shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    Well, looking goo is one thing but a gallery has to work! you need the right lighting and rooms and such! If yu just majestic at people you just get decorative unusable chunks.
    I don´t know, geology is not my thing. They grow on this one planet and dye the plant and even the animals that eat the plants, see? -her fingers are pink under the crystals- They stain everything.
  2. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    [He looks amused. No one beats Teggy at this game, he is simply the best there is]
  3. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    You are absolutely right, darling. Silly me, spouting nonsense, that's why you're the artist.
    [His voice is... slightly less sarcastic than with Dave, and he summons a cocktail for the archmitect alongside one of his own to sip on elegantly]
  4. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    can i have one i need to plaster my body in this ridiculous color
    also my art but mostly my body
    well shit far be it from me to cramp your style then bro
    probably worth more than your entire rental even with that frame on there
    makes it a veritable tourist attraction
    • Like x 1
  5. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    Oh for sure. If we just take a small fee for everyone who wants to see it, we will be rich.
  6. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    -hands him some wishes the stain away- Have fun, remember this shit is hard to remove!
  7. Dom Irossi

    Dom Irossi Can't actually melt brains

    Hearing a mi swear feels wrong somehow.
  8. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    hell yeah
    im more charitable than fuckin bill gates
    droppin autographs like crisp hundreds at all the orphans in my path when i trip over em
    they just dont stop throwing themselves at me what can a mogul such as myself do

    [immediately scribbles some radioactive pink dicks on the nearest available surface. vandalism!]
    • Like x 2
    • Winner x 2
  9. Guild Arnbjörg

    Guild Arnbjörg Etrian Odyssey OCs

    Durapror: "...What kind of materials would you need for this. We may be capable of acquiring what you need from one of the Yggdrasil labyrinths."

    Duneyrr: "Hopefully she needs something hard to find. Procuring rare items is one of my favorite specialties."

    Skuld: "...Your specialty at item points only...'Andi and I scavenge from monsters..."

    Veroandi: "I don't like rare monsters as much as Dune loves rare items though. They're too undercooked."

    Skuld: "..?"
    • Like x 1
  10. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    Indeed you are. The most generous artiste. Like a god amongst mere men. However may I think you.
    [He sounds distracted, massaging his feet with a slight grimace. Those shoes (currently neatly and orderly standing next to the plush chaise he is lounginge on) are super pretty, but hurt like hell]
  11. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    i mean
    yyyyyes? im definitely still just a dude but i also have ~authority~ over time or whatever
    and maybe welsh powers but im still pretty sure thats a load of shit

    you alright there bro
    • Like x 3
  12. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    Oh yes definitely, I'm just peachy, but these shoes are hell for walking and standing, since that is soooo not their intended purpose.
  13. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    then why do you wear them instead of just putting them on display somewhere far away from anyones feet and or anyones dubious fetishes
    you probably wanna keep those in good condition yknow
    your feet i mean
  14. Pollux

    Pollux 'Sup

    'Cos he'd rather use his own healin' powers t'make sure he c'n still walk than give up th' pretty shoes.
    I know, he made me nick most've 'em for 'im.
  15. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    oh shit healing powers are sweet
    i mean i havent got any but johns mom does and theyve come in pretty handy

    but cant you just like
    modify the shoes or something i mean im clearly passionate about dressing nice but i do make sure my shit is like comfortable

    and compared to the god jammies thats no small task let me tell you
    the task is bigger than when david walked up to the pillar of veiny meat that was goliath and let out a single terrified aw hell
    what are these pjs even made of that makes them so awesome while looking so stupid
    • Like x 1
  16. Pollux

    Pollux 'Sup

    Handy f'r a lotta things, yeah. -smug kitty smirk-
    An' man, you're missin' one key thing- he likes it. Lets him sit 'round an' whine while me an' Paul wait on 'im hand an' foot. He's lucky he's pretty.
    -Polly does not seem actually particularly annoyed or upset about this-
    • Like x 2
  17. Slipstream

    Slipstream Of Operation: Aether Revolt

    Or you could just not bother with distal mods. [How long has a minibot been eavesdropping? The world may never know.] Waste of metal, honestly. Or... whatever it is shoes are made of.
  18. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    What he said.
    Hi babe.
    [He grins brightly at Pollux and wiggles his toes at him.]
    There's not much modifying you can do to designer shoes that doesn't kind of ruin them or make them even less comfortable. Believe me, I tried.
    • Like x 2
  19. Pollux

    Pollux 'Sup

    You anglin' for a footrub again or somethin'?
  20. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    I'm very, very pretty and you love my whining.
    [He bats his lashes at him]
    They're made from fairydust and the tears of children.
    [... he may or may not be joking.]
    • Like x 2
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