shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    shit i got my dancing shoes on lets cause this to transpire
    how many different laws can we break in one go im willing to try for almost all of them

    and while i definitely CAN hearing the words social justice applied to me just gave me some major red sweater flashbacks and i think im going to need a couple years to recover from the memory of wannabe evil karkat yelling at me for appropriating my own goddamn culture
    p much along with like
    if youre x you can only do y and if youre a you can only do b and if you do anything else youre bad
    [he does not stop leisurely floating]
    alright on the count of three lets haul ass
    you wound me woman
    cut to the very bones
    can i have one medium good and one medium art trash pls
    • Like x 2
  2. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    Okay so bringing a grounder in (or being an unregistered grounder), edging in on Vision territory, dancing only as a pair... I don't think I'm up for public indecency with someone your size but we could probably pull off public drunkenness... should we dance over a noble's spire or go right for the Winglord's eyrie itself?

    How the frag do you even appropriate your own culture though, is this that "you're not a real member" slag again?

    Yyyyyyep, sounds familiar.
  3. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    -finishes her coffee and looks hopeful- Anything for a mi?
  4. Skyfall of Teutonia

    Skyfall of Teutonia P13-DD1-FI3 (Daredevil, Interceptor) [18+]

    You're like, a Decepticon, right? I mean the one before that. The First Cybertronian Civil War. About, uh, 6 million years before the Decepticon-Autobot mess escalated?

    Frag that, right?? So dumb. For us Velocitronians it's, everything is dealt with via races. But if you're winged like me? No races! Because I'm not pure. Psh. The Cybertronians had like, strict castes based on your alt mode. It's why Megatron was like, frag that, this needs to change!

    (Skyfall would throw her arms up, but they're tucked in.)

    (Finish line, what finish line? There's not even a course. Skyfall U-turns upside down with an amazingly small radius, and then there's a sonic boom.)
    • Like x 2
  5. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Good thing you're bleeding onto your red duds, aye?
    (Is there a difference between the Dave who offered to race Skyfall and the one talking to her? Who knows, but there's two mugs -- one looking deceptively normal (except for three lines marked "Ssshh", "Not yet", and "Now you may speak", and a cat mouth at the bottom, and a novelty mug-sized tankard with artistically creamed and cocoa-powdered college coffee sludge, complete with cookies.)

    Sure! How'd you take it?
  6. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    The one that Nova supposedly won? Psssshh. That's just some old story the Primacy made up to legitimize his takeover.

    [Ignis whoops encouragement, wings flaring out; would it be rude to join in, even if he's probably not as fast as them?]
  7. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    No one won that one, no matter what Alpha Trio likes to say.
    • Like x 1
  8. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    Yes, well, Trion always is a prideful sort. Can't let anyone think he lost, dear me no, how would he ever be respected like that?

    There's a reason he always got on with Prima.
    • Like x 1
  9. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    And with the 'bots.
    (Apostasia shakes her head)
    As if someone yakking about how they totally didn't lose instead of owning up is in any way worthy of respect.
  10. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    [He shrugs.] That iteration of him... of us, I suppose... was and were under quite a bit of pressure to make up for our creator's failings. Which isn't to excuse how the three of us acted, but, well. Explanations and all that. We owe you lot that much at least.
  11. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -the mi pirrs and continues, heroically, but eventually flops over because there is Too Much Wet-
    • Witnessed x 1
  12. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    With milk! Or cream if you got that. -once a mi, always a mi-
  13. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (Apostasia's optic ridges are below her helmet, but she raises them anyway.

    For over six million cycles she has outright rejected Primus and all connected to him, divinity, and divine law and history. Praying never helps anyway, and she got much better results by making sure scrap gets done herself. When Primus first arrived in this space she raged against him, because how dare he appear now, and threaten the peace she created herself: there is no god, only us.)

    (And now this.)
    Is that so.

    (She is decidedly not drunk enough for this discussion, and summons a crate of her local favorite enjex. A softly glowing neon sign hovers above it: "Free for all".
    She grabs a bottle.)
  14. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Gotcha, coming up.
    (Oneira hands the Archmitect a mug with a a huge dollop of whipped cream on top, along with the liquid cream mixed into the coffee.)
  15. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    If you're sharing! [He leans over to claim a bottle for himself.] Can't answer your first question without knowing what you're properly asking, though. Is what so? That my brothers are prideful afts? That we recognized after he got us all nearly killed that Primus wasn't the be-all-end-all of Good? That we felt responsibility for those who came after us, and some of us thought you deserved better than what we got? That we fragged everything up anyways because we were young and traumatized and stupid with it? [Vector is gesturing aimlessly with the engex as he speaks rather than drinking it. Focus, what focus? There's conversation to be had!]
  16. Lee

    Lee i will face god and walk backwards into hell

    (Nepeta bounds into the scene!

    ...She's not really sure where she is, though, and she looks around at the people around her cautiously. This...didn't look like anywhere she knew! Where in the hell is she?)

    "Oh! Well, uhm. Hello to efurryone? Is anypawdy able to tell me where I am?"
  17. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    The designation I'd use for it probably wouldn't make much sense to you, but... call it a dream! A communal sort of dream, an in-between place where people from all over can show up and talk to each other without having to worry about the real worlds for a bit.
  18. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    -LOUD PURRING- Thank you! -sips, purrs-
    -Watches, fascinated- Excuse me, But can people live in you?
  19. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    Me specifically is a matter of how small and how sturdy they are! But 'you' as a general... now, isn't that an interesting question! How do you mean, dear?
  20. Lee

    Lee i will face god and walk backwards into hell

    (Nepeta's eyes light up when she hears this, and she nods along vigorously. She seems to relax visibly after hearing about the news.)

    Ahh, so like a dream bubble? I see, I see! That makes efurrything a lot more simple, then. I was worried that I was in some sort of danger, really! Thank you furry much!
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