shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Fleetwing

    Fleetwing at least four stealths

    [Smug] Of course not, can't do anything without your commander's approval.

    [Fleet pauses, looking down at Stall. He briefly looks guilty before wiping the expression off his face.] You're right. I shouldn't start fighting now, after all we've done to get away from it. Besides, it gets us nothing more than damaged frames and scratches.
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  2. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    what in the sweet fuck did i just walk in on
    its like im inside saturday morning television
    are your 11 minutes up yet have we learned our very special lesson
    oh shit am i the commercial
    • Like x 3
  3. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    You're totally the commercial dude
    Gotta break up that emotional tension and also cut away while we get our lovely actors to go back to being bet-worthy
    • Like x 4
  4. Stallout

    Stallout [revving noises]

    [Stall blows a raspberry at ShockCollar.]

    Exactly! We should just take a step back and tone it down. Here, let's get something to calm you. [Stall passes him a very large cube of engex.]

    [Stall lets out a squeal, stumbling over himself as he turns from his now forgotten sparkmate to come over to the organic.] Hello there, little human!!!
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  5. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    emotional tension? in MY rave?
    cant have it dude need the chillest sonofabitch there is to slurp it all up
    im your tiny organic heatsink my man

    and honestly while im being a commercial theres way better things to spend your money on than a knock down drag out flamboyant purple douchefight
    have you considered sbahj merch
    the shirts come in xxxxxxl
    [dave backs up slightly]
    hi there big mech
    Last edited: May 5, 2017
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  6. Stallout

    Stallout [revving noises]

    [He waves down at Dave, grinning.] Hi!! [Not very wisely, Stallout reaches a hand down in attempts to pick Dave up.]
    • Winner x 1
  7. ShockCollar

    ShockCollar Long Live Megatron!

    ShockCollar lets out a makeshift growl at the grape colored mech.

    He crosses his arms over his chassis as he lets out a half-hearted chuckle "You never were a powerful soldier anyway."

    ShockCollar sends a deathglare at the smaller mech
  8. Stallout

    Stallout [revving noises]

    [Stall just giggles and grins back up at him.]
  9. Fleetwing

    Fleetwing at least four stealths

    You're one to talk, Collar. If I remember correctly, there were quite a few times you've been beat by much smaller mechs than me. [Fleet crosses his arms in a mirrored pose to Shock.]
  10. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    [dave flashsteps out of the way and flies up to eye-level with stallout]
    do i need to give you a lecture on consent because i did not think id be spending my day teaching giant metal dudes thousands of years older than me how to respect the autonomy of other guys
    you dont just scoop people up youll give us ideas and mostly ideas that end in oh shit im going to end up ground into a fine red pulp by unrelenting steel jaws

    not a great first impression
    • Like x 3
  11. ShockCollar

    ShockCollar Long Live Megatron!

    ShockCollar rolls his optics and ignores the insults being thrown at him.
  12. Stallout

    Stallout [revving noises]

    [Stall looks mildly upset at the idea of upsetting Dave, but beyond that everything that's been said just flys right past him because holy fuck he can fly?!] You can fly?? Wow! And you didn't even need to transform - but, wait, right organics don't transform. But still! That's amazing! How are you doing that??
  13. Fleetwing

    Fleetwing at least four stealths

    [Fleet frowns and looks equally unhappy. It seems they are at an impasse.]
    • Agree x 1
  14. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    [dave shrugs and puts his hands in his jeans pockets]

    i died
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  15. ShockCollar

    ShockCollar Long Live Megatron!

    The thought of starting a fight in the middle of everybody would only result in negative consequences, especially the disappointment of his leader. ShockCollar shakes his helm and sighs. "What is that sparkmate of yours doing?" He gestures his helm toward the small red 'bot gawking at the even smaller floating creature.
    Small talk will be better, a lot better.
  16. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [Updraft returns to the chat after some unscheduled maintenance, that's what he's going to call it yet, nothing pg18 happening here at all, nope. He certainly looks rather relaxed than he did before his little vanishing act with Ignis]
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  17. Stallout

    Stallout [revving noises]

    Huh. That's a funny way to go about doing things, but I guess if it --- [Stall tilts his head just as his two entente spark, a blue bit of electricity connecting them but for a moment.] --- perked, shirked - worked for you!! [Stall continues on as if nothing happened, even though he said two completely unrelated words before getting out what he'd intended.]
  18. Fleetwing

    Fleetwing at least four stealths

    [Fleet looks towards his sparkmate, smiling fondly.] He's probably fawning over the human, no doubt. Stallout loves earth and all it's inhabitants, even though he rarely ever gets to contact a human. Blowing cover, and all that.
  19. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Wow rude way to steal a guy's clientele
    I mean apparently there's no reason to bet on them anymore unless we want to run "how quickly will they get back to fighting" but still it's the principle of the thing

    Well hello there prettywings! [Venture tips his own wings up in greeting.]
  20. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [Updraft's own wings angle up in response] hello right back! I don't think i have Seen you here before. [Admittedly he's been sort of Distracted, but he likes to think that he would have noticed another flier. They seem to be somewhat swarming around here, not that he"s complaining, far from it.]
    • Like x 2
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