shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    Nah, but I'm guessing it's some sort of camera system and shit? I mean, I work with a bunch of the meta rights groups and I've got this whole, uh, thing with the Federation right now, but that's like... my night job. Sort of. Day job's just coffee I can't drink.
  2. Alexandria Pines

    Alexandria Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] The show must go on!

    "What is that anyway, that cTOS thing? Lissa thinks it's awful but she can't explain it, they didn't train her to code as a kid so she's just catching up?"
  3. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Entire city is linked into an OS system that controls everything, it's bullshit. Shit like 'oh Marcus Holloway is black so let's put a higher percentile on his profile and claim he's more likely to commit crimes'. You know, the shit but in cyberspace.

    Federation, huh? Like Star Trek?
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  4. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Basically what I just said to Other Marcus but like... We're talking all televisions have cameras linked into it, computers, washing machines, fridges, children's toys... Everyone's everything is tracked, judged, and sold.
  5. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    [He makes a face.]

    Sounds pretty fucked. I don't know if there's anything in the works to try and do that, but I figure most bigwigs are afraid of some technopath coming through and seizing total control of the infrastructure. Besides, we've already got markers for meta and nonmetas on the citizen IDs and that's a mandatory testing thing, so I guess we've got our own fucked system.

    [He sips at his tea, then grimaces again.]

    The Federation-- uh, the Aligned Metaheroics Federation, but no one calls them the AMF-- is like... a federally mandated superhero group? I mean, in theory they're supposed to give unofficial vigilantes support in crimefighting, but in practice they're a bunch of straight, white, human-passing thugs who crack down on the meta districts and start jailing all the 'dangerous' metas en masse, usually after jailing the unofficial superheroes first. New Haven got their branch pretty late in the game, I think we were the thirty-second city to get a branch? Took a while for them to gerrymander the vote well enough to justify it, and nobody in the tourism board wants to lose the revenue from our street theater, but it's... It's not going well for them.

    [He gives him a feral grin, looking proud.] It's really not going well for them.
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  6. Red Hood

    Red Hood mad, bad, and dangerous to know | 18+

    Oh yeah? Don't got any backup to help you out of the clutches of the big bad Red Hood, Batman.
    -he's not bothering to be subtle about getting closer or smirking. An incriminating weight bench appears off to the side.-
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  7. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+


    *he's a little confused about why Groping Time has became Heartfelt Confession Time but... okay, sure, he'll roll with it*

    Dude. Dude. You think that you being a little scary would stop me?

    I mean, seriously, my ex was Tex. Tex! And she was a hell of a lot scarier than you. A hell of a lot scarier. But somehow, you think you could succeed in scaring me away when she never could.

    *realizes something* *frowns* ... and yeah. Okay. I shouldn't have brought her up. 'Cause... well... I don't like it when you bring your exes up and that means... means I should really know better. Yeah. I'm an idiot.

    And heh. Maybe not. What you're forgetting is that I'm an AI too, and uh... what I recall about how AIs work suggests that two AIs - or an AI and the human they're in - should be able to fuck each other. And stuff. With like... their minds, melding together, and generation of fake sensations. You know...
  8. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Yo, that is fucked but-- Hell yeah my man! You fuck them up... *Eyes him up and down, yep dude's got the body for it*

    You parkour? I mean, I don't know what you can do but that's how I get around to do shit. Shit's a blast in San Fran, lemme tell you.
  9. Angeth Obradin

    Angeth Obradin [WT/Reverse/18+] Seer of Void

    Angeth hears this, gives Lissa a kiss on top of her head, and lets her go back to whatever she was doing--they can catch up in private, maybe, if she can just figure out how to find the planet that Ford and Lissa are hiding on--and walks over. "No shit, the humans are doing that now?"
  10. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Yep, DedSec is working on stopping it because... Damn, I mean privacy is a right and a requirement to live. It can't be healthy to live in those Haums, and it's sure as shit not healthy to be exploited or have video of your children sold without your knowledge.... Yeah that happened, we stopped the fucker but... Still.
  11. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    Yeah, it's pretty much the only way to get around. New Haven's got a load of high buildings and plenty of alleyways pretty ripe for it-- you never gotta touch the ground downtown if you don't want to. I mean, I could drive, but I never got my license, so, uh, not a great option. [He shrugs.]

    I do some base jumping too, but I cheat. And sometimes Queenie lets me hitch a ride, but that's usually back to his place, not out to do... stuff.
  12. Angeth Obradin

    Angeth Obradin [WT/Reverse/18+] Seer of Void

    Angeth nods. "The entire society I come from is based on that shit."
  13. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Sweet! I mean, I drive some especially in areas where it's not so great to freerun but... Damn son, you wouldn't have heard of it but I motherfucking tagged the golden gate bridge.

    I hate that evil is universal, you know? Like, a lot of this shit came from legit fears being twisted by corporations that just want to make money on people's identities. Shit! The idea is good! Emergency response is aided, traffic lights, sewage, power consumption is aided, it's great... But it just takes one person, one single fuck with an exploit and that's all gone to shit.

    Give me a cell phone and I can break through anything run on this version of cTOS, and we're already prepping for what might come next. Then there's the fuckers testing nano machines on the homeless instead of following normal testing protocol... It never really ends where I'm from.
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  14. Not The Batman You Want

    Not The Batman You Want But The One You Deserve | 18+

    I'm gonna tell on you to Alfred!
    [He doesn't run, becasue that would be undignified. He does get into position to at least put up a token resistance. He's grinning though. Please don't let Damian appear right now to see this he would never live it down.]
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  15. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    [He grins.] Nice, man, that's sick as hell. I don't tag-- too busy-- but I can some wicked places and I've thought about it before. 'Course, all it takes is some guy who can fly to really show you up, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right?
  16. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Clearly the solution is to just add a bit to your tag that says 'I CLIMBED UP HERE BITCH'. Though, Sitara's our image person, she got me to do some tags and I had to show her up you know? Had to do something to really get DedSec on the map, beyond the whole cyberdriver car that we stole and tagged all too hell then remote-drove through the city.... Ah, good times.
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  17. Angeth Obradin

    Angeth Obradin [WT/Reverse/18+] Seer of Void

    Angeth nods. "Everyone likes it when the stuff they like to use is delivered whenever they need it. Then suddenly you notice your kids are getting routed through different educational programmes than somebody else's and even though it's supposed to be all about who's good at what and getting people to be where they need to be, you notice that if you're Golden you're basically fucked, because half the time you won't learn enough to pass your comps and then you have to have a guardian, and it's so easy to let things slide with easy credit till you slide yourself right into indentured servitude..."
  18. Handsome Goddamn Jack

    Handsome Goddamn Jack You're kinda pissing me off, kiddo.

    [Jack makes a point of not mentioning the thousands he's killed just because he could. Best not to scare anyone unnecessarily.]

    I don't mind you bringing her up. Though in all fairness, you shouldn't considering, so I wont stop you from not doing it. Just don't feel bad at slipping it, or anything.

    [Jack shrugs.]

    Don't know. Never needed to find out. But - just for clarification, you're an A.I. I'm just stuck in a holographic body. There's a difference.

    [He doesn't say it unkindly. He reaches back and puts his own hands on Church's ass.]
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  19. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Oh yeah totally. Or like you'll get indicted with a crime you never did just because you had a high likelihood of doing it and your profile matched... Even when evidence stated you weren't there. *GRUMBLE*
  20. Angeth Obradin

    Angeth Obradin [WT/Reverse/18+] Seer of Void

    Angeth nods. "I've seen that happen." She shrugs. "I actually did a lot of the stuff they want me for," she says with amusement. "But then I'm blue and my genetic profile is Executive. I had to do a lot of shit before they decided that I was an outlaw."
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