shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Valentin Mikhael Bohd

    Valentin Mikhael Bohd Pack your tireless bag of tricks 18+

    Bro if someone's willing to shove a squirrel up their ass they're probably willing to fuck a lusus.
    • Like x 1
  2. Helenite

    Helenite A model of efficiency, far as you can see.

    Pearls are going to be phased out.
  3. The Unspoken Lady

    The Unspoken Lady Orchid covered deadwood breeze 18+

    No. The secrets are the pearls, and the pearls are the secrets.
    • Like x 1
  4. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "Really? There's another one who shows up here who looks just like ours." Ford shrugs. "She steals Damara's weed."
  5. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    *He grinds his teeth.*
  6. Facet-2F3L Cut-2CA

    Facet-2F3L Cut-2CA not that amethyst

  7. Helenite

    Helenite A model of efficiency, far as you can see.

    -She tilts her head, but doesn't reply.-
  8. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    *sigh of relief*

    I've met her. She doesn't remember Pennarion, but she is our Amethyst in every other way.
  9. Pink Pearl

    Pink Pearl New Member

    I believe I would be aware if my gem type was in danger of becoming obsolete. After all, I am the Pearl of Pink Diamond herself.
    • Like x 1
  10. Helenite

    Helenite A model of efficiency, far as you can see.

    Who's Pink Diamond? My education didn't cover that figure.
  11. Hlorri Lheill

    Hlorri Lheill obtenebrateBalatron, Witch of Heart

    =(] you just have to apo7ogize.......its not that hard
    =(] because if 7ike to use the fun hammer
    =(] i dont even need to hit you for us to both have fun with that one
    =(] its got mu7tip7e well as.......app7ications.......
    [she produces a rectangular mallet with a built in slot machine visible on either side.

    there seems to be no end to the various symbols shown on the slot machine as they blur by]

    • Like x 2
  12. Pink Pearl

    Pink Pearl New Member

    I'm not quite sure how you could not know who Pink Diamond is, as she is the solitary matriarch of gem society. However, I am sure you are some poor, underprivileged gem from an isolated colony whose superior is clearly too incompetent to even provide you with a proper education, so I will have to assist you in not being so woefully ignorant. Pink Diamond is the pinnacle of gemkind and has expanded our civilization across the universe, clearing out the rampant infestations of organic matter and establishing colonies and kindergartens on new planets.
    • Like x 1
  13. Facet-2F3L Cut-2CA

    Facet-2F3L Cut-2CA not that amethyst

  14. The Unspoken Lady

    The Unspoken Lady Orchid covered deadwood breeze 18+

    -soggy popcorn.gif-
  15. Helenite

    Helenite A model of efficiency, far as you can see.


    -Her creators say Helenites will replace Pearls. But Pearls are established, and Helenites are not. She's a prototype. Prototypes have flaws. Flaws will be crushed. She is not safe.-

    It is as you say, ma'am.

    -She bows smoothly, smiling.-
    • Like x 1
  16. Hlorri Lheill

    Hlorri Lheill obtenebrateBalatron, Witch of Heart

    =(] you77 find sopor pies make for an exce77ent concession.......7ove
    =(] vu7can ma7eus se77s them in the concessision tent for on7y a few caegars
  17. The Unspoken Lady

    The Unspoken Lady Orchid covered deadwood breeze 18+

    Sopor sounds redundant in a dreamscape, but noted.

    -upon closer inspection, it's soggy because seafood. Little empty shells of things long-dead. They do have a wonderfully satisfying crunch however; she offers one.
    • Like x 1
  18. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    Sloane sits up and yawns, opening her eyes. "Okay, that was--thiiiiiiiiis is not the common room." She looks down at herself, taking in the jeans and Ravenclaw sweater. "And these are not my pajamas.....but at least they're my clothes this time." Sloane looks around at the people nearest to her, realizing she has no idea who any of them are. "Well, this is a strange but refreshing start to Day, I guess."
    • Like x 1
  19. Hlorri Lheill

    Hlorri Lheill obtenebrateBalatron, Witch of Heart

    =(] so sorry.......but i shou7dnt eat right before a performance
    =(] is there.......any way that i can make it up to you......?
    [hlorri dramatically falls onto all fours and reaches up to touch the unspoken lady with a gentle, slowly extending hand]
    • Like x 2
  20. Rayineen

    Rayineen Fields and trees match the damage and frills 18+

    It can be day if you want. -offers her one of her weird fearfruits from the screaming-man-tree-thing-
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