shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    We've got us a poet!

    [Jack laughs.]

    Well I mean, killing someone does feel pretty good. And money's a nice touch too - but the power one is, well, more so on you than killing people. I mean, sure, killing people can help you get it faster but it's not going to be only about it. Honestly, most people just have to get lucky to get power.

    I wouldn't say 'give into', necessarily. It's not really on par with drinking - it's more like sex. Sure, you can get addicted, but usually you don't and just chose to keep doing it 'cause it feels good. Or you love someone.
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  2. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    *scoffs* It's still all bullshit. Yeah. Even if it feels nice. I know I'm not gonna convince you of anything, but... it's still fucking bullshit! All that shit! Not worth hurting people for!

    ... though, I guess, if you love someone, you're one tiny step up from Felix. I'm not gonna trick myself into thinking that makes you a good guy or someone who could become one, but it's a step up, you know?
  3. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    Agree to disagree, cupcake.

    [Jack's face scrunches up, and there's just the tiniest hit of him being uncomfortable. Maybe. If you squint.]

    I guess. Love's stupid. Pain and hate and lust are much better feelings. I'll stick to what I know how to do.
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  4. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    Okay. Sure. I already said that I've no fucking hope of convincing you.

    *confused* ... how are pain and hate better than love? Lust, lust, I can get that being better, but... those two?

    I mean, yeah, sure, love can hurt a fucking lot sometimes - I sure as hell know that - and pain can be hot sometimes and there is a certain thrill to hate sometimes, but... how the hell are pain and hate better than love?
  5. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    [Jack absolutely does not think about all of his... loved ones and family. Because he actually doesn't hate himself all the time, of course. Duh.]

    I can control them.

    [His voice is hollow when he talks. Guess he didn't do as good of a job as he thought.]
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  6. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    *softly* Oh. Well. I guess you have a point there.
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  7. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    Yeah, well -

    [Jack clears his throat.]

    - whatever, the important thing is, love is stupid and unimportant in the grand scheme of things. It'll get you into some pretty shit situations. Better off without, cupcake.
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  8. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    Alright. You're partly right. And I guess I really won't get anywhere arguing with the part that's wrong, so... fine. Fine. *sighs*
  9. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    [Jack snorts.]

    Aw, come on, arguing is good for the soul. Besides, I'm bored as fuck. Tell my why love is important.

    [He lays on his stomach - in the air - and rests his chin on his hands, grinning.]

    I'm all ears, kiddo.
  10. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Lissa cocks her head to one side. "I'm not sure about the other two, but if someone won't stop flirting with me after I tell them not to...I'll threaten them if nothing else works. But usually, for me, it's more effective to let Ford punch them in the nose. He's more breakable than I am, but most other people are even more breakable than he is, and my fighting instincts are dirty and deadly, so I try not to let them out if it isn't obligatory."
  11. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    It's kinda hard to explain. 'Cause, love, well... it's a big and complicated, multi-faceted thing. And when it's going right, it's the best thing. And it's what binds us all, I guess...

    It's what turns two teams fighting each other for no fucking reason in a canyon into a group of friends that stay together through everything. It's what makes a man do everything to get his dead wife back and end up transcending fucking death in the process. It's forgiving someone who's betrayed you before and them then becoming one of your closest fucking friends. It's the deep connection of an AI with their Freelancer partner. You know. It's all that, and the word is just too small to fucking contain it but somehow, it works. The word fucking manages to mean all that and more. And that's what makes it the most important fucking thing, I think.
    ... so, you're saying I should've solved that situation by punching Tucker in the nose?

    *laughs* If so, Tucker's nose has got a lot of beatings to catch up on.
  12. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    [Jack snorts at "the deep connection of an AI with their Freelancer partner", before giving Church a bored look.]

    That feels more like a life story than an argument, but whatever. Love can still kill you and everyone else. You think they love you? You sure? 'Cause they could just be angling to get something out of you.

    And you can never be sure, can you? Who really loves you. So why bother to let yourself love or be loved, when it could just as easily bite you in the ass tomorrow. Instead, focus on how good it feels to get back at your enemies!

    [Jack dissolves into a fit of giggles.]
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
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  13. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    Yeah. Okay. It's a life story. But how the fuck else do you explain what love is and why it matters? I mean, seriously, do you think a dictionary definition would cut it here?

    *laughs* Ship's sailed on that one, dude. I've already fucking died for them and the way the fates seem to be aligned right now, it looks like I ain't fucking coming back this time. *sighs* *frowns sadly* Regardless of how much I want to...

    So. You're kinda late. And even if you weren't... I don't think you'd have changed shit.
  14. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    Mmm, yeah, death's a bitch, kiddo. Dying for a cause.

    [Jack sighs.]

    See, I died for a cause, and all I got for it was a pushover and a string of code that makes me exist. Dying for a cause is bullshit. Living for one, now, that's more important.

    I don't regret what I did for Pandora, or who I've killed. Things would have been better if I'd succeeded. And love? Love only held me back. Love kills you. Just like I said.
    • Like x 1
  15. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    Yeah. Well. Can't fix it now, can we?

    So I guess we're just stuck with what we've got.
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  16. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    [Jack scoffs.]

    Speak for yourself. The second I'm back in Hyperion, I'm getting my body back.

    [He pauses.]

    Don't... know what I'll do with the kid. Might keep him around. Why not? Or I'll shoot him out an airlock when I get bored with him. We'll see.
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  17. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    Lucky you.

    Imma just downvote that airlock option. I mean, seriously, don't do that. That's... bad... and even though I know you won't listen to me, I have to register my objection to that shit.
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  18. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    Why do you care? You don't even know him.

    Ehh, probably shouldn't worry, though. I've grown kinda fond of him. Like a house cat or an outfit or a cool gun.

    [His voice is just edging on warm.]
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  19. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    I dunno. Maybe I'm just a big ol' softie, underneath all my snark and yelling and swearing.
  20. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    Aww, good for you. Empathy sure is fun, isn't it?

    [Jack snorts, heavy sarcasm lasing his words.]
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