shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Lopez

    Lopez Spanish speaking robot|18+

    Deseo que estaba muerto. Pero en cambio, tengo que vivir en esta cáscara robótica de un cuerpo.
  2. Caboose

    Caboose Everybody's friend

    I bet he wanted us dying laughing.
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  3. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    What the fuck, Caboose.
  4. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *smiles softly* Alright. Friendship.
  5. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    -claws are hooked onto plating, and Sawbones bites at an edge for good measure. She will not be removed! her leg now. Her tail is flailing wildly and only barely misses Apostasia.-
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  6. Lopez

    Lopez Spanish speaking robot|18+

    Caboose nunca aprenderán
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  7. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [Onyx laughs, shifting to better balance on three legs; she continues rolling Sawbones around, careful not to put too much weight on possibly-delicate cat ribs.]
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  8. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    That's hardly a nice thing to say about your friend.
  9. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (Apostasia shifts backwards out of habit, but the thing with her root mode is -- a lot of weight in the back. In spirit of shenaniganry, the momentum proves to be too much, and she topples backwards along with the barstool.)
    Oh, it's on now.
    (She playsnarls, folds into platypus mode, and proceeds to prod Sawbones with her duck bill)
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  10. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    -Besieged from two sides, Sawbones starts wriggling around and up the hoof to a better vantage point, lashing the unsharpened outside curve of her tail at Apostasia to try and gain some space-
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  11. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    Caboose thinks everyone's his friend. That doesn't mean they actually are, though.
  12. Kenny McCormick

    Kenny McCormick Mmfppfpppfmmfmpmmmpppfmppmfffm mpmffmmffpppmfm

    Ffmmppmmmmfp? Fppmpppmfpmf mfmppfppfmpm mpfppfpff ffmppffmf, mmpfmfmpmmpmffm.
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  13. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [Onyx is surrounded by playfighting children and life is beautiful. She tilts her claimed leg to give Sawbones a better chance of climbing up, still laughing.]
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  14. The Pyro

    The Pyro Dancing in Wonderland (actually killing everyone)

    mmphh mpphmmmph mph
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  15. Caboose

    Caboose Everybody's friend

    Aww, you don't mean that, Church. We've been friends ever since Blood Valley.
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  16. Lopez

    Lopez Spanish speaking robot|18+

    Tratar de vivir con él durante 14 años. ¿Espera... me entiendes?
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  17. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    Blood Gulch.
    • Like x 1
  18. Kenny McCormick

    Kenny McCormick Mmfppfpppfmmfmpmmmpppfmppmfffm mpmffmmffpppmfm

    Pppmffmmfmpp mfmmmmfmm ppmmmmfmmpmp, mpfmmmfmpfmpffm.
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  19. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (Platypi are not made to fight on land. They're aquatic creatures, whose major defense is the poisonous spur in their hindlegs, and Apostasia will not use that in a playfight. So currently, she is limited to snapping at Sawbones in hopes of getting a hold of them, and moving unexpectedly fast across the floor. She does not yet dare climb Onyx' leg. Too much cat there.)
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  20. The Pyro

    The Pyro Dancing in Wonderland (actually killing everyone)

    mmph? mmmphmmph, mmph mmpy mmph mmpph.
    ((OOC: I am dying right now, lol))
    • Like x 2
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