shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Deirdre of the Lantern

    Deirdre of the Lantern The living are not my purview [18+]

    Considering the differences between the universe physics, possibly, but you'd have to talk with a Kinnavarite about that. But the Law I place my faith in, the Law that called me to my Duty -- telling me I was "too intelligent" for that, is an insult. A grave one, at that. Just for future reference.

    I do have some questions about the finer details and logistics of the feasibility and dynamics of immortality, however. Would you be interested in hearing them if I promise to pose them in good faith?
  2. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -he can't see what's in the memory ball but he knows nonetheless, and touches Unicron's shoulder in a slight gesture of attempted comfort-
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  3. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    So! First and foremost, most organic species create their young by way of producing genetic material in some manner, be it by copying one single forebear's code or recombining parts of multiple progenitors'. Mechanoids technically have genetic coding as well, usually housed within the spark, but outside of those borne of sparkmerge-splitting this is created wholesale by Primus or chosen from a databank by Vector Sigma. [Her optics shade dark red for a moment.] Or by unscrupulous mortals copying code from a single source, but that is neither here nor there. The point is: species tend to have core coding for things like 'how many legs should the body create' and 'where do internals go', and in most organic species this coding is passed from one generation to the next in some manner or other.

    So! The issue with copying anything, of course, is that occasionally transcription errors occur-- parts changed, parts removed, parts created. Usually these errors-- mutations, rather, to avoid the connotations of wrongness 'errors' carries-- are harmless to the organism in question, but occasionally they will present in a visible matter. Sometimes this is good-- say, if a mutation allows a prey animal to develop better camouflage and so survive long enough to produce more of the species-- but sometimes it can be detrimental-- if, say, the coding that controls underwater ventilation is damaged, and an aquatic individual finds itself unable to properly extract necessary compounds from its surroundings. And, as on the small scale, there are harmless mutations as well: extra digits, minor variation in facial structure, so on and so forth.

    Now, most nonsapient species' purpose, from a wide-scale perspective, is only to produce more of the species. If an individual's mutations do not impede its ability to reproduce (either by way of directly killing it, or by way of rendering whatever internals are involved in reproduction non- or underfunctional), those mutations will likely be passed on to all its young! So sometimes you end up with a species with features that have no purpose but the decorative, usually indicating an ability to hold a large amount of nutritive resources and-or sheltering territory. If the mutations prove actively advantageous-- an ambush-predator individual that happens to rearrange its leg muscles just enough to afford it more propulsion power, say-- they may spread throughout the breeding pool, and seven or eight generations down the line you have a more efficiently-designed species as a whole!

    If any of the actual organic biologists around here have input or corrections to add, please do! I'm well aware most of my knowledge comes from observation in a field environment rather than active study of the science as a whole. It's so difficult to get most mechanoids properly interested in organic biology in the first place...

    Ah. The disconnect is discovered.

    Our memories can be buried by a minor death, but they will not stay so; the cycle has been... disrupted for quite some time, but now that sparks are once more returning we see their new frames remembering things they experienced in a previous stint on the physical plane. (It is working... more quickly for some than others, admittedly. I can only hope my brothers remember their old callings before they tear each other and half the universe apart, but at least they're drawn to each other.) I have no idea if this holds true for humans, however.

    ...I was not there, and watching can only get me so far. I have no convincing arguments to offer one way or the other. But I still believe that sole blame cannot rest with you.

    A true romantic partner. 'One who makes your spark sing,' referencing either the powerful emotions or the actual note a bared spark emits.

    ...the reparation is admirable, in my opinion. I apologise for my earlier outburst.
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  4. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)


    He's making music with the resonating frequency of his spark??
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  5. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    ...Yes. Sparks often being only (intentionally) bared to one's most trusted, most beloved.
  6. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Not like mine makes any sound.

    -She frowns.-
  7. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -Soundwave appears. He´s still a little gawky but has begun filling out his plating hinting at a powerful if still comparative diminutive, build. What are they feeding this kitten?-
    Hello! -he pads up to Unicron and noofs him, then Lacuna and Onyx- Aunt ´Cuna my plating shifted, I bet I can transform now!
  8. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    Does it not make sound in the first place, or is the song devoured before it can reach the audials, Devourer Of Sound?

    ...this discussion feels familiar. Hrm. Have we had it before, or am I coming unstuck again?
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  9. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    An admirable goal. My only advise is to remain humble then.
    -He leans into the touch, wordlessly-
    -He nods, even though he hardly seems convinced.-
    Yes. The most beautiful sound in the universe.
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  10. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Oh, it doesn't matter! Of course my spark resonates! But there's no sound.
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  11. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    I am sure with time you will learn how to let it sing, Devourer Of Sounds. Control may extend to not doing things we do unthinkingly, eventually. It is only a matter of practice.
    -He pets the kitten, gently, and settles in to watch. A first transformation attempt is very important after all.-
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  12. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -murmurs- As cold a comfort as it might be, at least there's alwas me. Always me, until the end.
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  13. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Oh? Are you going to show me?

    -She looks down, distracted.-
  14. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [Not having the right face at the moment, Onyx instead projects the feeling of a soft smile in Soundwave's direction.] Would you care to try, little brother? It will surely be exciting.

    [Sometimes it is very, very hard to remember that Unicron is The Enemy. She butts her muzzle against the nearest bit of plating. Shh. It's not treason if no one notices.]
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  15. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    ...yeah. It just-

    A lot of times people used me not talking as an excuse to ignore me.
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  16. Crobot

    Crobot if i evwer see a captcha again i svwear to god

    transforming is only fun if you turn into something cool.
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  17. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    I'm sure plenty of dataslates and -slugs agree with you.
  18. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "Deirdre...I'm not sure we can talk about this without upsetting each other. You place your faith in your Law, but it is a matter of faith." Ford sighs. "There's very little I take on faith. My religious beliefs--fractured and held together with chewing gum and sealing wax and little scraps of near-unravelled cosmic string--have nothing to do with faith or belief, and everything to do with hope and action and promise and love...and experiences I cannot ask anyone else to take seriously, because they are not reproducible. I do not understand how someone can believe that death is necessary for change and growth and evolution when it's patently obvious to me that it puts a stop to those processes. If you're going to ask me questions about matters of faith, I'm afraid the answers won't be very satisfying. I don't believe in anything. I know that magic works because I do it, and I know that gods are sometimes real and sometimes not, and vary in their power, and ultimately, what matters is what we do with whatever power we have."

    "Thank you."
    "I'm not the ruler; that's Tainell. We would love nothing more than to let go of much of the power we currently hold, but it can't be done until our people grow strong enough to resist the outside influence that almost led to our destruction fifteen years ago."
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  19. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    [A somewhat strained smile and an eyeroll]
    Inevitability was always a comfort to me, brother.
    [He stiffles any reaction he has in favor of not drawing attention.]
    That is their own foolishness for which they will suffer. After all, most threats are silent rather than noisy.
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  20. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Hehehe. I mean. That is how I ended up using it.
    • Like x 2
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