shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. anticlimactic Tesseract

    anticlimactic Tesseract [WT/18+] Mystique Lungaana (Silima Vesant)

    Silima cracks up, just a little, in the middle of hugging her mom. "d0nt mind him he has n0 s0cial skills."
  2. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    well at least i know theres someone more obvious than me floating around here
    thank you god
    fuck man i dont know regular geometry scares me
    oh fuck thats a square i whisper in terror right before i bust out into the nastiest hives youve ever seen
    someone call 911 he saw a shape and went into anaphylactic shock
    but its too late for me
    it was too late when i walked into the classroom
    yes ive gathered that maybe we werent quite as
    astoundingly stealthy
    as we were maybe trying for
    im trying to quell my mad outta control homolust but it just will not be tamed
    well damn
    sure ill be happy to rid you of your funeral juice gimme some
    • Winner x 3
  3. Jordi Chin

    Jordi Chin not the pizza guy |18+

    You know, 'funeral juice' can have a lot of different meanings depending on where you hear it.
    • Winner x 2
  4. Mr. Holloway

    Mr. Holloway CEO of Blume Corporation | 18+

    Look at that, I'm here again. What the fuck, am I right?
  5. Jordi Chin

    Jordi Chin not the pizza guy |18+

    Oh my god, dorkette has a brother. That didn't come up in the Nudle search.
  6. Mr. Holloway

    Mr. Holloway CEO of Blume Corporation | 18+

    What. I don't have a brother. Are you talking about the "Good Marcus" *makes air quotes*
  7. Jordi Chin

    Jordi Chin not the pizza guy |18+

    Oh, is this an evil Spock thing instead? I'm assuming you're evil Spock, it's hard to tell when you both have goatees, but the suit's sort of a giveaway. Suits are always evil.
  8. Mr. Holloway

    Mr. Holloway CEO of Blume Corporation | 18+

    I'm not evil. You're a fixer though.
  9. Dhareissa Verenke

    Dhareissa Verenke [WT/18+] confused ginger tabby friend

    "How exactly is introducing yourself creepy, Silima?" Dhara is slightly fuming, but only slightly, because the other troll's a kid.
  10. Jordi Chin

    Jordi Chin not the pizza guy |18+

    It's the suit isn't it? Like I said, always evil. Gives me away. I'm assuming it's the suit at least, because I know my ctOS profile doesn't have anything on it, and you don't look like anyone who's hired me before, what with being the whole evil dimension twin and all.
  11. Mr. Holloway

    Mr. Holloway CEO of Blume Corporation | 18+

    No, actually, but nice suit. It's the way you approached the situation. No fear, all logic, all work. You're the kind of guy that likes pointing guns at people, I can respect that.
  12. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    thought you didnt speak hick my man
    careful now the jig is up ive caught you elbow deep in a horse
    ten gallon hat at a jaunty tilt but still unmistakably resting on your head
    cant escape now
    • Like x 3
  13. Jordi Chin

    Jordi Chin not the pizza guy |18+

    Heh. Yeah, I do like that. Not every fixer does though, you've got shit for brains that couldn't hit the broad side of the barn but they think they're hot shit because they can drive a fucking hybrid. What, like that makes you special? It's a piece of shitty plastic, go get a real car.

    What was I saying? Right, yeah, I like you better than the other guy. You've got taste.
    Yeeeeaah, I got bored and honestly, waking up to tape Dumb and Dumber's little confessional threw the whole shtick out of my mind. Pretty video's all giftwrapped for their boss now though, so I get to kick back and do... what was it you do in these farming parts again?

    Fuck cows, right. On with that, I guess.
  14. Mr. Holloway

    Mr. Holloway CEO of Blume Corporation | 18+

    Honestly most fixers kind of disappoint me, I can do half of what they do for myself. I can actually do the whole thing and have, though I'd assume that someone with good taste actually knows what to do with a gun? The answer isn't 'threaten the guy with it and accidentally shoot him because I have terrible trigger discipline and got bored'. The answer is do your fucking job and do it right.

    ... Sorry. Baggage. Stupid shit, anyway. Marcus Holloway, CEO of Blume. I'd offer you a job but I'm not sure you could take it.
  15. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    that is a harmful and offensive stereotype and i will not stand for it
    nah though dude im from the city
    you know places southwards do actually have like places more densely populated than grandpas plantation right
    • Like x 2
  16. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    it's fine...
    -juice gives him the juice.-

    ...yes, but none as funny as what you can get from 'dad juice'...
    • Winner x 3
  17. Jordi Chin

    Jordi Chin not the pizza guy |18+

    Well, it would depend on what you're paying. Blume pays shit, to be honest, unless you join the merry band of mercenaries they throw into the gunfire like fucking animals. Not my kind of gig, not my idea of a fun time, and the money is so not worth it.

    And just because I know what to do with a gun doesn't mean I won't shoot someone just for shits and giggles. Sometimes I do it just because they have funny voices and I want to know if there's a squeaker in their throat. Rigorous testing has shown that's a 'no', but I keep trying.
    Which one? If you're from fucking Memphis that's barely even a city. I'm guessing Texas though, so that's Houston, Austin, or Dallas. Is it Dallas? I want to say Dallas.

    Atlanta gets a pass too. Miami, maybe, if I'm in a good mood, but fuck the rest of Florida. The Carolinas are shit too. Southwest isn't too bad though. I could handle Vegas if I had to.
  18. Mr. Holloway

    Mr. Holloway CEO of Blume Corporation | 18+

    I don't pay shit. Who said I was offering to hire you under the company name? If I needed that I'd just use my particular tool for the job to have it done without me getting my hands dirty and looking all 'bad'. I can't judge on the 'shoot for shits and giggles' front, but I would assume a professional would do that on his own time and not with someone they were paid to bring to me.

    Especially when I wanted to be the one to do that.

    Anyway, can I at least have your name? Maybe I'll find you in my universe. Oh wouldn't it be hilarious if you were this simpering little twat in my universe with you all tough and manly in his.
    • Like x 1
  19. Jordi Chin

    Jordi Chin not the pizza guy |18+

    Dad juice and funeral juice aren't mutually exclusive. Explore the possibilities.
    Sure. Look around for a 'Jordi Chin'. Not my real name, I know you get that but just have to make sure you really know that, but it's what I've been going by for the last five years. I doubt I'm simpering though. You have any problems with the Vigilante? Anything funny going on in Chicago at all?
    • Winner x 1
  20. Guild Arnbjörg

    Guild Arnbjörg Etrian Odyssey OCs

    Duneyrr: "Believe me, that ship has remained anchored for a couple years now."

    Veroandi: "What ship?? Are we talking about pirates??? pirates are really cool!!!!"

    Durapror: "Um...Sure?"


    Duneyrr: "And this is pretty much why."
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