shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. totally not FL

    totally not FL lets do the trauma warp agaaaaaain


    *Slaps knee.*
    • Like x 8
  2. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Hi parental induced trauma, I'm... sorry?
    • Like x 6
  3. totally not FL

    totally not FL lets do the trauma warp agaaaaaain

    wtf thats the best joke ive ever made give a guy a lil accolade )8
  4. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    -She snaps her fingers and a very tiny piece of paper with golden letters flutters onto his nose.-

    -The paper says 'accolade'.-
    • Like x 5
  5. crocellsApostate2

    crocellsApostate2 the better cronus

  6. totally not FL

    totally not FL lets do the trauma warp agaaaaaain

    eyyyyyyy thats the spir--

    its getting p late i should...............BE GOING
    • Like x 3
  7. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

  8. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    [Thunder got distracted listening to everyone joke around and argue about PDA for a little bit; he shakes his head and refocuses.] That still sounds super weird, there's not enough space in most thoraxes for another mech! Are sparklings a new kind of minicon?
    • Like x 1
  9. Evie Frye

    Evie Frye The better twin

    Me too, minus the magic and cyphers. I love climbing buildings, especially Big Ben.
  10. Jacob Frye

    Jacob Frye For London

    I think embroidery is a great idea. It's good to do in your free time.
  11. Lucio

    Lucio Can't stop, won't stop

    That would be important.
    *starts laughing *
  12. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    I do know how! I did it. I'VE ALREADY APOLOGISED SO MANY TIMES THOUGH OKAY? I'm sorry I shouldn't have done it I was irresponsible all of this I know hi guys! ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰
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  13. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    [Blinkblinkblink up at the biggest robot to ever robot. Thunder puffs out his plating a little, reflexively trying to make himself look larger.] Who the frag're you?
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  14. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    I'm Primus!
    The Primus yes and you don't have to believe it but it don't stop being true!
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  15. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    ...People cuss with your name? How'd you earn that one?
    • Like x 2
  16. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    Mostly by being a god! Creator god, I created the whole Transformer race, that kind of slag. Well I mean I didn't directly create you but you know! Hotspots and all that, that's me. Used to be me. Got a bit more complicated now.
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  17. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    [Much chitterclicking as he tries to figure out how this works.] What's hotspots?
  18. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    Where sparks grow and emerge from the ground as protoforms! Doesn't happen much on Cybertron any more I sort of got... annoyed... and we have so many sparks from the war to get through reincarnating before I make new ones!
    • Like x 1
  19. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    Oh!! [Excite bug! He settles back into thoughtful clicking after a moment, though] ...Is Ground an alt, then? If you're hotspots, and hotspots are ground, but you're on legs now...
    • Like x 1
  20. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    ....Yes! Kind of! It's a bit different for gods! I'm Cybertron but Cybertron doesn't have to stop existing for me to be here like this! -he gestures vaguely to the form he's currently wearing- I don't think I can explain it properly to mortals. ฅ(๑’Δ’๑)
    • Like x 4
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