shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

    oooohhhh SHIT

    I want in fUCK but u said Ray's there and I bet u guys would have problems with me murdering the shit out of him?


    UH I'm PRETTY SURE most of the people here would have a BIG PROBLEM with the whole murder thing.

    Not big on murder, these guys.
  3. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

    Booo... Even if I point out he killed my brother?
  4. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    fuckers sullying my good name thats about the dumbest thing i ever heard
    havent they ever heard of hiding in plain sight
    no one knows who celebrities ARE they know what people allow them to see and i think thats more secure than being a fucking wifi hermit lurking around with pantyhose on your face

    clearly we should make our own cult with blackjack and hookers
    and a really bangin soundtrack
    ya got me
    im a fragile soul and murders bound to give me palpitations
    you dont want to have to get out the smelling salts do you
    • Like x 2
    • Winner x 1
  5. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

    Notta cult, I mean not supposed to be one. DedSec is a hacker group. Apparently other mask-person says his cell is much better. I'm jelly
  6. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    hacker group
    religious movement
    anime club
    same difference
    • Winner x 5
  7. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    Psssst.... fuck you.
  8. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    sorry this ass is off the market
    i know its a real loss
    try not to get your tears on me
    • Winner x 2

    PR1NC3SS_CH8OS Lift your bony little fists on high 18+

    [Kablooey.exe has exploded: "Fuck you, fuck your 'cult' bullshit, fuck your couch-"]

    -Lady is attempting shooshpaps, hugs her from behind and gets elbowed in the face for her trouble- Calm down 'Blooey, he's being glib like the fucking rest of us.

    -to Dave- Sorry, she's in a Mood.
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  10. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    [dave's eyebrows raise above his shades]

    man i did not mean to strike such a nerve im sorry yo
    i should really put the jokes pickaxe away and use a more delicate touch with my humor
    dont want to accidentally hammer right into a vein of foot in mouth again
    • Like x 1
  11. PR1NC3SS_CH8OS

    PR1NC3SS_CH8OS Lift your bony little fists on high 18+

    No, no, don't worry about it. She just gets real touchy about shit sometimes, and she's kinda explosive at times. Hard for people to read you when rapid-cycle emotional output, plus she's just naturally mercurial af. We get compared to cults by the media a lot, mostly we laugh it off but she's a minefield on days like this.

    [Kablooey rants in background. She's unintelligible at this point, talking faster than she can breathe and gesturing expansively. There's a lot of shouting tho.]
    • Like x 2
  12. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    im familiar with some pretty similar personalities i think
    im picking up what youre laying down

    cant say im exactly a fan of cults though
    clown cults
    your roomie is jesus cults
    kind of over it
    • Winner x 2
  13. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Add "cult of personality" to the list too, tbh. Tarn's slag is getting old.
  14. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    shit someones fuckin oprah here
    you get a cult
    you get a cult
    you get a new car and guess whats inside?
    the founding members of your very own cult
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  15. PR1NC3SS_CH8OS

    PR1NC3SS_CH8OS Lift your bony little fists on high 18+

    Identity is currency in our world. We gotta walk a thin line between expressing our identity, bein' shameless as fuck about who we are, and our identity- the shit corps -the p is pronounced; it's short for 'corporations'- and the government use to find us because they want us gone. Fearmongers like to play up the fact that a lot of us dropped our birth names entirely, rebranded ourself 100% as "we break down the identity of our members in a cult-like manner, assigning them new ones." (Fact: the military is honed, industrialized identity destruction + reconstruction. Boot camp is made to break you so they can put you back together the way they want.) Because they don't want people to join us, don't want people to take us seriously. We're the 'Satanic baby-eating cultists' of the modern age, the big scary boogeymen because if they win and people are afraid of us existing near them how can we do anything, yeah?

    Fuck 'em. We're us, we'll prove them wrong by being exactly as we are. People join because they want to- Black Asp has thrown people out for blackmailing their own, culty bullshit is right fucking out.

    Because we're dedicated to taking down the corps and their cult of fake.

    -she's not angry but her eyes are bright, passionate-
    • Winner x 1
  16. You wouldn't. Believe. How many people think starting random cults during extended space travels is funny.
    As it turns out, it's funny right up until the espresso machine starts requiring three animal sacrifices a week to function.
  17. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    ah the satanic panic of the cyberpunk future
    i always wondered what would happen after the internet is evil scandal
    first dnd now this
    well you know what they say
    cant beat em brand them a cult because of the very stuff you made them do to survive
    and if you get to cover up the shit youre doing by saying theyre so bad then thats just a bonus
    • Winner x 2
  18. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    [Wiretap grins; he doesn't open his mouth to speak, but broadcasts someone else's voice through a speaker set into his chest.]
    "Look at your neighbor and see not a drill, not a convoy, not a tool, but a person. The Senate thinks we will keep each other in our places where brute force and religious weight will not; show them they are wrong! We are not our forms, we will not turn on each other, and we will not be mere cogs in the Great Machine!"

    [He laughs, the recording over.] Which is to say, rock the frag on, sister, we're all for revolution and individualism here.
    • Winner x 1
  19. PR1NC3SS_CH8OS

    PR1NC3SS_CH8OS Lift your bony little fists on high 18+

    Now it's the Othernet that's evil, 'cause we fuckin' own it. -she moves her fingers, somewhere between typing and stereotypic vague arcane gestures. Pixelated wings burst from her back, a tasty purple-red; they break off into smaller pixels, leaving mangled bones in their wake which explode into digital confetti-

    -throws her fist up-

    -clips of songs play from her general vicinity-

    The first letter in Sydney is a dollar sign
    The first symbol in London is a pound
    Life ain’t yours 'til you fucked it away
    The dream ain’t yours until it’s burned to the ground
    The city of beauty is built on the dead
    Temple of wealth is built on the poor
    Spend life just passing away
    ‘Til you get up off your belly and crawl

    -track switch-

    It takes a special rodent, to spread a special plague
    And turn a special man into a worthless slave
    Round up all the liars, put them in parliament
    The people are not crying, just allergic to the bullshit.

    -track switch-

    Those foreign monkeys
    And their religious dictatorships
    Need our freedom
    Shoved down their necks:
    Democracy for their elite
    Education for their rich
    Mass media for their working class
    Military service for everyone else
    Last edited: May 13, 2017
    • Winner x 1
  20. Vulcan Maleus

    Vulcan Maleus yonderlyThaumatologist, Mage of Void

    • Witnessed x 1
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