shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    kid, im vwell ovwer 300 svweeps old. do you think i care if vwhat i do is mature or not?
  2. Julian Bashir

    Julian Bashir In my expert medical opinion, it's sick.

    [Dammit. Dammit Mituna.]

    Creatures that live in anomalies, I can't say that's unheard of, nor are extra dimensional entities worshipped a gods. Screaming your species into extinction, now, is that literal screaming?

    [Mental note: look up Demoness and Mirthful Messiahs.]

    [Aristocracy that feigns innocence of atrocity, that's disgusting. Aristocracy that personally takes part in atrocity, that's disturbing. He proceeds to do an adequate job of keeping his expression level.]
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  3. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Honestly, I'd take the Demoness over whatever the fuck the Mirthfuls are any night.
    (Oneira quickly forms an Aries symbol with her hands. Dreamscape or not, she'd rather not get in the habit of forgetting to ward herself)
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  4. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    Only Clown Trash Swears By Clown Trash Religion Shit. The One Box I Think Can Just. Stay Caste Exclusive. Thanks A Bunch.
    Though I Guess Clowns Make Themselves Identifiable Well Enough Generally So Its Not Like You Need The "Hulking Mass Of Indigo Psychosis" As An Aid. The Paints Make Them Easy Enough To Avoid.
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  5. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    7h47 15 l173r4l 5cr34m1ng, 7h4nk y0u f0r 45k1ng!! 7h3 h1gh3r up 7h3 r41n80w l4dd3r y0u 4r3, 7h3 l0ud3r 5h3'5 g0774 83 70 k1ll y0u. 4nd wh1l3 7h3r3 h4v3 833n h0rr0r73rr0r cul75 7h3r3'5 n07h1ng 0f pr0m1n3nc3 47 pr353n7.

    dunn0, 1'v3 h34rd 07h3r c0ld135 5w34r 8y 7h3m 83f0r3. c0uld 83 d471ng my53lf 8y 54y1ng 7h47, 7h0ugh.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
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  6. Julian Bashir

    Julian Bashir In my expert medical opinion, it's sick.

    Could any one of the species do this?

    They're found where reality goes "odd and twisted," could you be any more specific?
  7. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    7h3y'r3 n07 fr0m my d1m3n510n. 7h3y c4n 3x3r7 1nflu3nc3 wh3r3v3r 7h1ng5 837w33n my v3r53 4nd wh3r3v3r 7h3y 4r3 fr4y. my c4p'5 lu5u5 15 4n 3xp47 4nd, 1'm 70 und3r574nd, f41rly run7y. m057 0f 7h3m 5h0uld 83 48l3 70 d0 w0r53 7h4n 0ur d34r gl088y8l08.
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  8. Julian Bashir

    Julian Bashir In my expert medical opinion, it's sick.


    But you don't know which dimension that would be.
  9. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch


    1 d0n'7, n0. why d0 y0u 45k?? 83c4u53 y0ur p073n714l d351r3 70 p0k3 7h3 ch0l3r834r d035 n07 pr3clud3 my 5p3c135' r1gh7 70 n07 d13 h0rr18ly, 50rry.

    -Even as he says this he's uncomfortably aware of all the species that Alternians have decided aren't worthy of the right to not die horribly. Yikes.-
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  10. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    thats not a right, its a privwilege of being the strongest.
  11. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    ..."prove it" is not a diplomatic thing to say, but I find myself tempted.
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  12. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    if you kill evwerything dead, nothing can kill you dead.
  13. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    That's some bullshit.
  14. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    17'5 4 r1gh7 7h47 5h0uld 83 4ff0rd3d 70 4ll 53n713n7 5p3c135. 8u7 w3 c4n c4ll 7h47 my 1d34l15m 5h1n1ng 7hr0ugh.
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  15. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    You sound like Optimus Prime!
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    • Agree x 1
  16. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    and i bet you vwish you could bake a cake filled vwith rainbowvs and smiles and evweryone vwould eat and be happy too, right?
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  17. Genie

    Genie A talkative revolver

    I find it...quite comical, that you would purport your species to be "the strongest" while residing in the same liminal space as massive intelligent automata whose existence spans literal ages of time. There exist machines who are older than even your dear Empress.

    She is but a joke to them, comparatively. :^)
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  18. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    the robots dont count because theyre from a completely different univwerse. if trolls existed in that univwerse, the robots vwould all be dead.
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  19. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    That's more like what it should be.
    You're a dick.
  20. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    Longterm evidence tends to point towards the contrary, though pitting two massive warfaring races against each other seems like a poor idea.
    • Like x 4
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