Shitposting Rave OOC

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by swirlingflight, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Ah, children, so aware of nuance.
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  2. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    the problem is @crocellsApostate2 already believed he could do literally anything BEFORE he had access to the rave to make that a reality

    he essentially counteracts all the problems the other cronuses have with utilizing the rave due to how hopeful he is

    itch SHOULD be able to consciously use it but im playing rave god and putting a damper on her because otherwise shed be a nightmare
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  3. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Oneira's a Knight of Hope herself, I wonder how much her own innate bs can measure up to that.

    That being said, may I (try and) shoot wizard cronus, furrylatula?
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  4. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    you can go for it but it may or may not work depending on his reflexes

    (basically ill go flip a coin to see if he gets an arrow to the face or not)
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  5. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    flipped it and i got arrow to the face

    go wreck his shit
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  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Thank ya ::D
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  7. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art


    too bad she never actually lives to be this old
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  8. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Oneira is a Very Serious Person (tm)
  9. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    i only have a faint idea of what a histonautical drama is but if it is what i think it is i choose to believe theres a very out of character one written by an aspiring author about dualscar and mindfang

    the actor they got for mindfang is a foot taller than the dualscar actor
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  10. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    you can bet your ass oneira has seen that one, although she might not have drawn the connection. he doesnt speak right, you see.
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  11. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    this does have the downside of him being very impulsive and emotions driven so anything he does in the rave is affected by that

    for example the crossbow bolt fused to him because in that moment his biggest desire was for it to stop hurting/bleeding and he didnt particularly think to pull it out first
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  12. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Ford wants to cuddle the smol genie so bad. LOL. But so cute!!!!
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  13. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    So before I somehow forget to clarify on this let's talk Enlightenment Beings.

    Arhat - An Enlightened Being in the first stages of Enlightenment. End of the line for the Thervadins but not the Mahayanans and Vajrayanans.
    Bodhisatva/Bodhi - An Enlightened Being in the first stages of Enlightenment who takes a vow to not reach leave this world until all are perfectly Enlightened.
    Buddha - A Perfectly Enlightened Being who is at the peak of the stages of Enlightenment. There is no more to go after this.
    Kaya - The "Shells" shed by a Buddha when he reaches Buddhahood. They become sapient Bodhis in their own rights. There are three kinds of Kaya shell.
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  14. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    If anyone ever wants clarification on what one of the terms either Xiaohe or Abhaya uses or if you're just lost please, please do ask me. There's a lot that goes on with their shit and I don't want people to get lost with it all.
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  15. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    the joke is crotulasprite is like 5'3
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  16. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Look, I get that the Cronuses hate kids. And I get that this is the space for everyone to have fun.

    But I've had to greatly reduce my involvement over here and keep Valiska out entirely because the predation on children really bothers her to the point where she remembers she was trained as an assassin.

    And the talking to the babby about porn and telling the babby that Ford is just being a big old grown up meanie about not wanting kids to be sexualised was the point where I myself had to physically nope out.

    I have tried not interacting with the Cronuses. But it almost seems with the "hey thank you" comment when Ford said Valiska's not comfortable there that FL is trying to goad me into interacting with them again, and I don't want to because it's not fun for me.

    And I really would appreciate it if they could keep from actively sexualising/attacking the little ones during the time when my characters are around just so that I can actually play here some without being constantly freaked out by this stuff. Smol Norm isn't even a freaking teenager.

    And swirl, this is your game and you run it but so help me g-d please do not just tell me again to ignore it again.

    I'm on the verge of quitting SPR or losing my shit. So it's say something or quit SPR.

    It's not possible to ignore characters who insert themselves into conversations I'm having with other characters and affect the flow of those conversations with stuff like telling little kids that my character is a meanie because he doesn't think they should watch pornos.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
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  17. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I was tempted to have Abhaya attempt to gut them for that honestly. But tired and was having conversations and I don't think having my character escalate things to that extent would really help. Though it is honestly what she'd prefer to do. So much of her problem solving is knife first, ask questions never.

    I'll keep this in mind though when you're around if one of my more awful fuckers is out and about, ct. I know it's not directed at me but I do play some awful fuckers.

    And on this note I don't pull him out much because he is very much an Acquired Taste so to speak, but if Greshan ever goes after your (general you) ass and you'd prefer he'd not just tell me?
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  18. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    The thing about Greshan is that nobody will get mad if Ford or Valiska stabs the shit out of him and also it will actually probably stop his behaviour.

    Honestly it would help a lot if other people did react.

    Telling small children that adults who want them to watch porn with them aren't dangerous and talking to them about porno like it's a fun thing that grownups don't want you to have (remember these are not teenagers who might legitimately be interested) is the sort of thing I feel like more people than Ford might find upsetting.

    It's also a little triggery for me for reasons I prefer not to go into because I feel like this is objectionable enough that I shouldn't have to pull that card out of my hand whether I'm holding it or not.

    It also bothers me with the Cronuses hit wigglers with sticks and the like. I'm the kind of person who desperately wants to beat the shit out of parents who hit their kids at Walmart, but doesn't do it because she knows it'll probably just make things worse for the kid?
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  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    If I'm awake and online I'll probably be also interacting with things that happen, but a lot of the Cronus things go on while I'm asleep so idk how much a help that would be =/
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  20. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    adult norm, if he was there, would've probably done his Fights With Cronii thing but he wasn't there right then 'cause i wasn't sure how to do both him and the smol him there at the same time. i also don't really use my other characters that much, and my pure shitposting characters, which i use almost as much as norm, aren't really suited to that kinda thing.
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