shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    -Nichrome sits down next to her also watching kitty fights. Aw. So cute.-
  2. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -Eventually Soundwave is exhausted and pads over to flop on moms lap- I won!
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  3. Xiaohe

    Xiaohe Duchess Bonds

    -a woman walks into the room. The most marvelous of women many would have seen. Her skin is like marble. No, not merely like marble. Upon closer inspection one would realize it quite literally is marble but living and breathing. She seems to glow as well, emitting a sort of natural bio-luminescence of no obvious source. She is simply bright. Bright and possessed of many arms. Six to be exact. Two are folded before her. Another two handle a pocket mirror. One holds the mirror and another scrolls lazily down the screen. Her fifth arm is dealing with yet another mirror, this one floating beside her. She is typing something out as she speaks in a clear, loud Mandarin to someone. Should you know the language you'd here things "Oh, that's simply wonderful. I'd be delighted." She's dealing with some sort of invitation to a ball. What's more she has three faces. One on the front of her head and two on the sides. Each face says the same thing all in sync, amplifying and multiplying her words musically. Her final arm rests at her side as she walks, her fingers curled into a seemingly habitual chin mudra. The woman seems rather distracted by all this though and could very easily walk into someone. Or trip.-
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  4. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    I saw, darling. You're a mighty and fearful warrior.
    -her mask retracts and she nuzzles the top of the little one's helm with a smile.-
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  5. Xiaohe

    Xiaohe Duchess Bonds

    -trips and falls on her fucking face. so wonderful and amazing and wearing clothes that would put all the empresses of china combined to shame or no she falls like anyone else. it's honestly kind of pathetic looking. a mirror skitters away, landing near to the transformers. the thing's face is displaying what looks like a text editor. like some sort of godly microsoft word.-
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  6. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    -Nichrome fights to resist curiosity but fuckit she is an engineer and she's helped out spying units, instincts to fetch the shiny and examine run deep and she is weak.
    She picks the mirror up daintily and examines the screen, but doesn't seem to succeed in reading.-
    Huh. Earth language? But not one I have downloaded.
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  7. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    [Curious linguist is curious, but... Nichrome got there first. Boo. Gess stays a good distance away and tries to look like she's not thinking of stealing the mirror.]
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  8. Xiaohe

    Xiaohe Duchess Bonds

    -a hand is raised-

    Mandarin. Celestial Mandarin.

    -the device despite displaying microsoft word: the heaven edition is just a mirror. entirely flat. very pretty frame yes and a well kept and shiny surface. but it's just a mirror. there's no sign of any kind of physical buttons on the thing and it's so thin you have to wonder where its processor is. the answer to which is that there is no processor because it's just a mirror. i have said mirror too much-
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  9. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -He snuggles up and purrs. Tiny tiny purrs-
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  10. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    -Nichrome turns the device some in her hands, clearly fascinated, since her mask is still retracted. Oops.-
    Fascinating device. And I was guessing something in that neighborhood, but as I haven't been to earth I have... a narrow selection of languages for personal amusement at my disposal. Not this one.
    -She turns and holds it out to Congessi. If the... calling her organic would be blatantly false, wouldn't it? If the person was telling her what language it was... well.-
    Want a look, Congessi?
    -She needs both hands for cuddling anyway. Cuddling Soundy is most important.-
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  11. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -Soundwave scrambles up to peer at the screen, getting his head in the way- Whats that say?
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  12. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    Oh no, cuddles! But new thing! But cuddles! Soundwave stretches too far and nearly falls of Nichromes lap
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  13. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    -Sawbones has to hide a laugh at the sparkling antics-
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  14. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    ...if there is no payment expected for reading? [She looks to Xiaohe; Nichrome might be holding the mirror, but it definitely belongs to the one who just dropped it.]
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  15. Xiaohe

    Xiaohe Duchess Bonds

    -sits herself up and fixes her hair ornaments. she has to pick up the hat too and put it back on making sure everything is in place. bother these hats. i mean they're nice looking buuuuuuuut-

    It's just a mirror, silly. Everyone has at least one in the Heaven's Seat. Though you don't seem familiar with the Seat...

    -she shows no sign of distress at the thing being looked at. i mean if they can't read it then who cares right? also they seem to be gate gods so it's not like a human got to it-

    No, no. No payment. You might have to fill out some forms and file them in triplicate of course!

    -she is smiling and quiet for a moment and then adds-

    Which is just a joke.

    Just a correspondence to a co-worker of mine that I'm drafting. Very dull stuff I'm afraid. At least half of it is pleasantries and titles. More than half really.
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  16. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    [She approaches to look over Nichrome's shoulder rather than try to take the New Thing away from a sparkling. Or the sparkling's carrier, really, but mostly Soundwave himself.]

    Titles and pleasantries can offer quite a bit of information, really, even if it's just indications of cultural values and norms... [She sounds a little distracted as she scans the characters, trying to burn them to permanent memory instead of just dream-cache.]
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  17. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    ... Mh. Like a dataslate? Different in make and specifications, but the concept seems to be the same. Fraggin' ornate though.
    -She is half talking to herself, half addressing @Xiaohe. Rambling scholar mode is hard to break, and the person seems to be explaining things to little Soundwave helpfully enough. Who she had to scramble to catch. Cats.-
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  18. Xiaohe

    Xiaohe Duchess Bonds


    -she is standing up and smoothing out her hanfu-

    That is true isn't it. Mostly you'd learn that we're sticklers for hierarchy and process up here. Names and titles that don't mirror actual rank too. Lei Gong hasn't been a duke in, oh. How long has it been... Millennia at least?

    -she doesn't catch onto it being rambling scholar speak-

    Dateslate? I've never heard that term before. Might be though. The mortals finally have things like our mirrors after centuries. I believe they call them "phones"? Or was it "PDA"? They're so short lived and so prone to making new words that you lose track very fast.

    And thank you. It was a gift from my uncle upon my appointment. For work, you know.
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  19. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    (lei gong means Thunder Duke. currently in setting he's a high king/da wang)
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  20. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    -Nichrome blinks, abruptly remembers where she is and lets her mask snap shut as she retrieves a dataslate from subspace. It's... an unassuming, plain rectangular flat thing, mostly screen, equivalent to what she thinks the humans call "iPad" or "Tablet".-
    Work seems to come in a similar shape in most places. Yours is flatter though, even correcting for scale, I think.
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