shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    Oh thanks! They're designs o+f my o+wn. So+rt o+f a passio+n o+f mine, ink. Clo+thes and hair to+o+.

    ...excuse me?
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  2. The Doctor is 'In'

    The Doctor is 'In' New Member

    come to think of it he vwanted tattoos like those too.

    vwussed out of it because he didnt knowv that tattooing takes forevwer because you havwe to go dot by dot.
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    PR1NC3SS_CH8OS Lift your bony little fists on high 18+

    My people. We are ink fiends. Kat's got like six biolight designs. They can show separate or all together in one gloriously blinding pattern. Did the art herself but we needed a guy to do the actual process because beelite isn't something you learn to do on yourself and friends don't let friends practice on drunk friends.
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  4. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    Glo+rio+usly blinding bio+light pattern, yo+u say? No+w that so+unds like so+mething. The so+rt o+f thing yo+u need to+ see in perso+n to+ really appreciate, yo+u kno+w?

    Being a (no+n)living glo+wstick is my thing, o+n this subject. Just a quirk o+f being a rainbo+w drinker.



    This so+unds less like a Po+rrim and mo+re like a Cro+nus, to+ be frank.
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  5. The Doctor is 'In'

    The Doctor is 'In' New Member


    PR1NC3SS_CH8OS Lift your bony little fists on high 18+

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  7. The Doctor is 'In'

    The Doctor is 'In' New Member

    you kinda havwe to pick another name vwhen evwery single other person in the city has the exact same one.
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  8. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    [Is it a clothes optional party now? Well there goes her shirt. There's probably something concerning about a starved looking grey teen with scars all over her torso and shoulders wearing sturdy, half wrecked work pants, heavy boots and heavy safety gloves and nothing else but safety goggles haphazardly holding the hair out of her eyes. A few of the scars look concerningly fresh.]
    I Have No Fucking Idea Why Im Asleep But Ill Probably Regret It So Time For Dream Drinking Now.
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    [He hands over the vodka without a fuss.]
    Everyone else calls me Wrench but I think Spikey Hacker McSweetMask Friend is a WAY better name. It's got that particular je ne sais quoi. I'm using it forever now.
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  10. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    -gets up from where she´d been taking a nap- Hoy, I´m Mina.
  11. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Aaaaaand Steven Venture! [Apparently bored with his piercing seclusion, Venture wanders out from behind the curtain and summons himself something blue and glittery to drink.] Why are we introducing ourselves now?
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  12. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    Sumvun esked hy tink.
  13. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    Name's Scanner @ ... Yeah fuck that, let's stick to basics while I'm not conscious. Name's Scanner. Well chosen one's, at least. Fuck official designations.
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  14. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Official designations can get fragged in the least-favorite orifice! Scanner it is :D
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  15. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    -yawns- An´I´d be Sawbones.
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  16. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    [PINGPINGPING, just to be annoying.]
    You can also call me Legy, "Holy shit", "what the fuck" or "Give that back". I ain't picky.
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  17. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Nawwww you'd be Nurse Cutieface McPrettypaws ;D

    [Venture has two toddlers, he doesn't even blink at a few pings.]
    Holy shit what the fuck Legy Scanner give that back :P
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  18. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    [He reeeeeeeaches for a bottle with his seriously ridiculously long legs.]
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  19. Refractor of Vos

    Refractor of Vos More Than Meets The Eye | 18+

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  20. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    • Like x 2
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