shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    I don't think bread is terribly good for your digestive system, but... ah, rust it, the kitten got candy too. [Onyx summons a scattering of bread, fruits both dried and fresh, and seeds around the birb.]
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  2. Vermilion

    Vermilion Must've been bad | 18+

    It is The Day of Life now, shall we celebrate with the usual drinkssss made of sssspoiled fruit juice?
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  3. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    I thiiiiiiink we should celebrate by setting something on fiRE
    • Like x 2
  4. local rats

    local rats NS| snif snif snif snif snif

    :0 (various smol and larg rats run around the birb, attempting to pick up some of the Sudden Snacks.

    it ratmas... merratmas)
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  5. Vermilion

    Vermilion Must've been bad | 18+

    No, this is celebrating the rissse of the sssea to bring life to the peoplessss. Thisss is the only holiday I celebrate from back home, give me thisss.
  6. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (Apostasia steps into the rave, carefully. She is absolutely decked with blinking lights, ornamets, tinsel, and gingerbread things.)
    Good morning to you, too.
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  7. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    nnnnot even a tiny little celebration fire?
  8. Diamond

    Diamond The Artist Formerly Known As K'lat |18+

    Let's set the sea on fucking fire.
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  9. Switchblade of Scelus

    Switchblade of Scelus The Great Enforcer | 18+

    [Switchblade dances after her, polished to a sheen and every bit of navy blue on his plating covered in little silver star stickers.]
    Happ' Holidays. I 'pp'rently didn't manage gettin' so drunk my optics blew out.
  10. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    • Like x 2
  11. Vermilion

    Vermilion Must've been bad | 18+

    What is wrong with you two?
  12. Diamond

    Diamond The Artist Formerly Known As K'lat |18+

    Fire is culturally important to me and you're being very hurtful right now.
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  13. Vermilion

    Vermilion Must've been bad | 18+

    Why not ssset a human Festive Tree on fire, they like that. I think.
    • Like x 3
  14. Rayineen

    Rayineen Fields and trees match the damage and frills 18+

    -changed out her usual tattered and dirty, slightly sheer dress for something sturdy and colorful, hellebore in her hair. She sings, soft and wordless, and dances with a little flame in her hands, a tiny candle stub she exchanges between her hands, up over her head, outstretched from her body. The wax doesn't drip, and the heat doesn't seem to bother her at all-
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  15. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    Happy holidays, dear.
    (Apostasia inspects him) I see they got you, too. You look like the night sky.
  16. Diamond

    Diamond The Artist Formerly Known As K'lat |18+

    Carbon-based, highly flammable, and not likely to be put out when I do it. It's not a challenge. I'll still fucking do thought.
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  17. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    My owners super didn't liek it when i set things on fire but that ust made me wanna do it mooooore :O
    • Like x 1
  18. Vermilion

    Vermilion Must've been bad | 18+

    ... I'll pay attention to you if you jusssst asssk, you ssstrange little man. Why not burn a building, or a glasss of water.
    • Like x 2
  19. Switchblade of Scelus

    Switchblade of Scelus The Great Enforcer | 18+

    Somethin' 'bout it bein' a longest night somewhere.
    You're prettier though.
  20. Diamond

    Diamond The Artist Formerly Known As K'lat |18+


    [He pitches a box of matches and starter fluid at Scanner's head.]
    I'll fucking set you on fire just fucking watch me.

    [He climbs Mount Vermillion.]
    • Like x 2
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