Shitposting Rave OOC

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by swirlingflight, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    OK but this is not the first time he's done this.

    Remember when he didn't stop talking about how he got tricked by Bill even AFTER Mabel told him that she, Ford, Dipper and Kelly had all been tricked by Bill with much more serious consequences in every one of those cases, and every time he brought it up he just reminded them all of it?

    I'm not jumping on you, it's just that this is a consistent pattern with Norm and it would help him so much if he did it even 50% less than he does rn.
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  2. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    sorry for the delayed response!! i fell asleep :')
  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I fell asleep too :P no worries!
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  4. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    just ftr i'm pulling most of this out of my ass! so it may or may not be the same for any hypothetical other cats rpers
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  5. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    stares at my hands

    i barely know this fandom but i see vain jackass and go to town
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  6. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

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  7. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    (also not sure how important this is, but i'm playing misto as actually being pretty fond of tugger. he just deliberately plays up the "intellectual resents rebel/cool guy" stereotype in public)
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  8. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    tugger assumes everyone fucking loves him by default and responds accordingly

    this usually translates to friendliness
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  9. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    [frantically attempts to backfill linguistics for the origins of fanon terms that have long since been lost to the depths of the internet]
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  10. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    i love rum tum tugger <3 a+ good job fl.
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  11. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Yes both these cats are Excellent

    If anyone wants robot deity incest mentions spoilered lmk, not too sure where the line is with that
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  12. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    tugger hasnt been anywhere near macavity but at this point hes half convinced himself he has
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  13. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    yeah, this is a gr8 tugger and i'm having a lot of fun!

    ftr, i'm playing relationships/crushes as ??? if they involve other people, so unless you're cool with it, FL, misto's feelings have been strictly friendly this whole time
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  14. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    i dont mind at all!! think its kinda cute actually lmAO
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  15. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    • Like x 2
  16. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    DO KEEP IN MIND...........90% of tuggers flirting isnt serious and he also has a tendency to pursue someone up until they reciprocate and then bail entirely bc Nahhhhh
    • Like x 3
  17. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    i wouldn't expect anything otherwise! ;0

    i figure half the reason tugger even bothers is that misto is so loud about Not Being Interested
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  18. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    norm, as a result of his backstory, has not had much experience with caring about people, so the sans and zach thing is literally the only time he's ever had a purely altruistic reason to object to someone's relationship with someone else.
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  19. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger


    tfw you post as your main
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  20. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    it works to my advantage when im @totally not FL

    his mustache just falls off whenever i forget 2 subaccount
    • Like x 5
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