shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.



    Actual answer: combination of unclear facial mirroring and brain misfires means that sometimes my mask flickers while displaying because it's trying to figure out WHAT the FUCK I am actually doing.

    Nonanswer: I'm actually a ten eyed spider person and all of my eyes. link at random so it's tracking that.
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  2. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    Brain misfir... -makes the 'saw something cute' hands to face pose- You have an implant? Man we're still working on jailbreaking those- I know a guy who used to do them ah, unofficially, but then one day he lobotomised himself trying to dig his prototype out with a kitchen knife? Jay got one from him and he's still OK but I'm not shaving my glorious mane for one until we're sure, yanno? I've got an internal hard drive but it's just storage and ain't connected to my thinkmeats yet.
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    It's a pretty basic transmitter chip, just modified so that its range is around three inches and it can't receive wireless transmissions. Don't really want someone hacking my brain and fucking BLOWING IT UP.

    I had a friend of a friend of a tattoo artist put it in. Which was PROBABLY not the smartest thing I've done in my life, but fucking yolo and shit.
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  4. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+


    And no, not my jam. I wouldn't mind seeing you in one though, dude. Not sure if it'd be hot or hilarious, but it'd be fucking awesome if you had like that dildo-cat-gun that you were talking about. Schoolgirl Wrench, off to blow shit up and have a good time with hearts in his eyes.
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    You are the worst/best person I have EVER met in my life, and now that you've reminded me I'm TOTALLY MAKING my goddamn unicorn gun just to shoot you with.

    Also I'm refusing to skip. No skipping. Heart eyes, schoolgirl uniform, sure, but skipping is RIGHT OUT.
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  6. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Skipping would fuck up your aim.

    "Hello naughty officers, it's Wrench time!"

    *Starts snickering*
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  7. Burt Destroys the World

    Burt Destroys the World DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!|18+



    [He shoves him, then snickers.]
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  9. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    It's still picking shit up from your brain, which is pretty fuckin neat! A bunch of people have got implants where I'm from, so it's kind of a good thing hacking them is such a pain in the balls, but I want. -grabby hands at nothing- It'll be a while 'fore many of us cool kids have them. Jay mostly uses his to start coffee in the morning and prank people.

    Our guy was an inker too. I was gonna ask him to do my next batch before he decided to play "flush goes the microchip" with his brain.
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  10. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    That would have been the best distraction for half of the shit we have had to do. Imagine Lenny's Face.

    *Breathes in sharply then whispers* Priceless....
  11. WRENCH


    FUCK that's gotta be such a cool cyberpunk future though. HACKABLE BRAINS.

    You just gotta make sure they can't be used against you whenever you stick 'em in your head. I made and modified the chip myself, because f-f-TA didn't have a goddamn clue what he was doing with the TECH, he just had the know-how to not lobotomize me.

    I still talk to that artist though. Cool guy. Likes dogs, which is a minus, but he lets his apprentices practice on me, so we're cool.
    Oh fuck ME, I'm pretty sure Lenni's a goddamn weaboo too? Marcus, are you thinking of THROWING ME TO THE DOGS of frantic anime fappification?
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  12. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    ... *Dawning horror*

    No dude, I didn't even think of that oh fuck... *Shudders* Fucking god no.
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  13. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    ONE DAY. One day hackable brains will be a thing! Soon. I'm not allowed to work on anything that goes in people's' heads though.

    Dogs smell funny. I got most of my ink on the road. People Lady and K knew while were on the move after I we blew that 'scraper. K's got some fancy tats, light up and shit. I can't sit still long enough to get work like that done unless I'm high.
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  14. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    Hackable brains aren't as fun as they sound, fuckin' trust me. They're quicker than hackable stomachs or lungs tho.
    My personal favorite is playing "Why are you hitting yourself though"
    [He snickers and wiggles his fingers.]
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  15. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    That's evil.

    I love it.
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  16. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Hackable brains sounds like a bad idea...
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  17. WRENCH


    You nearly did this to me Marcus. YOU NEARLY DID THIS TO ME.
    UGH Lenni's got some bullshit fucking dumbass piece of SHIT UV tat and sure I GUESS it's a cool design but there is LITERALLY NO POINT TO UV TATS. All it makes you look like is a dumb FUCK who just their face cut up for no goddamn reason and it would look way cooler if you just COMMITTED to the fucking ink.
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  18. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    That stage when fucking everyone can make you slap yourself if you say dumb shit is my favorite part of tube-newbs. Gotta be quick to get your own contribution in tho, most of 'em learn to guard themselves quickly. The rest eventually get someone who's pitying 'em enough that they blackout your work district everytime you go for the easy target and then you gotta explain shit to the masters and uuuuuuugh it's dumb.
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  19. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    No shit Sherlock. But if you make a brain that's capable of net access, the net's able to access that brain.
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  20. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    I'm so sorry, man. How can I repay you? Should I grovel?

    Well, yeah. I'm aware, I'm pretty sure Blume would love to have that kind of tech. Haum already uses shit to basically watch people's lives to change their health insurance prices.
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