shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    Caer won´t hurt you!
    -curls up and snuggles, purring a little- Unicron is nice mostly. Sometime he isn´t I think.
  2. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    No one is nice all the time.
  3. Google Translate

    Google Translate myself suck upon I job|18+

    1. : Special Fangz (not Gofik 2)
    My friend (not a lot) Raven, Bloodytearz 666 4 4 layers of history to help me. Eurocu! Justin Urda Loove, my pride, high life 2 MCR! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hello, my name is understood dark ??? Size · Crow Road. I have (I have my name) long hair black and purple stripes, and red portions tapered live bands tears said many people do not know how I look threatening to me, please. (AN: If you do not know it, I'm here, I have nothing to do with the way Gerard, but I think this is such a seductive charm étais.

    Je was a vampire, my teeth are straight! "White skin mince.Je sorcière.Je mine is too Hogwarts school of magic called seventh grade English (I am 17) was Gothic (if you do not speak), I, like today, I wore a black corset and the corresponding points of their round Logo- Plage black, fish, pink, combat boots black with me. I have black lipstick, white, black eye and was wearing feather color I left Hogwarts snows, rain, rain, no sun, so I'm happy. I have an average finger. I shouted: "I'm a little guy .... It turned Draco Malfoy!.! "What does Drake? I asked. "Nothing," he said shyly. But my friends call me, I heard that leave.

    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX : is it true? ZIP tell Fangz! episode 2. : Fangz bloodytearz 2 666 4 Grand help me! Incidentally flame ready to stop history. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    The next day, I woke up in the bedroom. The snow was still raining. I opened the door of the closet, I drank my blood bottle. My wardrobe is black, and black on the inside at the end of the game Black is a light pink color. I took the T-shirt - MCR great, I got in the closet and pajamas. Instead, I wore a black skirt, necklace big star, combat boots, black knitted. I put ear piercing earrings 4 Put my hair tiresome. Friends, Willow (AN: Crow is you) I wake up, I laughed. She holds a pink haired waist, opened his forest green eyes. She had 'black logo T - shirts Manson network and boots with high heels. We makeup (a division title with a black eye black lipstick).

    "I saw yesterday OMFG Draco talk!" He excitedly.

    "Bathroom?" I said simply.

    "Like Drake," he said. Sri Lanka Letin time in the Great Hall of the municipality of departure.

    "not me!" I screamed.

    "This is true!" She screamed. "At that moment, Draco responsible for me.

    "Hello," he said.

    "Peace". Leather said. he said.

    "what?" I asked.

    "Oh, really good concert in Charlotte Hogsmaid," he said.

    "Oh my wife ...... ...... ...... Mother of God!" I cried. I love GC. "In addition to MCR, they are my favorite band.

    "Ah ...... Will you go with me?" When he was asked.


    chapter 3

    Stop burning prepz historical confirmation! Make two. Crow pants again! Oh, by the way I did pretty good words

    Chralotte 4.


    Evening concert began with a black leather lace black footprints. Red split flow of the universe. Then, I put the corset black cloth behind every logo-mistress. I paired my arms network. I straightened the gates, it looked like all the peaks. I'm a little depressed, so I broke one of my hand. While waiting to stop the bleeding, I read a book before, I listened to a few districts. Nail color black eye black borders. And gave black lipstick. Because my industry, I put on the base. I can go to a concert, so I drank human blood. I went out. Drake, waited outside the aircraft. Is to make a simple T-shirt (they even play area), black pants, black nail, and some eye (AN is great! "Hey Draco!" I'm depressed to say. - Hey, boss, he said. We entered the wheel of his Mercedes black car (plate 666), flying over the concert. By the way, we heard a good friend Charlotte and Marilyn Manson. We all cigarettes
    • Like x 5
  4. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue 2Speshul4U

    a dragon!!!!!! ive always wanted to ride one!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *Mary Sue starts walking towards peeps*
    • Like x 2
  5. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    -unconvinced pouting- Still!

    You don't know anything, Soundy!
  6. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Everyone. I'm sorry. Not really awake.
    That being said, Paz that was uncalled for.

    It's Tuesday.
    • Like x 4
  7. Do not.
    • Like x 1
  8. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    True I guess.
    I know lots of things! I know my Caer! -offended kitten is offended. His tail lashing smacks LS a little-
  9. Mary Sue

    Mary Sue 2Speshul4U

    so do you have a telepathic link thing or
    *she reaches out with her hand to touch them*
    • Like x 2
  10. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    She wouldn't tell you if she wanted me to die!
    • Like x 2
  11. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    He might know his caer better than you do - be nice, Hippolyta.

    I can't speak for Nichrome, but when she's available, I can stay with you while you speak with her about this, if you like.
  12. Mabel Pines

    Mabel Pines [WT/18+/NS] Witch of Heart

    "Where we came from, Mary Sues are just bad fanfiction characters." Mabel thinks for a minute. "I hope."

    "Okay. This bothers some people when abba Ford starts talking about it, so please understand that he studies other dimensions as a career. Like, he's a university professor in Interdimensional Physics. So when he talks about stuff, he talks about it like he knows it's true, because in his experience, it is, in enough places that it probably is true, although with science there's always a chance you got part of it wrong. And to explain, I'm going to have to do the same thing. Also, he apparently has a power that allows him to travel between dimensions, which Bill activated but screwed up, because he's Bill, so that after he went through the portal he kept getting lost and has been to lots of places he'd never have gone to intentionally."

    Mabel takes a breath. "So Ford and some other people he worked with made a guide to different dimensions and types of beings, because, for instance, god is a word with a pretty loose definition. If somebody worships a being, it's a god. It doesn't even have to exist. A demiurge is a being that can make you think it creates things, but what it really does is warp reality so that you think it's a creative power.

    "Now, we're currently in what Ford calls a dreamscape dimension, or a mindscape, or a 9-space. In which anyone can make their wishes and dreams a reality. But it's also apparently a point that's accessible from many different dimensions. There's an infinite number of universes contained in the multiverse, and apparently, if people have ever imagined it, it's probably real somewhere. And can come here from there. So there's a universe where Mary Sues, with all their reality and mind-warping powers, exist, and we have one.

    And Enoby is a famous fictional character where I come from, from a fanfic that's so bad everyone laughs at it. She's like, a Dark, Goffic, Mary Sue. And I met her here once."

    Mabel shrugs. "My brother is better at this stuff, but since I found out I had dream powers myself, I've had to learn it too. Apparently everything Bill makes people able to do is something they could have done anyway."
    • Like x 2
  13. [Peeps scrambles to open the UI menu and block Mary Sue from physical contact. She will not be able to get within less than about a foot of it.]
    Sorry, I usually don't do that, but. :excalibur:
    • Like x 3
  14. Paz Malfoy

    Paz Malfoy [WT/18+/NS] Pacifica, Prince of Breath

    Paz shrugs. "It was a question, not an accusation. I don't know where everyone's from and apparently there are multiple Alternias and Beforuses too?"
  15. Lillian S----

    Lillian S---- Disgraced Southern Belle | 18+

    It's extremely rude to touch people without permission.
  16. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    -clings to him- No! I'm not scared!
  17. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    She doesn´t! -such offended-
    I do!
    -looks concerned, tries get to her and noof her-
    • Like x 1
  18. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    She did before! -whacks at him when he climbs up nearer her-
  19. Jamethiel Knorth

    Jamethiel Knorth Jamethiel Priests'-bane, Lordan of Knorth

    "I have reality-warping powers," Jame points out. "Am I any of those?"
    • Like x 1
  20. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Why am I trying to smooth this over anyways?!
    • Like x 1
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