shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.



    But can I shove it in my face and just chug? If yes, it's PERFECT.
  2. Aveira 'Venena' DeCalix

    Aveira 'Venena' DeCalix Exit strategy of a wrecking ball 18+

    Yep! There's not much in the way of chunky bits.

    And it's still not as bad as snake wine.


    Whaaaaaat is snake wine? It sounds like something T-Bone would trick me into drinking out in the middle of the fucking desert.

    Oh fuck does it have snakes in it???
  4. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    "The what?"

    "Yes, please, and are you not the mother of your pride?" Valiska smiles.

    Well, that's what a queen must expect among strangers. Valiska laughs softly.
  5. Aveira 'Venena' DeCalix

    Aveira 'Venena' DeCalix Exit strategy of a wrecking ball 18+

    Yeah! They stuff a whole goddamn snake in a glass jar with rice wine or grain alcohol and let the fucker steep for a few months. You drink small shots or glasses, you don't down it like a beer unless you really hate yourself.

    I had some once to fuck with Jakob.
    • Like x 1
  6. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    I'm nice to you! Aren't I?



    I need it now. I NEED it.
    • Like x 1
  8. Torisen Talissen

    Torisen Talissen Jedi Knight, Student of Master Knorth

    A wookie. They're a sort of large sapient covered all in fur from the tropical world of Kashyyk. They speak a language comprised of grunts and growls, and are notably lacking in force sensitivity. Jame has one that travels with our, rather her, clan. I'm not sure if he was adopted into the clan or if he is around for a life debt alone, sadly. He is named Marcarn.

    Exactly the sort of thing one looking to tease would say.

    -he is grinning like a dork. he isn't serious in the slightest-
  9. Nilima Mis'rath

    Nilima Mis'rath Dancing catte 18+

    Nilima smiles, glad her antics are accepted. "I'm Nilima Mis'rath. Where have I heard Pines before?"
  10. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    Pardon? I'm the matriarch in our small two person family if that's what you're getting at, if only by default. Or three with her father, but we've not spoken in years.

  11. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    I am shocked and appalled at these baseless accusations. I may swoon!

    -She falls down before rolling over on her belly and propping herself up on her elbows.-
  12. Aveira 'Venena' DeCalix

    Aveira 'Venena' DeCalix Exit strategy of a wrecking ball 18+

    -[​IMG] -

    There you go.
    • Like x 2
  13. Torisen Talissen

    Torisen Talissen Jedi Knight, Student of Master Knorth

    Oh no, I slew her via offense. What will the council say?
    • Like x 1
  14. Reed Castor

    Reed Castor lives on the b-side | 18+

    (expression of utter horror)

    i don't understand either of y - that's not even JUST ONE SNAKE
    • Like x 4
  15. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    You'll have to run away!
  16. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    "I am a silly pacifist, Ana, just with a history of poor moral decisions."

    Angela laughs. "I main healer in the game where real people die. Kind of like a priest in those games, though."
    • Like x 1
  17. Aveira 'Venena' DeCalix

    Aveira 'Venena' DeCalix Exit strategy of a wrecking ball 18+

    Do you want some?
  18. Torisen Talissen

    Torisen Talissen Jedi Knight, Student of Master Knorth

    Back to the childhood habit of running from the Jedi. Surely, they'll nod and agree "This is why we do not take Mandalorians".
  19. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    Oh, look at you. Not a bit of fight in you at that. Normally you tear me to bits for that. Is everything alright, habibti?
  20. Reed Castor

    Reed Castor lives on the b-side | 18+

    no thank you very much

    (She attempts to chill, although she still looks kind of grossed out.)

    i've drank some real questionable booze but i'd have to be a hell of a lot more desperate to drink that.
    • Like x 1
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