shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Josh

    Josh Nope. Nope. Nope. | 18+

    I don't know a lot about biology but I'm biological.

    She was. To quote you she "made it too easy."
  2. Archive of Caminus

    Archive of Caminus Small wife 4 life (18+)

    That's what medics are for, right?
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  4. Rumtum Tugger

    Rumtum Tugger New Member

    i save my true face fur those close to me, you see.

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  5. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Hackerspace, huh? I'll go ahead right now and ask ya to keep outta my processor, then, I got some finicky sensory stuff I'd rather not have to fix my workarounds for if you break anything by accident. Nothing against you, but Intelligence are kinda spikes sometimes, y'know?

    I know who he IS, he... used to be? Might still be? part of Decepticon High Command. Not my direct superior, but...
  6. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    I'd high five you but no touching, yeah? Finding family is great. I'd probably be dead without the Eight Points.
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  7. Archive of Caminus

    Archive of Caminus Small wife 4 life (18+)

    Right, I remember hearing some other people in the halls grumbling about that. There's not a lot of autobots around, though!
  8. Josh

    Josh Nope. Nope. Nope. | 18+

    Doctors, yes. Scientists too. There were these scientists finding homeless people and injecting them with nano-machines to run drug trials without going through legitimate channels. It was killing the homeless, it was bad. Nano-machines are cool, and important, but not... That. That was bad.


    Fair. I wouldn't, you didn't do anything bad and that would be Marcus. Does that mean I should stop decrypting your communications? I can give you a better encryption key, that one's weak to three crackers I have.

    Yes, don't touch. Not Prime_Eight, right? They're bad. Lenni's gross. She called me a puppy.
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  9. Archive of Caminus

    Archive of Caminus Small wife 4 life (18+)

    ...that sounds very bad. I don't... think that happens where I'm from. Caminus is very... dark and cold.
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  10. Mistof Felees

    Mistof Felees New Member

    !mply!ng any*ne *ther than me !s w!ll!ng t* put up w!th y*ur sh!t. the w!gglers l*ve y*u, sure, but they d*n't kn*w y*u.

    but !t's g**d y*u adm!t y*u have flaws! we all have t* start s*mewhere.
  11. Starscream

    Starscream Seeker

    -Fine, whatever, best he is gonna get. Starscream decides to ignore him-
    Shame, I would´ve loved to see his face. -grins, makes a place to sit and engex appear-
    Don't try to hack me, it wouldn´t work and I would have to step on you.
    • Like x 1
  12. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    You can keep listening if you want, none of it's particular sensitive. I wouldn't say no to a new key, either, but the one I'm using right now takes the longest to give me a migraine, so. Might not use yours as long as I'm just messing around here. [Shrug!]
  13. Rumtum Tugger

    Rumtum Tugger New Member

    A Jellicle never hisses and tells.

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  14. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    Naw, I don't think they exist in our world. Our name comes from the eight-pointed star of chaos! A lot of the others have Chaos in their handles too. Not me though. I'm just Kablooey.
  15. Josh

    Josh Nope. Nope. Nope. | 18+

    It was. I'm sorry.

    No, wouldn't hack you. Don't want to.

    Ok. This one would give you a migraine then.
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  16. Archive of Caminus

    Archive of Caminus Small wife 4 life (18+)

    It's fine! We're in contact with other colonies now, nobody has to starve anymore.
    • Like x 1
  17. Mistof Felees

    Mistof Felees New Member

    a jell!cle can tell all the *bv!*us l!es they want, th*ugh.

    ! mean, 'r*n*my m!ght put up w!th y*u, but he's d!fferent
  18. Josh

    Josh Nope. Nope. Nope. | 18+

    I'm Josh. Hawt Sauce.

    Good. Starving is bad, no one should have to starve.
  19. Mr. Mistoffelees

    Mr. Mistoffelees The magical. The marvelous. Q.E.D

    Jellicles? What are you, some sort of insectoid doppelgangers?
  20. Archive of Caminus

    Archive of Caminus Small wife 4 life (18+)

    I agree!

    Sorry, I'm not very used to being social.
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