shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    Oh excuse me for not prioritizing you in my busy schedule. Should I lick your pedes clean while you step on my face to make up for it?
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  2. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.
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  3. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    ... no. I don't even have feet.

    And I'm not gonna make you have sex with me.
  4. Bei Heihe

    Bei Heihe Duke Prayers

    -cat does not blink as he is BLIND. he just meows and rubs his face all over jame's leg. HIS leg, actually. it is his. he claimed it. with his dumb cat face-
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  5. Jamethiel Knorth

    Jamethiel Knorth Jamethiel Priests'-bane, Lordan of Knorth

    Jame reaches down to rub the kitty's face. "Aren't you friendly!" she says, crouching down to pay him better attention. "You remind me of my Jorin. That's a compliment, he's pretty."
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  6. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    Look if you're gonna pick on people according to how they look I'm going to go ahead and class you according to your behavior. If that offends you please refer to this:
    [He hands norm a piece of paper on which in large neon green crayon letters the word "I DON'T GIVE A FRAG ABOUT YOUR FEE FEES" are written in clumsy handwriting.]
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  7. Jorin

    Jorin Jame's mind-bound ounce

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  8. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    Well, if he's a bully for bullying bullies, then shouldn't we also be considered bullies for bullying the bullies who bully bullies?

    Shit, it's bullies all the way down, but I guess if you're okay with that, then bully for you.
    • Like x 3
  9. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

  10. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    the solution to that is looking out for yourself and not givwing a fuck about other peoples actions unless they directly invwolvwe you.
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  11. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *refers to it*

    *grins at orlandeau*
  12. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    Wait am I supposed to be offended or surprised that people see me as an optic sore, a grinding gear, an aft?
    Buddy you're about 2mil late.
    • Like x 3
  13. Bei Heihe

    Bei Heihe Duke Prayers

    -CAT IS PLEASED BUT DEMANDS MORE. yes you are good with the pets. NOT LIKE THE INADEQUATE ONE. with all his whining about oh no you are getting fur all over my petitions and in the ink please stop-

    -tori looks at this PERSON. vaguely familiar, but no it's not her. different than mengzhi's courtesy form and she feels Off. definitely divine but not the right sort of it-

    That's his name. One of them anyway. I believe his name proper is supposed to be Xiao Mao, which isn't terribly creative. I'm not really sure where the name "Jorin" came from. Her naming habits vary from the blatantly obvious to the bizarre.

    -looks to the side with a head at the other cat. who looks like a much less shiny, much more mortal jorin.-

    There's another...
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
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  14. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    Not worth it. Come drink with me and the squ-organic, he gets it. -indicated @Jamethiel Knorth with his head-
  15. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    How strong are we drinking? I have paperwork to see to soon.
  16. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    Alternatively, I could also not do that, and tell you to go fuck yourself like so many other Cronuses have before you.
    *deadpan* Stop bullying me.
    • Like x 2
  17. Jamethiel Knorth

    Jamethiel Knorth Jamethiel Priests'-bane, Lordan of Knorth

    Jame looks at this rather confusing newcomer. Something's familiar about them.

    "Oh no," she says. "Not again."

    She turns to Libre. "OK, I definitely need that drink now."
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  18. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    Oh right I forgot, not being hurt by your grade a burns is bullying.
    How may I repent Oh great one~?
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  19. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    i dont do the clone thing.
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  20. Bei Heihe

    Bei Heihe Duke Prayers

    -well this is terrifying. worrying enough that 2 of his faces go missing and now there are only three faces. his expression hasn't changed much though-'re doing a fine job at being mystifying and ominous.
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