shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Amalgamous Prime

    Amalgamous Prime Who puts cats in bags anyhow?

    Mine. [They curl wings around the bowl.]
  2. Scratch

    Scratch Active Member

    (im just trying to keep an eye on you.)
  3. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    Such follishness is beneath me >:I
    [He pretends no one can see that smiley]
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  4. Dom Irossi

    Dom Irossi Can't actually melt brains

    [Dom pets the mi and gives it a bit of popcorn.]
  5. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    You wanna listen to the stuff I like?
  6. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    Is it? Is it now. 」( ̄▽ ̄」) -tickletickle-
  7. Universe

    Universe Needs A Hug

    I´m not taking it away from you! I just want to see what it is!
  8. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    [He fails to answer Lacuna as he is too busy wiggling attempting to get away from Primus' devilisih tickle hands.
    A short breathless laugh escapes him before he collapses, managing to pull Primus with him]
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  9. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -squeaks gleefully as he's pulled down, continuing the merciless tickle assault-
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  10. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    -still trying to suppress laughter and squirming Unicron mounts a counter offensive. By actually wrestling Primus until he can straddle him and tickling back.-
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  11. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Twins, eh?

    -She allows herself a smile.-
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  12. Stentato of Devisiun

    Stentato of Devisiun NO INDOOR VOICE (18+)

    -Stentato sneaks up a hand to the back of Lacuna's neck to tickle her.-
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  13. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -yells and flails; apparently he's absolutely as ticklish as Unicron is-
  14. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    -She grabs his arm and flips him.-

    Oh, uh. Oops.
    • Like x 2
  15. Itch


  16. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    -Unicron alas, is merciless, continuing his tickling. He also slowly begins leaning down more and more.-
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  17. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    Aaaaahhhhh nooooooo whaaaaa -wigglewiggleflail-
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  18. Dom Irossi

    Dom Irossi Can't actually melt brains

    Wow, I would never see the two big guys back home do that. ... Though they don't allow people to look at them anyway.
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  19. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    -the tickling stops, but only because Primus is now getting ticklish little kisses on his neck cables.-
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  20. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -squeaks again and tips his chin up- Eek!
    • Like x 1
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