shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

  2. Aiden Pearce

    Aiden Pearce The Fox |18+

    Wait, when did you meet Jordi?
  3. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

    Here! super intimidating fuk. showed up all logical an shit, didn't give a fuck about no man but himself. liked his alcohol, talked about how much he liked murder, uh... i tried to annoy him and it didn't work 2 hot then we started shit talkin about u and ur coat
  4. Aiden Pearce

    Aiden Pearce The Fox |18+

    I... what the fuck. You bonded over my coat? This is definitely a nightmare.
    • Winner x 1
  5. Focal of Horizon Island

    Focal of Horizon Island Smile for the Camera! (Counselor Decepticon) | 18+

    [His smile turns a tiny bit panicked and frantic]
    The representative is obviously entirely right. I was completely in the wrong and I apologize profusely.
    [His optics are too bright but he's not sparking. Yet.]
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  6. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

    ya cause its so shitty. u need a makeover.
    nah not a nightmare i mean if u want a nightmare i can help but i'm actually not gonna cause peeps round here dont take kindly to that.

    u can like summon shit too, its a dream so like... I just make mix tables sometimes but Jordi made a bar, saw someone else make beer....
  7. Aiden Pearce

    Aiden Pearce The Fox |18+

    I do not. Especially not from you. You're wearing a hoodie and a mask, I've got that covered. Just the offer of a makeover turns this into a nightmare, so thanks, but no.

    [With a great amount of concentration, Aiden had now manifested a... phone. Wow. He looks down at it and thumbs through some of the apps before eyeing Defalt again.]
    • Like x 1
  8. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [Oh. Oh no. Updraft picks up on that quickly enough, taking a step towards Focal before he can reign himself in again.]
    I don't think you deserved to be shot. [Focal is the most non-combatant person he's EVER seen, there is most certainly no need to shoot him with anything more substantial than a rubber band]
    • Like x 1
  9. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    [Dismissively:] Words.
  10. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+


    Good job Mr. Sad-Man! U done it! U should try for somethin tasty like beer tho.
  11. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Celsius said only she was allowed in, or Triage but he left. Don't know else what he expected, charging in on someone near-fatally injured. Jetski's not-- [the word she uses renders as "alone" but also something like "single" as well as "undefended".]
  12. Aiden Pearce

    Aiden Pearce The Fox |18+

    Don't call me that. Why don't you make a beer instead?
  13. Focal of Horizon Island

    Focal of Horizon Island Smile for the Camera! (Counselor Decepticon) | 18+

    Oh no no, I should know better! I'm a decepticon after all, so-...
    [.... yeah here come the fireworks. A few bright big flaring sparks tumble down Focal's cheeks before grounding in his faceplates]
    I don't know how else to apologize??????
    • Winner x 1
    • Witnessed x 1
  14. The Behemoth Crew

    The Behemoth Crew Assorted NPCs 18+

    [Stalker] I'm from a world where Earth went to shit and the main government in America is full of complete assholes. 100% pure-strain human supremacists. I'm a mutant -he points to his face. He has zero hair. Not 'buzzcut to the scalp' but 'laser hair removal' lack of hair. No eyebrows either. If he weren't in his armor you could tell he doesn't have any anywhere. He's got black tattooed diamonds under his eyes, and a diamond at each corner- but my abilities were useful so I got hired to hunt psychics and magic-users. I couldn't really say no or I'd be on the wrong end of it. Got sick of it and snuck out. They didn't take that well.

    New crew is full of people the CS wants dead. Lyra's not with us anymore but we broke her out of a lab where they were fucking with her. Static out of the same lab, sorta. Lonan's... -remembers Lonan isn't 'out' as a dragon here- an outlaw. Stole a glitter boy, uses it to fuck up SAMAS mechs so he's on their shit list. Boyd was part of my pack and left with me, and rogue dogboys don't get second chances. Jen's a changeling and a magic-user, both of which are death sentences. Morgan's a juicer, which is muy illegal unless you're a Coalition juicer and let them put a killswitch in your head, fuck that noise. Micah's literate- illegal!- and a body fixer- illegal! if you're not in the cities working solely on high-class citizens- who's willing to help d-bees- extra illegal! Five million years dungeon! Angel's the only one whose existence isn't a crime, and she's 'Burbs gutter trash they want dead on principle.

    So the Coalition wants us all in the ground, and we want the Coalition to burn.
  15. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+


    *Shrugs, there is now a glass of Guiness in his hand with a perfect head on it. He lifts his mask just enough to sip*
  16. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    [Blank stare.] Not for me to declare.
  17. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

    Huh... Dude jus' shut down the power grid and lead to my bro's death.
  18. The Behemoth Crew

    The Behemoth Crew Assorted NPCs 18+

    [Stalker] -shrug- Whatever does it for you, bro. I'm a selfish bastard, ain't gonna judge.
  19. Chell

    Chell Where´s my cake? NS

    -the portal does what portals do, and the catseye pops out somwhere else-
  20. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    That is a sensible sentiment in an active warzone or comparable places, but not a mixed faction diplomatic mission [Frowny face, he's suspecting a good old case of wartime damage - or whatever might measure up to it for a colonist, but same difference in the end and why won't any of these people get help for their problems?]

    [Ohhh no. Yeah fuck it, there's no fighting his coding on this one, not that he wants to, really. so he closes the space between himself and Focal and just hugs the smaller mech to his chest, petting over his helm and just generally trying to be soothing] You don't need to apologize for getting shot.
    • Winner x 2
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