shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Itch


    yeah right! i knowv an obvwious trick vwhen i see one.
  2. Anhelia Aescar

    Anhelia Aescar Life after death is harder than it looks

    "Nobody?" Anhelia calls again.
  3. Dear uncle Greshan

    Dear uncle Greshan A very sexy coat

    Has the coat moved a tad? Maybe an inch or two towards the one insulting it so.

    Wear me. Love me. KNOW ME.

    Just a coat.
  4. Anhelia Aescar

    Anhelia Aescar Life after death is harder than it looks

    "Do things have to be intelligent life to show up here by themselves?" Anhelia asks around.
    • Like x 1
  5. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur


    if anything's a trick, it's probably that weird coat
    • Like x 1
  6. Dear uncle Greshan

    Dear uncle Greshan A very sexy coat

    A sleeve is resting on Anhelia's foot now. Beckoning. I mean, yeah, I guess you're just some woman. Not even a cool one like a certain witch but...


    I am a nice coat.
  7. Dear uncle Greshan

    Dear uncle Greshan A very sexy coat

    You get the sense that someone unseen is leering at you, Juice.
    • Like x 1
  8. Itch


    YOURE a vweird coat.
  9. Wadanohara

    Wadanohara The (129cm) Sea Witch

    I hope that I'm a cool witch!

    You seem like a nice coat, do you want to be friends?
  10. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    [they instinctively cross their arms, holding their shoulders]
  11. Dear uncle Greshan

    Dear uncle Greshan A very sexy coat

    Oh, darling. Not even close. No one here is like her. Saddening but you make due with what you have.

    "What else could I be here for, save to make new friends," says an unseen voice. There is a particular edge to how the voice says "friends". Something off about it. Almost predatory.

    The unseen leering figure grins at you, amused.
  12. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    ...i'll be friends with you...why don't we talk about that...somewhere that is not near this coat

    but before i go...don't you think it could use a good washing...'landeau?
    • Like x 2
  13. Dear uncle Greshan

    Dear uncle Greshan A very sexy coat

    Someone has laughed. Little puppy unnerved there?
  14. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    ...@Dear uncle Greshan *SPLOOSH?*
  15. Dear uncle Greshan

    Dear uncle Greshan A very sexy coat

    "Well now, that's just not polite of you boy. It'll take ages to dry!"
  16. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    It's not polite to stare at people. You'll find that some shrinkage may occur.
  17. Dear uncle Greshan

    Dear uncle Greshan A very sexy coat

    "Pardon me, for that bit of rudeness. It's a bit hard not to appreciate the cute things you come across," says the voice again, coming from yet not coming from the coat. It is also coming from yet not coming from the wispy shade of a man. "Apologies there. No need to fret, you," the shade of a man says at Juice.
  18. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    @Dear uncle Greshan cute is less of a compliment...when you say it in a tone like that...'n what do you mean by calling me "puppy"..?
    [juice coughs in discomfort. the cough is sharp, abrupt, and high, compared to their usual quiet, soft, and relatively lower speaking voice. their throat is still sore from earlier, contributing to the cough.]
  19. Dear uncle Greshan

    Dear uncle Greshan A very sexy coat

    Oh, it's nothing. Just a little petname for you, is all.
  20. Scratch

    Scratch Active Member

    (i vwant a petname.)
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