shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Grimm

    Grimm The Birch Wolf | 18+

    [Tired Wolf grin, the glow of their eyes muting]
    Bite me, Gem Hide.
  2. Lindi

    Lindi Eye of Snakes | 18+

    [They slither a little closer, batting their lashes.]
  3. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    Thank you, but no. I'm not in the habit of making deal with spirits, demonic or otherwise.
    Perhaps it's not as common with your kind of spirit? In Thedas, a spirit embodies a... function, or a personality trait, or an emotion. They're creatures purely in the moment, existing with passionate unending devotion to their given spheres. Command, courage, pride, knowledge, teaching... the trait a spirit embodies can change if they're fundamentally hurt-- Compassion can become Despair, Justice might become Vengeance-- but the spheres they tend to occupy remain the same. Not always, but most of the time.

    I'm particularly prone to Pride demons, it seems. I can't imagine why. [He grins.]
    • Like x 2
  4. Grimm

    Grimm The Birch Wolf | 18+

    [Streeeeeeetch and yawn]
    Suit yourself, mortal.
    What a peculiar, silly hierarchy.
  5. Billy the Butcher's Boy

    Billy the Butcher's Boy Nothing special

    I'd break my teeth, no thanks.
  6. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    I'm not the one that changed the Fade. Maybe they weren't always this way, but it is how the Fade functions.
  7. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    I like that I'm not the only serpent here.

    Interesting. Where I am from there are specific elements along with emotions attached. Sucubi tend to be linked to lust, earth, plants, and corruption. Things such as that, you know? I'm more than simply a spirit though! I am a demon, summoned onto the physical realm and given a pure soul so that I may exist as I please.

    I like your ears. They're like mine.
  8. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    A spirit gets better at certain forms of magic depending on their sphere; Despair demons are a trial to face because of the way they invert the warmth of Compassion into ice magic. But magic isn't set in stone, so not every Rage demon or Pride demon is going to try and kill you the same way. It'd make things easier if they did.

    But a spirit and demon are the same where I'm from-- demons are simply malicious while spirits are often ambivalent or even benevolent. Demons tend to be more powerful too, if only because of the emotions they're derived from. It's all very constructed, I think.
  9. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    *Hums in interest, steepling the fingers of two of his hands together*

    I'm not malicious, or I'd like to think I'm not. I'm very young though? I was summoned very close to when I was... born. So I didn't get to spend much time in hell, as it were. Edwin was a good man, I'm surprised he summoned me! I'm a brat! A deal with me, however, is not a deal written in blood but one carved in stone or stored in diamonds. Breaking it can be impossible, but it is not intended to hurt you.

    *Grins and then snickers* Not that I'm trying to trick you, I don't think a deal made here would stay. I don't think I have anything to offer you anyway, other than maybe a pretty rock to protect you from the cold.
  10. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    Hell? Is that like the Fade? Er, a plane of existence for spirits and magic power?

    And no, thank you, but no. I haven't got plans on making deals with any demons, and I'm quite fed up with making deals with mortals too I think. Besides, cold is the opposite of what I have to worry about up in the North. It's so hot! No wonder half of Tevinter and Par Vollen run around with most of their clothes off.
    • Like x 2
  11. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    I don't know what the 'fade' is, however hell is the realm of demons. Mortal souls don't go there, not in my world, unless they intentionally sell themselves to become or be with demons.

    North... hot? Hm! Interesting! Well, I think that I have no deals for you! Which is good, since it means we can simply converse with no fear.
  12. Grimm

    Grimm The Birch Wolf | 18+

    That's what you get for having the teeth of a human.
    [What does this noise mean? Who knows.]
  13. Lindi

    Lindi Eye of Snakes | 18+

    [They laugh and streeeeeeeetch out. flipping a braid over their shoulder.]
    [They drape themselves over Koios' back. Lindi, no, conversing does not involve being a demon-cape without asking first.]
    • Like x 2
  14. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    *Slowsly descends to just laying down now, making happy noises. Yes, touch.*
    • Like x 1
  15. Lindi

    Lindi Eye of Snakes | 18+

    [They happily snuggle in smiling.]
    Mhhhhh you're waaarm~
  16. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    I am! It's part of my charm, Edwin liked that about me. He got cold very easy, so I would wrap him up. A sweet little human, wanted nothing more than company. Who does that? Who summons a demon just for company?
  17. Samahl Mahariel

    Samahl Mahariel Disaster bi extraordinaire

    They are very rare!
  18. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    I think he felt bad, felt that he was forcing me to spend time with him? But I enjoyed it. Perhaps that's why he gave me his soul completely.
  19. Samahl Mahariel

    Samahl Mahariel Disaster bi extraordinaire

    [Blinkblink.] Well. I guess that's one way to end it.
  20. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    *waves a hand dismissively* He didn't have much longer, it was a bit of a request in of itself. Poor thing, could have called a demon that could have cured him, but he didn't. Just wanted company.
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