "Where did Sev go, anyway? The couches are still here."
  20. The Clown

    The Clown shittiest being on this side of the galaxy

    did someone mention butts
    [the clown has set up a stand, selling a variety of different severed asses. he is wearing a pale grey butt on his head as a hat
    • Like x 1
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