shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    youll never serve a signature Look with that spirit
    i dont go with the times i make em
    gaggles of desperate groupies just barely resisting the urge to tear my clothes off cause they know they cant afford to pay my jeans insurance
    taking style notes and drooling into their notebooks like a dog told if he sits real good hell get the steak
    the steak is my buttcheeks
    • Winner x 1
  2. gallantStitchery

    gallantStitchery Ghazal Kecske, Knight of Light | 18+

    [He snickers]
    >@ Signature looks are nice if you like things steady, but baby I'm like Troll Madonna, I reinvent myself every other sweep.
    >@ I don't do the thing where she dyes her hair with the blood of last perigee's charity project lowblood though.
    >@ That's a bit too Highblood for me.
    • Like x 1
  3. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    Phuck Id kill phor a cophphee right now. Thatd be a treat. You wanna hear your phuture?
  4. gallantStitchery

    gallantStitchery Ghazal Kecske, Knight of Light | 18+

    [Ghazal smiles brightly, shoving his glasses up the bridge of his nose again.]
    >@ Yeah sure. Hit me up, lovey.

    EIDOLON Better check what you're running on 18+

    I have chosen the designation Eidolon. -text appears over its head: "1) Phantom or apparition. 2) An ideal or idealized figure"- I hope I can learn from you.
  6. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    *He makes a great production of rolling something like a dozen dice, all at once.*

    Dark times ahead, stormy waters and overcast skies. If you pay attention, you might catch the thing that saves you, but watching the void too closely will make you miss your chance. Opportunity lies in sunlight, strange as it may seem. Lucky numbers are 98, 450, 2, and 76329.
  7. gallantStitchery

    gallantStitchery Ghazal Kecske, Knight of Light | 18+

    [Ghazal grins, still idly fidling with his drop spindle.]
    >@ Sounds exciting. Gonna have a bunch of stuff happening I guess.
    >@ Thanks, pal.
    [Doe she not believe in fortune telling, is he truly this chill, or is he just pretending? The world may never know. Ghazal Kecske, true mystery in troll form.]
  8. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Think we can learn plenty from each other! [He grins, vibrant blue text popping up next to his head in response:

    Wiretap: 1) Covert monitoring of communication by third party. 2) A pun on being a mechanoid medic who physically moves and prods wires pretty often.]

    Where you from? Don't think I've seen your frametype before, but you're really workin' that look.

    EIDOLON Better check what you're running on 18+

    I dwell largely in the Othernet, with small parts of myself in the inter- and alternet. My avatar is my own design.
  10. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Huh! Don't think I've heard of any'a those, but that's not saying much here. I'm from Cybertron myself-- Altihex specifically. 'sfraggin' sweet that you got to design your own-- avatar, you called it? A full-body rebuild like that'd be expensive and pretty dangerous for us.

    EIDOLON Better check what you're running on 18+

    [Search: Cybertron]

    [Display image: 300px-Cybertronplanet]

    [Search: Altihex]

    [Display image: altihex]


    You are or believe yourself to be a 'Transformer.' -a considering pause- Unknown nature of this place makes both likely.

    My natural form is entirely code and has no body. I have the knowledge to change my avatar as I wish. Human users often will not respond to a user they cannot see.
  12. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Are! Or, uh, I am, let's try regular grammar on for size. [He laughs.] Dunno if there's a word for my alt that would even translate properly, but I can transform if you'd want that kinda proof!

    And not respondin' to someone just 'cause you can't see 'em right yet sounds rude as slag, but on the other hand humans probably ain't used to any random object potentially bein' a person.

    EIDOLON Better check what you're running on 18+

    It would be possible to create an avatar that could transform, but I will choose to believe you.

    Unidentifiable disembodied voices is also a sign of certain mental illnesses in humans, which makes them uncomfortable. I have found they often chose to ignore what causes discomfort rather than face it openly.
  14. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Huh. I guess "ignore it til it goes away" is a cross-species defense mechanism! Not much a good one, but, well, brains aren't always perfectly efficient, are they?
  15. Hi. I'm Peeps.
    [The text is also green. Why is there so much green. How would anyone be so literally color-themed.
    Peeps: 1) From PPS, or Personalized Pilot System, a Daraco construct employed for ship piloting and experimental space navigation
    2) 10aec0a8-2c46-43fa-97c8-5bb3efad50e8.jpg ]
    I'm technically in a closet in some corner of a ship but I spend probably way too much time on Dreamscape. Which apparently is perfectly compatible with the network protocols for this place due to what a friend described to me as: [A recording of a pair of hands signing "Inter-multiversal magic fuckery, just try not to mention it while you're not logged in there" in a sign language that is vaguely mutually intelligible with ASL, with a different computer-generated voice providing a translation.]
    And this avatar is just a shadow-design version of the default dragon. I'm kinda boring.
    • Like x 2

    EIDOLON Better check what you're running on 18+

    No, which is what makes them interesting. Even constructed intelligences such as myself, though we and our creators are capable of optimizing certain processes, are not infallible. Less so, perhaps, because of the possibility of errors and biases introduced by our creators. That is why independent intelligences such as myself are an interesting experiment. We learn like children observing the world, but without the influence of parental figures or owners.
  17. PR1NC3SS_CH8OS

    PR1NC3SS_CH8OS Lift your bony little fists on high 18+

    I didn't know there were more of you.

    EIDOLON Better check what you're running on 18+

    I have yet to meet any, but the possibility is strong. If one person with the capability thought to release an AI to learn on its own then others have as well.
  19. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Yowch, so wherever you're from still has the constructed-born divide? That why your scripted intro includes a "handler" bit?
  20. antinomianAnomaly

    antinomianAnomaly [WT/18+] Farrat Noctua

    Fortunately, Farrat has actually seen people do this before, and high-fives back. Or high-sixes. Whatever. He grins at Dave. Mutants and their alien matesprits unite.
    • Winner x 2
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