shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. *Well, that ain't right. He sits down fairly hurriedly and doesn't actually look at the glowy blob.*
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  2. Mr. Mistoffelees

    Mr. Mistoffelees The magical. The marvelous. Q.E.D

    As in controlling electricity, summoning it, that kind of thing?

    [he gestures to his still-sparkling fur and one ear flicks back as if somewhat embarrassed]

    This is...mostly static. Here, let me--

    [he holds up his hands (paws?) and his fingertips begin to dance with what appear to be miniature bolts of lightning]
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  3. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Why are you so concerned about me? I don't need help cutting myself off. I don't want to. That is the problem. He was not a kind or a good man, at least not as humans believe, but he was good to me, and good to our daughter as well. And he taught me every pleasure, not only the private ones of the season; I became addicted to the scent of him, to the purr of our kit at my breast, but also to jewels and furs and flavours and singing and magical power.

    Lissa is very confused; she doesn't know this curly-haired human child at all.

    She glances at Norm.

    Don't call me Vali. I just met you. And nobody calls me that, either. If you know another me, you should already know that names are a very personal thing, and it is not your place to give me one.
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  4. Cronus J. Ampora

    Cronus J. Ampora higher education is for nerds

    (whatever, like YOU would react well to YOUR teenage self showing up and thinking hes so cool.)
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  5. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    So how's that a BAD thing? Fuck your stupid death cult!
  6. The Spirit-Touched

    The Spirit-Touched No matter how many sunset bloodsheds flow 18+

    -she gives him the Heart back, since she didn't take it all the way out-

    Word of advice: there is always someone bigger, and always someone crueler.

    -the sad thing is, she considers this good advice and is only slightly malicious in giving it. Picking on children is neither fun nor meaningful-
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  7. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Yeah. That kind of thing!

    Sorry. I was having trouble with the length of your name. With all those syllables, it's real easy to forget, you know...
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  8. i know THAT, why do you think im a wizard?
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  9. Y.V.

    Y.V. it me. ur god. veenie [18+]

    The sound of an airhorn echoes out as if to announce his arrival.
    Most likely because of the airhorn that was hovering directly next to him, disappearing as soon as the sound stopped.
    He looked around almost immediately, as if in search for someone or something, and he looked pissed.
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  10. The Spirit-Touched

    The Spirit-Touched No matter how many sunset bloodsheds flow 18+

    -blandly- Where I'm from? Either because the power will kill you if you don't learn or you have enough Violet in your soul to interest the recruiters and your family can afford the fees.
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  11. thats nice and all but i just curse people with spices i steal from our kitchen.
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  12. The Spirit-Touched

    The Spirit-Touched No matter how many sunset bloodsheds flow 18+

    -looks monumentally unimpressed-

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  13. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Because there is no pleasure without pain, no joy without sorrow. Because we cannot even live without destroying other lives. Because the world is cruel, and in birthing that kit, I trapped her in life. Because I believe he suffered more when I died than if I had killed him as I was supposed to do, and he was not a good man, but now he is a worse one; and now he will do all the things I might have prevented.
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  14. ???
  15. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Noooo shit! I'm SO glad you figured out babby's first nihilist edge, now can you move on to the OTHER stuff?
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  16. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    I do not understand.
  17. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    Another message is being penned, and still I cannot say to when it shall arrive nor to where. However, it is important that I make a record of my findings. I have, for an indeterminable length of time, been exploring the Labyrinth. There are a number of tombstones in my dreaming respite, and while some of the graves take me to the surface in Yharnam, via the others I awaken in a wholly different location. This location being the Pthumerian Labyrinth that I and so many others from Byrgenwerth have studied in the past.

    Prior to the now, I have only read of the Labyrinth in books, or heard of it from professors and fellow colleagues. To actually step foot in those halls, dilapidated and morose as they are, is something of a religious experience. A nigh rapturous awe has come over me as I step through those gates and trace those oh so familiar patterns with my fingers, not on parchment but on stone. I cannot word the feeling accurately, unfortunately. Would that I could share it with you more properly. Alas.

    I have also continued my research into the idea of there being parallel worlds to my own. I see, at times, the ghostly spectres of shapes quite human in nature. Explorers such as myself are running through the city streets, and yet though they seem so near I can only barely catch a glimpse of their form. To say nothing of my inability to touch these phantoms. However, within the Labyrinth I see no such spectres. I have managed to, with a bell, call in a colleague of mine into the ruins and I have, with yet another bell, managed to call in others I do not know at all. What I have not managed is to see any of these ghostly figures, nor their graves which are curiously guarded by those small eyeless beings that I have taken to calling Messengers. What this says, I do not know. As a tentative theory, I will investigate the possibility of the Labyrinth as being a constant throughout our parallel worlds and times. One which can never cross the void of space as Yharnam can, despite it seemingly being more lacking in stability that our paltry human world. This warrants further investigation.
  18. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    -Clover sighs and snaps her finger, summoning up two comfy chairs around a lovely catte-friendly tea service on a table. There's Valiska's favorite foods! She sits and gestures to Lisse to sit across from her.-

    Death is the point at which you can stop doing things and growing. Or if you grow and change, it's a hell of a lot slower than life. I'm sure you've got your own reasons for thinking people are better off dead than going through horrible emotional pain, but you know what, I DON'T actually appreciate the goddamn implication that I should have been shot in the head as a three year old when I was too dumb to know everything sucks.
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  19. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    Why should not the architecture of the god-touched be more sublimely perfect than our own?
  20. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Lissa's eyes widen. She wants to eat everything.

    I can eat, here? Even though I am dead?
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