shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [Goes back to petting Ignis and also extends a hand to pat Archive's hand] I think the main problem was a cultural and historical misunderstanding here. The existence of colonies and how much they differ from the Cybertron itself it something that requires some adjusting.
    [Wait, let's... ok let's give Archive something to talk about that she knows about? That usually works to make him feel better when he's upset. That and cuddles] Do you want to tell us about the Mistress of Flame? I havn't heard of her before. [So he generously assumes that neither had Ignis]
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  2. Omega

    Omega The End | 18+

    He's back, he's wolf shape, he's play bowing, and happy-yipping. Omega bounces in place and then summons up his own ball, a tennis ball to be exact. He is now tossing it into the air and prancing around to swat it with his paws, grabbing it and repeating the action. Look at this ball, it's the better ball and the best ball. Clearly you want it, you want to try and get it from him. Yes.
    • Winner x 1
  3. cT's NPCs

    cT's NPCs [WT/18+] Non-Player Characters

    Missha has a definitive preference for tennis balls, as Gwendolyn and Jezebel have lots of them and are kind enough to leave them lying around. He's happy to take a swipe at it!
    • Winner x 1
  4. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    -Hippolyta appears to climb up his leg and cling to his side, patting his plating with the condescension of the very young-
    Of 'course you a Prime, Scanner!
    • Informative x 3
  5. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [Updraft looks up and just.... making Scanner a Prime is a terrible idea can we not??? Not that he says any of this, he just... goes back to hiding under Ignis' wings, thanks. ]
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  6. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    [Ignis, meanwhile, is desperately trying not to squeak at... whoever that is attached to the green pointy guy. So tiny??? What the fuck?? How is someone so tiny in existence????

    Shivery wings do not make the best hiding place, Ups, sorry.]
  7. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    -Hippolyta, always aware of people who are going to pay her attention, looks over at Ignis and bestows upon him a cheery wave-
    • Winner x 2
  8. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    [Ignis does not squeak. He does wave back, though.]
  9. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    Who are youuu?
  10. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    I-- uh. [Look at his wings flutter. Whoever this is is so cute.] I'm Ignis. Ignis of Vos.
  11. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    I'm Hippolyta Prime! -repeating, as she has been Taught for Manners- It is nice to meet you Ignis of Vos!
  12. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    Heya Princess. And If ya say so.
    [Scanner catches Updraft's face when he looks up and just. Sticks his glossa out like a very dignified and mature.... Prime.]
    • Winner x 3
  13. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [He ducks back to the shoulder, freeing most of the things up for shivery fluttery things. He looked back up to check on what exactly got Ignis this worked up] Oh
    [Ohno. Oh noo. So Tiny.]

    [Very softly] Hi [Oh no adorable. Wait, Prime? Sudden internal conflict: GO]
  14. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    -poutpoutypout- If you jus' let me get in your chest like I wanna-
  15. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    Sorry sweets, not until you're old enough your sire won't rip my helm off for letting ya touch the goods. And even then only if you'll make an honest make outta me.
    • Useful x 2
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  16. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    [Prime? Well, he's heard newframes claim weirder names before they sorted themselves out, even if no one would've actually dared to name themself Prime while Ignis was alive. He bows as best he can while still sitting, wings spread out.] A pleasure.

    I know right??
  17. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    Hi! Who are YOU?

    -more pouting. She shoves him- You don't even make any SENSE! That reason doesn't make any SENSE!

    -she grins, practically glowing with pleasure at the respect- I like you!
  18. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    I know sweetspark, most people have had the displeasure of learning that. Sparkplay's out until you even know what it is though.
    • Like x 1
    • Agree x 1
  19. Hippolyta Prime

    Hippolyta Prime Active Member

    Tell me! Tell me what it is! -she tugs on his plating insistently-
    • Winner x 2
  20. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    And you're charming!

    [Immature snickering]
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