Shitposting Rave OOC

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by swirlingflight, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    Tammy and the True Meaning Of Christmas involves at least one rant abt capitalism, several gripes about Santa Claus, something abt spending time with friends and/or family and also Jesus

    Also, cookies. Cookies are a vital part of Christmas.
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  2. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    I took a nap and Christmas prep started without me!
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  3. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Heh. Just a tree. Come christmas there may be a robot kitten sleeping under it. he´s totally a present ok?
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  4. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I hate that the DA universe has a holiday called Satinalia, it is goofy as hell (NAME IT SATURNALIA PROPERLY OR MAKE SOMETHING UP!), but it's a rough Christmas-analogue so it seemed appropriate.

    The wolf mask is for Maximum Irony since this Berit hasn't finished the campaign yet, and also bc I think it would be rad if city elves, in integrating bits of Dalish lore into Andrastean celebrations, found a place for the Dread Wolf in this celebrations of reversals and masks and fools-being-crowned-king.
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  5. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Is there such a thing as TOO MUCH dramatic irony? Stay tuned to find out, dear readers. :P
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  6. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I'm going to roll with headcanons about Tevinter and Tevene celebrations to say that whatever Satinalia house party Dorian and Helios went to, it was a raunchy one. :P
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  7. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    Merry christmas. The only reason he's not wearing his giant boa constrictor as clothing is that someone probably convinced him that it was a Bad Idea before he went to the party.
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  8. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Also, for posterity, Helios's Satinalia getup:

    helios satinalia.png
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  9. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Fucking LOL, poor Reed.
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  10. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    not her best christmas! :P At least game-timeline Cassie still doesn't know.

    (Leda Glass the morally dubious SHOWED UP in our game, our GM described her and I was like "hey, she's stealing my look!" and then I realized who she was describing and had to mute my mic so I could completely lose my shit. But Reed completely avoided the floor she was on and so has no idea Cayla and Dyce met her scary clone-mom.)
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  11. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    (Having talked to said GM, it is now #canon that Leda got drunk at a holiday office party once and went downstairs to try to have an intensely philosophical conversation with teen Reed, who was terrified and confused and did not understand the trolley problem, much to Leda's despair.)

    (also obviously you don't HAVE to but if anyone WANTED to read the backstory snippet i sent the players you certainly COULD.. feat. the first appearance of angry teen reed, and leda being terrifying)
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  12. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    I think Rayi likes Berit. :P
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  13. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    dont do this to me its christmas eve and im running out of cronuses
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  14. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    but you have so many cronus bloodswaps left to go
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  15. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    you brought cerulean cronus upon yourself
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  16. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    Art by @PRelations

    That's Vermilion, don't mind him he's just grumpy from having his memory and everything about himself stripped.
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  17. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    you know that was supposed to be @Cronus J. Ampora but im keeping it

    its too iconic
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  18. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Ah that's what's going on. If Soundy tries to talk him into it the Ford could probably be induced to light a menorah. Or do Pennarine Longest Night stuff.
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  19. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Yes. Soundy is curious, since the giant robots don´t do winter celebration, but he´s mostly in it for presents and candy.
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  20. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art


    Static (@OP 13) was made or enhanced by a post-apocalyptic research base stationed out of a pre-apocalyptic research and military base. They have a lot of salvaged tech, a lot of new stuff they've cobbled together, and some very, very rare stuff they'd managed to get from one of the other major civilizations in Germany-and-nearby that had recovered pretty well from the magic enema that apocalypsed the world. Part of why Triax (the German-and-around-there civilization) did so well coming out of the apocalypse was that it was a fuckhuge corporation instead of a country, and also that it had dealings with another company, Mindwerks.

    Mindwerks was the inventor of M.O.M. (Mind Over Matter) implants before the apocalypse, which boost psychic ability. They were kind of a flop because there was very little potential psychic energy before magic came back, but once it DID M.O.M.s are hugely popular. People with negligible psychic abilities can now have functioning powers if they have enough MOMs stuck in their head. People with lots of MOMs are commonly called 'crazies' because it turns out cranking up your psychic output when your brain isn't built for it makes you kiind of unstable! Mindwerks also did a whole bunch of other stuff I can't remember, all to do with messing with the brain. The founder did a lot of testing on herself, and, well. Crazies. Hers manifested as absolute paranoia, and shortly before the world ended she went full-conversion 'borg with MOMs (the only psychic cyborg I can remember), which took a LOT of MOMs to keep the power consistent which made her even more unstable. Thanks to her research on the brain, she also... partially uploaded herself? The sourcebook left it vague but her brain has to be at least partially organic for the MOMs to work, but she's been around for some 500 years so we handwaved it as her being able to hook up to her network like machine people can, when her meat-brain is being maintenanced to keep it fresh.

    I'm too lazy to get the book and can't remember if her daughter was pre- or post- apocalypse, but she (adopted?) one at some point who went partial-conversion borg. The founder of Mindwerks, whose first name was Angel, started going by "The Angel of Death" and kept her research going even after magic came back. She was working with the gargoyles for test subjects, and once Triax was able to start fighting back she started supporting them at the same time.

    Anyway, she's always making prototype MOMs and implants and stuff. And since Triax and the Coalition States (in North America) have business, she sent spies to Lone Star to see what they were working on. Most of the time she sets her prototypes to explode if tampered with, but Lone Star wanted to see Static's potential defensive capabilities when they took down the spy, and they were able to block they 'blow up now' signal. Their reward... was MOMs. Back-engineered double-prototype MOMs! Fortunately only a few, since Static was already pretty psychic, but still.

    Eventually the crew of the Behemoth 'stole' them (they were hired to steal the system serving as OP 13, which had been determined by an enemy of the Coalition to be artificial. They were very surprised when it turned out to be a person. They finished the job but refused to hand Static over, but it worked because their boss had no idea what to do with a person anyway and the main thing was getting rid of the failsafe) and that was that. For a while.

    Eventually they ran into another of Mindwerk's spies, who noticed that Static was emitting a prototype MOM signal. When the Angel of Death found out she flipped a shit, assumed it was the crew of the Behemoth that somehow stole it, and sent her daughter to kill them all. Things Happened, and eventually Static was able to sync with the Angel of Death's own network. While she was hooked up to it. And they Did Battle. It was glorious, especially since Rifts doesn't have a system for it, like Cyberpunk or Shadowrun. It was all Mental Endurance rolls while our Angel (full name Angeline Ryder, did not appreciate being confused with Mindwerk's Angel) and Micah the bodyfixer kept Static from exploding/aneurysing respectively and the rest of the crew fought the daughter. It ended with the daughter in pieces fleeing back to the original Mindwerks facility and the digital parts of the AoD's brain thoroughly fried.
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