shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -aggessively snuggles against him and tries to stick his head under and arm or an convenient bit of plating. at least he´s not screaming anymore? It´s still dark-
  2. Pretty sure taking the sparkling would make things a lot worse since I'm a complete stranger-
    -he stiffens slightly, wings flicking downwards and slightly out, half concerned, half defensive-
    ...Yeah no we definitely just have me, Reffy, and Whiz. In our trine.
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  3. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    spawnuva-- C'mon Rally it's okay calm down he's fine--

    [He holds the kitten close and backs away; Swiftwing's a great guy but loud crying probably won't help the kid who was having problems with volume in the first place.]

    Shhhhshhshh I've got you let's go find your parents okay?
  4. Swiftwing

    Swiftwing Co-Captain, Velocitron Representative |18+

    Five person trine?????
    You, him, me, 'Rora, and Reffy??????
    *He's sparking all over the place now that his hands aren't full.*
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  5. Silver Gold Iron

    Silver Gold Iron We can break apart like stars 18+

    Everyone knows djinn are spirits, silly. Are you bound here? Teacher says unbound djinn are dangerous.
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  6. Uh... -wings flick in distress, since he has no idea how to deal with a sparking guy while not tripping his own trauma buttons. Better just default to being a doormat again-
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  7. Smol Norm the Genie

    Smol Norm the Genie babby genie|18+

    *pause* ... yeah. Yeah. I'm bound.
  8. Skyfall of Teutonia

    Skyfall of Teutonia P13-DD1-FI3 (Daredevil, Interceptor) [18+]

    (sheesh you guys i stand up to get some cupcakes and you speed on without me. damn speedsters.)

    Oh man I'm gonna, like, buy so many of those calendars.
    Popsicle stand is a stand where you buy popsicles. 's like, kinda sweet for organics but they make them in energon nibbles shape as well.
    (She summons two energon popsicles and offers one to Swiftwing)
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  9. Mathias Sturmhalt

    Mathias Sturmhalt Let's fuck shit up

    [Sticking his head under an arm will bring Soundy snoot-to-snoot with the scared jetlet. Startled into quiet, red optics blink back at him.]
  10. Swiftwing

    Swiftwing Co-Captain, Velocitron Representative |18+

    *He takes the popsicle and sticks it in his mouth, still sparking.*
    Thank you.
    Why are we blowing it up????
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  11. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -purple optics blink back. Attempted snootboop?-
  12. ...Yyyyeah. -he sways, wings still shrieking distress, torn between making a run for it and Trying To Be A Comfort, Somehow, Probably-
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  13. Silver Gold Iron

    Silver Gold Iron We can break apart like stars 18+

    Oh. -sounds disappointed- It'd be neat if you weren't. My teachers think everything should be safe. It's boring! Mo- I mean the old Queen was dangerous! That's why she was great!
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  14. Smol Norm the Genie

    Smol Norm the Genie babby genie|18+

    *confused* You wanna be in danger?
  15. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    [Normal volume speaking is probably not a good idea right now, considering the kids just quieted down again, but. Damn does Swiftwing look pretty rough too. Comms still work, right?]
    [Venture to Swiftwing]: seriously man thanks didn't think you'd get cannonballed like that for keeping it down
    [Venture to Swiftwing]: go hug aurora or something and cool your jets for a bit hey?
  16. Mathias Sturmhalt

    Mathias Sturmhalt Let's fuck shit up

    [Snootboop! Aralia giggles, then tries to return the favor with his much-less-defined nose.]
  17. Silver Gold Iron

    Silver Gold Iron We can break apart like stars 18+

    I don't want to be bored! And dangerous is fun! I bet m- the old Queen was never bored!
  18. Swiftwing

    Swiftwing Co-Captain, Velocitron Representative |18+

    ...Do you know where Reffy is?
    [Swiftwing to Venture]: Okay!!!
    [Swiftwing to Venture]: 8(
    [Swiftwing to Venture]: I didn't mean to make him cry!!!!!
    [Swiftwing to Venture]: I'm not good with sparklings!!!!!
    [Swiftwing to Venture]: I'm sorry I threw him at you!!!!!!!!!!
    [Swiftwing to Venture]: I'll go do that now maybe!!!!!!
    [Swiftwing to Venture]: Sorry again!!!!!!!!!
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  19. ...I wish I did...
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  20. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -very soft squeak! darkness has retreated to a little private darkness just for smols-
    • Like x 2
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