shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Sprocket

    Sprocket The One Who Makes Stuff Go

    What´s a philosopic? Are there blueprints for it?
    I can read! [He´s white and black and yellow and purple! He´s big like a warrior!]
    O.O [Storytime?]
    • Like x 1
  2. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    And that's why you -- general you -- make decent laws. Easier to point to the line saying "Killing is illegal" than trying to go against the three billionst fragwit who thinks because it's them it's okay because you see they have a legitimate reason, you see?
    • Like x 2
  3. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "...hmmm?" Ford grins at her. Wherever they've been, it was loads of fun. He doesn't look much worse for wear.
    • Like x 2
  4. Hancock

    Hancock Mayor of Goodneighbor|18+

    Beautiful, just beautiful.
    • Like x 1
  5. Curie

    Curie Robotic French scientist

    So does that mean that you can leave the body at will? Or are you fused into it?
  6. Stanford G. Pines

    Stanford G. Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] the maddest Ford of all

    Ford nods. "And it lasts as long as it lasts, but that's okay, because at least you kept it going as long as you could."
    • Like x 1
  7. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    Yep!!! Lots!! Were you around when I remember-made the sodium blue gel?

    ...Maybe? Still getting used to your voice. I'll see if my co-- sw-- [ground below why is talking to actual Decepticons harder than talking to aliens?] squad can find a copy first.

    Fighting is fun!! But... I don't think you mean real fighting? And someone said I can't kill people for real here anyway?
  8. Crossbreed Priscilla

    Crossbreed Priscilla Lady of the Painted World

    *Rushes over and sits next to the giant being.*
  9. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "...who are you, and who is that with you?"
    • Like x 3
  10. Stanford G. Pines

    Stanford G. Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] the maddest Ford of all

    " you're the Ford she's looking for."
    • Like x 2
  11. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    • Like x 1
  12. Jamethiel Talissen

    Jamethiel Talissen Clan Leader, Adopter of Strays

    Might get me a concussion though!

    -and there comes another charge. which is probably not a real charge. she can't be that daft to do the same thing again. very few people were who were this aware of shereshoy. the question is what would come next. jame dodges to the side on impulse, using the momentum of her turn to power a kick with her knee. maybe her guess that it wasn't a real charge will prove right. maybe jame will hit something. or maybe she'll again be reminded that she loves kicking far too much for her own good-
  13. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "I thought...she killed you?" Ford swallows. "And I didn't know you were married."
    • Like x 2
  14. The Handmaid

    The Handmaid Friendly Neighborhood Murderer

    Glasses we've a fucking emergency on our hands. Titled "Holy Shit How'd You Get So Boring". Look at him. He's my kind of depressed with the state of reality and untrusting.

    • Like x 4
  15. Ampora Sr.

    Ampora Sr. Member

    the fuck are you supposed to be.
  16. Stanford G. Pines

    Stanford G. Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] the maddest Ford of all

    "Don't believe anything you hear from Will or someone who heard it from Will. And you're cheating?"
  17. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (Apostasia grins)
    6 million years and counting. We have an abbreviated version, and several extended levels of why certain things are as they are.
    So much "I can't believe that needs to be said"...
    (She shakes her head).

    (Apostasia nods)
    Not fully present, but I vaguely recall. The thing is, once a planet is picked clean, all the tasty stuff is gone forever.

    It's one of the reasons Hills-and-Sky and I have a pretty tight deal on how far Scelus can extend on her soil, so we don't end up destroying her and her children.
    • Like x 1
  18. Mettaton EX

    Mettaton EX MTT, NS

    -bows- THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
  19. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

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  20. The Handmaid

    The Handmaid Friendly Neighborhood Murderer

    -the handmaid has given up on life and is now floating about in place lazily because just How and Why and Boy Feelings Are Dumb-
    • Like x 5
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