shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Wilhelm

    Wilhelm GREETINGS FROM S-411! [18+]

    Bill tenses up, looking over at the large creature with a nervous smile, equally cautious not to make a sudden move. The glow that surrounded him got brighter, flickering like flames as if to say 'I am feeling cornered! Do not attack me!'.

    He's... taken off guard by the very tall cat, taller than he, even, and peers up at it in curiosity, momentarily distracted. "... Cute!"
    • Like x 2
  2. Stanford F. Pines

    Stanford F. Pines Ford Pines of Dimension S-411 at your service!

    Wanders in and just blinks at the sight of all these animals. He is wary and unsure if these are normal cats and dogs especially since none of them have tried mauling Bill yet.
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  3. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -Kimo Neko blushes, and tries to hide their face with one of their legs. this is a futile effort, because their legs are too spindly to hide anything.-
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
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  4. Feed Me Pet Me

    Feed Me Pet Me Meow! 18+

    -backs off when his aura changes, but sits down a little ways away and regards him curiously. She may be a Big Cat but her eyes are human-intelligent-
  5. 60% dog hair by volume

    60% dog hair by volume Four greyish, and one huge white huskie [18+]

    (the huskies show no sign of being in any way tired)

    (Abwind watches the Mi, a bit confused. She only wants to love it.)

    (Huskiemom pointedly snubs Wilhelm.)
    (@Stanford F. Pines Huskiemom is not, in fact, a normal Huskie. If you're in any way familiar with Homestuck she is a lusus naturae. If not, she is an unnaturally large, unnaturally white (to the common non-Alternian observer, that is) dog, with almost completely green eyeballs.)

    (strange sometimes bipedal catfriend! Senka is nuzzled back.)
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  6. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -There are many many many mis. So Many mis.-
    Mi Armi!
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  7. adiosToreador

    adiosToreador sICK FIRES,

    • Like x 4
  8. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -A number of Batoru Neko are deployed, brandishing their axes.-
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  9. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -The energy of Ushi Neko knows no bounds.-
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  10. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

  11. 60% dog hair by volume

    60% dog hair by volume Four greyish, and one huge white huskie [18+]

    (These dogs won't tire either, but it seems they need the assistance of their troll, who is currently not here.)
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  12. Wilhelm

    Wilhelm GREETINGS FROM S-411! [18+]

    "This DEFINITELY is a dreamspace. Not that I'm complaining!" He has a goofy grin on his face, giddy from being able to get near animals without getting bodily harm for once.

    Bill pretends he did not see the blush. For the neko's sake. He gives it a small, somewhat awkward 'I'm not used to handling animals' kind of pet.

    He peers back at her, the glow dimming back down as she backs off. He is also very much curious towards this creature.

    Bill doesn't really mind that he's being snubbed and much prefers that to the alternative of being attacked. He leaves her be.
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  13. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    Mii! -fierce!-
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  14. Stanford F. Pines

    Stanford F. Pines Ford Pines of Dimension S-411 at your service!

    He just melts seeing how giddy Bill is being around animals and he smiles, "I never knew you liked animals so much... I always thought you didn't like them since they didn't like you?"
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  15. Wilhelm

    Wilhelm GREETINGS FROM S-411! [18+]

    "I love animals! They're all so unique and interesting, and sometimes soft... At least, they look soft. I'm usually too busy screaming and trying not to bleed out to try and pet anything! Haha!"
    • Like x 1
  16. Stanford F. Pines

    Stanford F. Pines Ford Pines of Dimension S-411 at your service!

    "I'm sure someday you'll find some small furry creature will tolerate you enough to allow you to pet it in the waking world..." He replied, Bill's simple desire was just too sweet.
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  17. totally not FL

    totally not FL lets do the trauma warp agaaaaaain

    *He is entirely covered in cats to the point where he cannot breathe without inhaling fur. The world is at peace.*
    • Like x 6
  18. Wilhelm

    Wilhelm GREETINGS FROM S-411! [18+]

    "Does HABIT count? He bites, but he bites everyone, so..." He shrugs. "He doesn't outright maul me, though!"
    • Like x 1
  19. Stanford F. Pines

    Stanford F. Pines Ford Pines of Dimension S-411 at your service!

    "I-I'm not entirely sure he counts..." He replied with a frown, "Well... or maybe..." Ford just shrugged vaguely. Yes you are a lot of help old man.
  20. Wilhelm

    Wilhelm GREETINGS FROM S-411! [18+]

    "I meant when he's NOT taking over Evan's body. Outside of a host body he's something akin to that rabbit from 'Marty Serpent'...."

    [ EDIT: Removed the link altogether just to be safe. ]
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
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