shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.



    It's creepy, right? IT'S SO CREEPy.
  2. Circuit Head-Trip

    Circuit Head-Trip Psychic. Phaeton Pilot. Four years left alive 18+

    Alternate timeline. It's pretty common here. Or other universes. I'm Circuit, a version of Static who didn't get rifted to Pennarion, but also older. Some here are... roughly the same person, but from completely different worlds. It's weird.
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  3. Mr. Holloway

    Mr. Holloway CEO of Blume Corporation | 18+

    I am the wrong Marcus. If it were I that actually cared about that Wrench this would not be casual talking... I mean, I guess it might tonight.

    *HE SEES YOU. HE JUDGES. He's too relaxed to care though.*

    I suppose that's a fair assessment. I am not in the business of calling myself a 'good' person. I simply do what I must and what I deserve.

    You know, perhaps I should actually take my medicine before bed more often. Anyway. He isn't, and he's better at constructing things than out right hacking. I assume you are much the same, as I am his better in every way in that regard. I cheat a bit though.

    So, why do you hate yourself Wrench?
  4. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    *Shows up with Starbucks*

    Oh. Well.
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  5. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    And now I'm married to literally my entire crew so it's whatever :P Four is a good number of husbands.

    [Returning the fistbump is a little hard from under one of said husbands and a cuddly jet, but Wires makes the attempt.]

    I mean, the factions were so big both kinda got a bunch of splinter cultures once we split for good, but yeah, there's definitely some sects who're back even all the way to "no romance for anyone ever".
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  6. Sitara

    Sitara Member

    Wrench -louder- Wrench! Chill, it´s ok. Heßs just an asshole. A really creepy asshole.
    Yeah. -offers him another bottle- Want another beer?
    I, see. I think. Jesus. Are they all assholes?
    Hey, how about you fuck off back where you came from?
    Hey, marcus! You´re the real Marcus right, not the creepy version?
    Congrats! -smiles at him, even if she still looked a bit freaked out-
  7. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Oh hey Sitara! Yeah.


    HEY guess what? He IS useless and STUPID and probably can't build ANYTHING WORTHWHILE and you can't tell me I'm not allowed to say that because
    wrench fuck it.gif
    Yeah, fuck YEAH okay. Fuck. I'm chill. I'm CHILL.
    [He is clearly not chill.]
  9. Mr. Holloway

    Mr. Holloway CEO of Blume Corporation | 18+

    He started it.

    Fucking shit, man. If it makes your ego feel better, you are clearly the 'original' or something. That said, both of you are good at your jobs. I assume you also ran in with the FBI?
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  10. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Stop being hard on yourself, man.

    *Suddenly has Sitara's favorite drink, Wrench's favorite drink, and his own. His is still in his left hand, being sipped out of, the other two are in one of those carrier things* I got you coffee?
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  11. WRENCH


    NO because unlike him I'm not WORTHLESS.
    YEAH yeah I'm gonna, I'm fucking great, I am FANTASTIC, fuck that guy, fuck FUCKING Piston, fucking.
    [He chugs the beer Sitara gave him, then goes to chug his coffee too. It's a taste disaster but he's charging forward with it because WRENCH DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES.]
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  12. Circuit Head-Trip

    Circuit Head-Trip Psychic. Phaeton Pilot. Four years left alive 18+

    We're not quite married but that's pretty much us. A lot of us came from restrictive cultures, or backgrounds that left us touch-starved. Now we have a crew chart on one wall with pins and colored string keeping track of relationships so new members aren't completely lost. The captain had to renovate her quarters so it's mostly bed so we can pile on and have a place to sleep where we feel safe. Have our own bunks, and not all of us who use her room are... your term is conjunx, right? But it's easier to sleep when you've got people you trust for a pillow.
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  13. Mr. Holloway

    Mr. Holloway CEO of Blume Corporation | 18+

    You are an infant. Since the ~good~ me is here I suppose I'll leave. Yet again people don't wish to even listen, or think. *And he's gone with two middle fingers up directed towards Wrench*
  14. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    *Disgusted face*

    Dude. Why. Gross.

    And uh, fucking fucked up as it is... That is like, still me... you know....?
  15. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Lissa smiles at him. "Okay, sweetie," she says, and blinks her eyes at him slowly. She's more relieved than she ought to be, dammit, it's not like she's known this guy long, but he's just...really sweet. In a weird way. But it's kind of a relief anyhow, because it almost felt like karma was kicking her ass for letting Cronus distract her back there, and like maybe he does want to do the exclusive thing for a while, but maybe also she was starting to look like drama, and nobody really wants drama that much.

    She still wishes she could kick Cronus J. Ampora's ass for being a goddamn clitblock but whatever, that asshole can go fuck himself. Because once he shows his true colours, in the end, nobody else wants to.
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  16. Sitara

    Sitara Member

    Thank FUCK.
    -inviting headgesture to her couch. Looks around for Josh but he ´s not there, must be back in reality-
    -smiles- Thanks, you´re a lifesaver. -takes it, sips. Yup, her favorite drink. Evil Marcus wouldst know that right?- Josh was here but I think hes back home, you missed him.
    You ok marcus?
  17. WRENCH


    MAN you have never tried to choke me out without warning so I'm gonna say that maybe he's you but he's a SHIT YOU from EVILVERSE and anything he fucking says is subject to being thrown out for being full of SHIT.

    ...Beer and coffee do NOT go together, M.
    So, we're cool?
    [He flops, coffee still in hand.]
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  18. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    Yeah, I've run into him in dreams before. He's no big deal, I'm just curious. What the fuck would push me to become that? You know? So I can avoid it. I don't think shit like that happens in a vacuum.

    I mean, I've never tried to do that but if someone started talking shit about you I can't be held responsible for my reactions.



    Alpha Wrench has friends!
  20. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    You sound surprised!
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