Shitposting Rave OOC

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by swirlingflight, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    And again, wouldn't be the stupidest war he's ever heard of :P At least meat-eating could theoretically be a religious thing or resource management!

    But certain TF canons have the start of the Autobot-Decepticon war literally be "I'm pretty sure we should/not plunge literally the entire planet into anarchy for the sake of completely tearing down the broken parts of the government," which boils down to "my plan is better than your plan, let's have a four million year war over this hissyfit"
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  2. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    reminder that the clown is a very not nice person
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  3. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    orb!church just shot a laser from his face at the clown
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  4. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    the clown is still trying to fight him anyways
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  5. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    i missed this earlier, but i am giggling to myself bc it would be pretty hilarious if church actually tried to take orlandeau up on his joke offer from before
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  6. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Did you mean: the K'Kree?'kree

    (they are terrible and I hate them)
  7. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i never heard of them before, so no.*

    *super literal answer. may not the response you were looking for.
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  8. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    pfft, my ooc views are in this case p much exactly the same as ford's. :) I do not care if people are vegan because they can do whatever they want but the second they give me shit they will get it right back. *shrug*
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  9. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I read the base description and skimmed a bit and all I can say is grumpy warrior centaurs that are herbivorous sound hot. Sign me the fuck up for getting kidnapped like I'm that pink bitch from Harry Potter.
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  10. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    also I used to work at a research hospital and I am a big proponent of conservation through domestication so fuck that noise.
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  11. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    they hate women (not that you are one, but I have a big problem with that)
  12. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

  13. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    they ACTUALLY hate women, they're not just doms who are good at pretending they do.
  14. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Oh no. That's what I meant by kink. If I can't make misogyny sexy to myself even at its most raw then I have failed.
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  15. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    remember that @Aondeug is not actually in danger of getting fucked by the K'kree, since they do not exist, and so you really don't need to worry about them
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  16. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I feel like a bad person because all I can think of Cronus summoning up are Porrim blow up dolls.
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  17. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    mara has made norm really mad at everyone with the marin karin, thus the aggression at chroma.
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  18. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    I know that in my head I'm just generally alarmed by that sort of thing as a kink. I fear that compared to @Aondeug I'm frightfully vanilla. I mean I'm the kind of top that Valiska is. Ties you down and tells you you're pretty and makes you cry when you need to.

    And I'm not much of a sub at all.
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  19. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i'm not as kinky as @Aondeug but i'm also not easily alarmed by kinks, so yeah, when you said the thing, it read to me like you thought they'd go into space, find the K'kree, fuck them and get wrecked, even though i knew my interpretation made no sense.
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  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Chroma is abusing her "Having A Dad" privileges in the traditional way. Being a bratty spoiled five year old.
    • Like x 5
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