shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. 変態性欲

    変態性欲 私とセックスしてください。

    vwhy is vwho here.
    • Like x 1
  2. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Lissa frowns. "That's happened to me," she says sadly. "Our vet and our doctor think it's because of a genetic incompatibility somewhere."
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  3. Sprocket

    Sprocket The One Who Makes Stuff Go

    !!!!!! Did the sparkling make it? Did you have an [egg]?
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  4. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    Why are you here?

    [Distressed clicky noises! He has no idea what a vet is, but coming out of the shell early is never good!] Did the little one survive?
  5. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    "No." Lissa frowns.
  6. Stanford G. Pines

    Stanford G. Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] the maddest Ford of all

    Ford sighs. "I'm still working on that problem."
  7. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    [Further distressed clicking!! It's not much a surprise, but that's still not nice.] I... I think 'sorry' is the right thing to say? Losing the half-grown is never... easy to deal with.
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  8. Sprocket

    Sprocket The One Who Makes Stuff Go

    Oh no!!! -distressed clicking and snuggling against thunderwing-
  9. Eridan Shampora

    Eridan Shampora definitely eridan 100% legit

    to get laid obvwvwiously
  10. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    • Like x 5
  11. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    "It's not," says Lissa, who is trying not to sniffle and mostly succeeding, because of the clicking and Ford's arm around her. "At least we managed the once." She smiles at Jezebel.
  12. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    I think there's a genetic incompatibility that usually comes up but won't always, if my Valiska and Ford are genetically the same as you two. So it's not like rolling the dice on babies is... fun or emotionally healthy, but maybe you can figure something out?
    • Like x 2
  13. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Lissa nods. "She's not a Sunder?"
  14. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    If I'm guessing what that is right, no, she absolutely was, but Steven has healing spit. Useful dude, Steven.
  15. Itch


    thats racist!!
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  16. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    [Groomgroom. Sprocket might not be his swarm but fidgeting helps keep the stress-buzzing to a minimum.]

    Good luck with that.

    Can we maybe not make fun of how people talk?

    [More fussy bugnoises. Lissa is too small for him to really get a good look at, or soothegroom even if he could and she let him!] Yes! This one sounds like he's strong! He'll be fine!!
  17. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    "Well," Lissa ventures, "I wish I could meet him. I'm not a Sunder, because I was Tempted late, never know what might help." She looks up at @Thunderwing, smiling a little. "Jezebel is 'she'."
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  18. Sprocket

    Sprocket The One Who Makes Stuff Go

    Good. You can keep that one safe!
    -snugglegroom, self soothebuzz-
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  19. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    Oh! Sorry! She's still good and strong, though.

    [The grooming, it continues, to a soundtrack of almost-purring chirrs and clicking.]
  20. Jezebel Pines

    Jezebel Pines [WT/Reverse/NS/18+] Knight of Time

    "Thanks." Jezebel smiles.
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