shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Ratio of Iacon

    Ratio of Iacon Entrepreneurial Spark | 18+

    [He reaches for the cable and gets it, then....
    ... is abruptly pulled into his bro's arms. Rude.]
    I'm kinna trying to conduct business here, bro
    [He giggles and flicks his port open, quickly transferring the files. He's good at this, professional and fast.]
    There ya go, man, highlight reel selection fo them finest aerial vids I got right now.
  2. Paradox of O:THHE

    Paradox of O:THHE No I will not make the mail run

    [Unfortunately, Doxx is busy buying receiving things and hugging his not-amica, and has no hands left for the pettins! Maybe if the mis weren't still under the table, he could reach them better...]

    Oh, for the love of-- [He imagines the dripping energon away again, though it'll probably be back in a few minutes.]'s not mine and I don't think I can take you back with me into the waking world, so uh. Yes but also no? Thanks?

    Oh Primus tell me they didn't just use you for shooting too, that's gross. [He wraps the arm not currently being offered to Ratio around Scope's waist, humming. Hugs don't make everything better, but they're helping.]
  3. Paradox of O:THHE

    Paradox of O:THHE No I will not make the mail run

    [A jostled cable's far from the most uncomfortable thing he's dealt with in the last decade alone; he doesn't even blink.] Thanks. Anything Vosian you can point me towards?
  4. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    Hey, you wanted a hug didn´t you? -shit eating smirk, but he checks to make sure Ratio didn´t get hurt with the jostled cable- Sorry.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
  5. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -clearly the solution is for mis to scale the robit. So many mis-
    • Like x 2
  6. Scope

    Scope Operation: The Hills Have Eyes |18+

    What can I say, sib? Everyone wants to trip my trigger and fondle my barrel. I'm fragging sexy as hell.

    [He is now in perfect position to steal drinks too.] Awwwwww yissssssssss.
    Fraaaaaag nooooooooooo.
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  7. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -the mis sit on the warm and purr mightly-
    • Like x 4
  8. Ratio of Iacon

    Ratio of Iacon Entrepreneurial Spark | 18+

    Should be the fourth or fifth clip. Nice little circling 'bove the city, good seven million years 'go.
    [He wraps his limbs around Libre like a beartrap]
    An' I'm gettin' it. You didn't need your arms back anytime soon, did'ya?
  9. Paradox of O:THHE

    Paradox of O:THHE No I will not make the mail run

    [The swarming is kind of alarming, but they're not near his intakes yet so... whatever. He idly scritches at those closest to his hand.]

    I mean you are but buy a mech dinner first, am I righ-- aw hey now, no, come on, make your own! I need some of that! [Despite the fussing, he does not actually let go of Scope to, say, move his drink out of reach of thieving minibots.]

    Gotcha. Thanks again. [He flips his panel closed and returns that hand to his cube.]
  10. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -the mi purrs. Now that there is warm to sit on, they seem content to just hang out and snuggle-
    • Like x 3
  11. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Ah, I see. While I wish I could send you some supplies or the like, unfortunately that's not how this palce works.
  12. Scope

    Scope Operation: The Hills Have Eyes |18+

    Ha! As if. I wish I had dinner. This is alright though, sib, where'd you learn to drink this kinda paint stripper? Did my big buff jet grow up? That's so cute, sib. Look at you, drinking. Memories.

    [He keeps stealing the engex, because he is a dirty, dirty thief. He makes sure to imagine the glass full again though, and leaves his curly straw in the cup for comedic effect.]
    • Like x 2
  13. Paradox of O:THHE

    Paradox of O:THHE No I will not make the mail run

    I mean... I wouldn't know what to ask for even if we could do that. I figured out how to seal lines, like, that's not the hardest thing in the universe, but I'm not a medic-medic, like, a real one that can reattach arms and stuff. [He shrugs, a little uncomfortable, and reclaims his horrible robot moonshine from Scope. Hiding from awkwardness in a drink is a time-honored tradition and he's not about to break it now.]
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
  14. Paradox of O:THHE

    Paradox of O:THHE No I will not make the mail run

    [He can drink around the straw, he is a master of ignoring straws. Shhh.]

    Believe it or not, I did actually manage to not die without you around to cover my aft, sib. Turns out I'm halfway decent at my job as long as it doesn't involve shooting. Stay around frontliners long enough and, well... [He gestures vaguely with the cube.] We could get dinner here, probably, if you want something to go with the hole in your fuel tank you'll have after this.
  15. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    Menace. -he does not sound serious- Now how am I gonna keep drinking huh?
    You can make just about anything appear here.
    • Like x 1
  16. Dom Irossi

    Dom Irossi Can't actually melt brains

  17. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Well, I am a medic - maybe I can send you home with some knowledge, at least.
  18. Paradox of O:THHE

    Paradox of O:THHE No I will not make the mail run there anything I can do with a spot welder and building rubble for a... uh, suddenly-badly-amputated arm besides seal lines to keep it from leaking everywhere and spark like a newspark on his first airdrop?
  19. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Ah, field surgery with insufficient tools. I don't miss it, but lucky for you I've got quite a lot of experience with it.

    If you can salvage the arm, keep it with you - often replacements go smoother with original material and design to compare to, and if nothing else, Cybertronian component-metal can be scarce. If it's buried, then don't worry about it, other than trying to snapshot schematics. Keep a visual record of the amputation damage - when you get to a medic, they'll want to know what was from repairs in the field and what was the initial accident. Sand down the sharp edges and seal off the ends of any severed wires. Check for leaks in the hydraulic system, once the energon flow has stopped, and seal those too. If you have anything that can cap the end of the amputation, do so - grit in systems can cause complications. Keep the site out of liquid, if at all possible. Unfortunately, unless you have the medic jack, I can't give you the pain-relief protocol, but I can tell you about a few pressure points that can cause a recalibration in the gyroscopic sensors, so that the balance issue that will inevitably happen resolves itself quickly. Above all, and you probably know this, keep to root mode - they may be missing vital pieces of alt with that arm.
    • Like x 2
  20. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    "Mind if I add some?" Sawbones has padded into the rave.
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