shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. The Queen Bee

    The Queen Bee Call me Queenie | 18+

    Queenie! The Queen Bee! The scourge of New Haven whilest also being the most beauuutiful man in the world! I may have four legs and a wasp-- bee abdomen but I am gorgeous and deadly and even my sting can show you the light!

    But I'm not bad, I was just made that way.
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  2. -She peers curiously at his abdomen.-

    What's your circulatory system like~?
  3. The Queen Bee

    The Queen Bee Call me Queenie | 18+

    Oh I'm not smart enough for that, too pretty! I do know I have a heart right here *Points to his chest* And a heart down there *points to the abdomen*

    My blood is a bit lighter than normal person blood, I've noticed!
  4. But it's definitely blood, not hemolymph~?
    Marcus can sense it~?
  5. The Queen Bee

    The Queen Bee Call me Queenie | 18+

    Ooh I don't know? I would guess!
    I think Marcus can sense it? Maybe? I know he's immune to my sting and once ruined my favorite top due to that.
  6. What does your sting do~? I suppose you're too big to efficiently use an open circulatory system, you'd asphyxiate~. Momma is too big for that, too~. What do you know about your biology~? I am given to understand humans are not typically insectoid~?
  7. The Queen Bee

    The Queen Bee Call me Queenie | 18+

    I know I'm a metahuman! So, not exactly human? Hmm, my sting? Well in a way it-- How to put it? If I sting someone I can control them, sort of? It's like they become part of my hive, until the poison gets flushed from their system. Normal people take a while, bigger people take more stings, and Marcus just does gross things when I sting him.
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  8. How do you control them~? Is it pheremonal~? Does it only work on humans and metahuman~? Am I bothering you~? Oh~! I'm Acheta, nice to meet you~.
  9. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    Yeah, I can sense Queenie when he's cut. It's just a pain to try and bother with him, because his internals are all kinds of fucked up between his hornet bits and his human bits, and it gives me a headache trying to figure him out without hurting him.
    That's what you get for stinging people. Ass.
  10. It sounds like you need someone who knows hornets really well~.
    To try to pool knowledge and figure out what applies to Queenie in specific, in case he needs medical care~.
  11. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    Probably. I mean, I'm not... really good at doctoring humans either. I mostly just guess and run. My ex used to try and teach me but it uh, didn't stick very well. I'm pretty bad at biology.
  12. I'd offer to help, but I haven't gotten to xenobiology yet~.
  13. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    Valiska reappears, and promptly looks absolutely horrified. "Why wouldn't adults take care of children? I know that trolls have lusii, but that is a very unusual arrangement. The young of my species cannot survive without parental love and care, which is far more typical."
  14. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    4ww, c'm0n. 3v3n 4 d0c73rr0r157 h45 70 4ppr3c1473 4 g00d, 1n4ppr0pr1473ly 71m3d l1gh75h0w 3v3ry n0w 4nd 4g41n.

    -A tendril of psi separates itself from the elaborate pattern Mituna's making above his head and boops Julian very gently on the nose, staticky-feeling but not unpleasantly so.-

    73ll m3 480u7 7h15 f3d3r4710n 0f y0ur5. wh47 d035 17 574nd f0r, 70 h47ch 4nd r4153 y0u 70 83 50, w3ll-

    h47ch 4nd r4153 y0u 70 83 y0u??
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  15. Medic

    Medic A doctor without a medical license

    Oh, so do you practice medicine in war? Isn't that what a medical officer is?
  16. Julian Bashir

    Julian Bashir In my expert medical opinion, it's sick.

    -He looks faintly disconcerted.-

    Starfleet is not a military organization, but yes, I would be responsible for the treatment of casualties during times of war. All being a medical officer means is that I am part of an organization's hierarchy. A lieutenant, as point of fact.

    -He tugs on the collar of his blue uniform to show the pips on the collar.-

    Terrorist, what...!

    -Augh what the hell. He rubs at his nose and blinks rapidly. He's totally not blushing in the slightest because it is Serious Starfleetman Time. This is first contact with another species and he shouldn't bollocks this up any more than he has already. He adjusts his posture to something less relaxed and more dignified.-

    The United Federation of Planets is an interstellar republic of worlds functioning under an elected government devoted to th peaceful sharing our knowledge and resources for purposes of scientific advancement, space exploration, and defense.

    As an officer of Starfleet, I have vowed to defend the Federation, to uphold it's ideals, and, as I am now, to extend a diplomatic hand to members of henceforth unencountered forms of sentient life. As members of the Federation, we are devoted to principles of universal liberty, rights, and equality.

    -That there's more to say is pretty obvious; he has very little in the way of poker face. Perhaps he could say something about... humanitarian missions and basic rights, but (disgruntled) he holds his tongue. Hey, though, he is damn proud of his career.-
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  17. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    That sounds very nearly perfect compared to the Galactic Council. What's the catch?
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  18. Julian Bashir

    Julian Bashir In my expert medical opinion, it's sick.

    Ah, catch? I'm not sure what you're...

    -He looks genuinely confused and more than a little alarmed.-
  19. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    He means, "what makes it not perfect." 'Cause, well... uh... perfection is hard to find, you know. Really rare.
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  20. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    Well, the Galactic Council has a strong organic bias and rather hate Cybertronians, not that I can blame them. Which leads to having to deal with them through the Black Block Consortia, which is something like the human 'mafia'. But with more firepower.

    Also they might be condoning the mass genocide of non-Council races, which is a bit of a kicker. So I was assuming there is some seedy underbelly to your Federation as well.
    Yes, exactly.
    • Like x 1
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