shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Jamethiel Oddclaw

    Jamethiel Oddclaw Highlord of the Kencyrath

    Interestingly, so. Sadly I've only seen the one other me. Have seen three variants of my brother, though. Fun to see he's as silly elsewhere as he is in our story.
  2. Crossbreed Priscilla

    Crossbreed Priscilla Lady of the Painted World

    Infinite me? Infinite you?
    You could always find two more of you, hopefully.
  3. Jamethiel Oddclaw

    Jamethiel Oddclaw Highlord of the Kencyrath

    Hopefully. It was one of the more interesting talks I've had. An interesting night too.
  4. The Spirit-Touched

    The Spirit-Touched No matter how many sunset bloodsheds flow 18+

    Potentially. Few, if any, might make it here. Some have many of their doubles here. I only have the one, though I know many others exist.
  5. Crossbreed Priscilla

    Crossbreed Priscilla Lady of the Painted World

    How did it go?
    *gets all giddy* Ooh this is all so exciting.
  6. Patches

    Patches Unbreakable Patches

    Hahahaha...If you think that's all right and dandy, wait 'til you hear how many more of me there are. And we're all canon, no less!
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  7. Jamethiel Oddclaw

    Jamethiel Oddclaw Highlord of the Kencyrath

    As well as fucking my brother with another me could go.
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  8. Eridan Shampora

    Eridan Shampora definitely eridan 100% legit

    vwvwhy not

    the only good meovwvwbeast is a dead meovwvwbeast
  9. Smol Norm the Genie

    Smol Norm the Genie babby genie|18+

  10. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    Mi! -the mis rolls over and presents a fluffy belly-
    -scenting food, several mis converge on jame. Some try to climb her clothes- Mi! Mimimi! Pirr mi! Pirrpirr!
    • Like x 1
  11. Jamethiel Oddclaw

    Jamethiel Oddclaw Highlord of the Kencyrath

    There we are, little puffs.

    -pets the tiny things and gives the snacks. there is likely more snacks in the coat-

    -somewhere off in the distance there is an annoyed meow. a jealous meow.-
    • Like x 2
  12. Cronus J. Ampora

    Cronus J. Ampora higher education is for nerds

    youre thinking of dogs. the only good dog is a dead dog.
  13. Torisen Dreamwalker

    Torisen Dreamwalker The Knorth Jameth

    -a cry rings out. tori can be seen on the floor. crushed by a giant hunting ounce-

    JAME. Your cat is trying to smother me!

    -tori's face is aggressively nuzzled with cat spite. he pets jorin. defeat. it has been suffered-
  14. Jamethiel Oddclaw

    Jamethiel Oddclaw Highlord of the Kencyrath

    Sorry, kitty. You are having fun with Tori, though. Good boy.
  15. The Spirit-Touched

    The Spirit-Touched No matter how many sunset bloodsheds flow 18+

    Troll terminology for cats, as far as I can tell. Their words for animals are usually a descriptor, followed by 'beast'. Mostly I've heard the sound they make as the descriptor, but sometimes it's something else like horses being "hoofbeasts."
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  16. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    lowvblood slang for cats. not troll terminology.
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  17. Smol Norm the Genie

    Smol Norm the Genie babby genie|18+

    But cats don't say "meovwvw." Nothing says "meovwvw" except that guy!
  18. The Spirit-Touched

    The Spirit-Touched No matter how many sunset bloodsheds flow 18+

    When lowbloods make up most of your population, there's a difference? From what I can tell the 'slang' is rather ubiquitous.

    -more mocking Shampora than babby Norm- It's not nice to make fun of peoples' speech impediments.
    • Like x 1
  19. Smol Norm the Genie

    Smol Norm the Genie babby genie|18+

    Oh. That's a speech impediment? What was he trying to say, then?
  20. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    its clearly an accent.
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