Shitposting Rave OOC

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by swirlingflight, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Part of the point of the ooc thread is for saying "hey, I the player am Not Having Fun due to this, are you willing to tone it down?"

    I'm never going to be able to take requests on behalf of the character's feelings seriously, but the person behind the character (eta) not wanting to play out a thing? (/eta) Absolutely. And it sounds like this is a discomfort to you where use of the ignore mechanic wouldn't work.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
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  2. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Point ct. The only one who give any shits about his well being besodes himself is highlord jame but reallt the one thing shell save hik frok is being burned to ash.

    I certainly dobt give a fuck if anyone attacks his ass either because i mean. Really.
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  3. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Did you somehow miss that oe of the cronii was impaled by a crossbow bolt and the general reaction from everyone was "pffffhahaha"?
    I mean not to start a fight or anything but tbh I am kind of confused as to how anyone here got to the conclusion that someone would get mad if the cronuses were attacked.
    Also maybe wait for @furrylatula to respond and say something about this.
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  4. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    That is correct. I haven't requested anything on behalf of my characters, merely stated that some of them were going to be less present until this mishegoss toned down or went away. I mentioned this mostly because I know that there are some people who really do want Lise to come back and I figured they should know why she isn't around very much any more.

    Last night, it got to a point where I was so upset I dropped out of the scene.

    Although I will point out that not only does this nonsense make me upset as me personally, because I had a lot of adult conversations as a young kid that I wasn't really prepared to handle, and also because it's just gross...

    I think it's also worth considering that it's not much fun for players when they can't think of any characters they have that are fun to play in an environment. I like playing the thylas but they're limited in that they cannot talk.
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  5. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    No I didn't miss that but I was trying the "just ignore them" advice?
  6. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I've been missing them yeah. Which is why I tend to immediately jump them if I see them around.
  7. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    fighty fox attempting guardian noises remains a Beautiful Thing
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  8. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    CHILDREN ARE SO GOOD. SO PURE. Even their cruelty is pure!
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  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    My general impression is that you should have maybe said something before you got so upset you literally couldn't handle it any more. The OOC chat is literally there for the express purpose that this kind of stuff doesn't happen anymore. Because now we have a thread to go "hey could you maybe tone it down or stick it under a spoiler it's kinda bothering me."
    That was not what this post was in reference to.
    You said:
    Which to me reads like you expect people to get mad if bodily harm comes to any iteration of Cronus. This is simply untrue. Which I pointed out with the most recent example of "bodily harm comes to a cronus, everyone laughs."
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  10. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    considering the only warning that @furrylatula 's cronuses were making @cryptoThelematrix uncomfortable was brief ic ooc passive-aggression that i doubt anyone recognized as such until now, i think that this a pretty sudden and difficult complaint to deal with, and i wouldn't blame john if he wasn't capable of doing so

    like what @IvyLB is saying, ct, you should really communicate your ooc discomfort in the ooc thread. expressing ooc discomfort ic like this is honestly why i am sometimes uncomfortable with roleplaying with you
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  11. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Please stop tagging him.
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  12. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I can't read Tempest's quirk at all? It's like trying to read Arabic when powerpoint fucks up and disconnects all the letters.
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  13. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    yeah, he made that request while i was trying to figure out how to word my objection. it's slower typing on mobile, and i am more cautious about what i say when it comes to interpersonal conflict
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  14. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    It's okay! It was directed more generally at the people in here.
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  15. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    It's supposed to emulate morse.

    Generally speaking, should I go back to proper morse with a translation spoilered below? This quirk is so stupid to write I wrote a script to take it off my hands.
  16. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    That would work better for me at least. Not sure how hard that would be on you. Just my eyes really can't put the letters altogether.
  17. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Just another quirkifier script.
  18. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

  19. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    I was not personally freaked out, nor were any clear lines crossed, until the porno discussion last night.

    Up until then it was mainly IC so I struggled with it a lot. People were tagging Valiska so I did mention that she would not be around. I guess that could be seen as passive aggressive, but people tagged her even after Ford said she was staying away, which, fine.

    Last night I was really personally upset so that's when I brought it up.

    You and I have not had problems, even you were freaked out by Sal.

    I am not asking any characters to go away.

    I do have a problem where I think I am able to handle things that make me unhappy because I feel I should be able to handle them and then suddenly I realise that the water has come to a boil and I am the frog. I own that but sometimes I am really afraid to say anything because I just want something to stop and not have to spend three days on argument island and it all spills over into my own game.
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  20. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    People have defended Itch before. *shrug*

    Right now I wish I hadn't said anything, I would just like to witness less IC child abuse.
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